Tuesday, December 12, 2017

12/12 Ken Timmerman, Joe Guzzardi

Talkback TUE 12 DEC 2017
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Kenneth R. Timmerman - Best-selling author ,President and CEO, Foundation for Democracy in Iran.  Author of  Deception: the Making of the YouTube Video Hillary and Obama Blamed for Benghazi,  also  , Dark Forces: The Truth About What Happened in Benghazi  , St. Peter’s Bones, a novel of the Persecuted Church in Iraq; and Countdown to Crisis: the Coming Nuclear Showdown with Iran,  Ken was the Republican nominee for Congress, Maryland District 8 in 2012, and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, 2006. (www.iran.org )  ( www.KenTimmerman.com)(://www.frontpagemag.com)  

    “New York attempted terror attack: Luck is not a policy"

Joe Guzzardi is a Californians for Population Stabilization Senior Writing Fellow and National Media Director. His Op-eds about California social issues have appeared in newspapers throughout California and have been nationally syndicated for 27 years. In 2003 he was candidate for California Governor. For 25 years he taught English as a second language to immigrants from all over the world for the Lodi Ca Unified School Dist. in 2008 he retired and moved to Pittsburgh Pa. His current articles and blogs appear at CAPS on capsweb.org, Noozhawk.com and at Cagle (http://cagle.com). Joe's archive of previously posted columns is at VDARE.com (www.vdare.com) follow Joe on Twitter @joeguzzardi19.

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