Wednesday, January 4, 2023

01/04/23 Dvorak , DeGroff

 Talkback Wed 4 Jan 2023  Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM PDST CRN 1\

Kimberly Dvorak Award winning national security and border security investigative reporter for TV, radio, and print media, Kimberly is the Senior Foreign Policy Advisor for The Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy. She’s a TV correspondent for CW6 News in San Diego as well as One America News Network. ( ( ( Streaming live Now at Facebook . " Her latest "
Debbie DeGroff became interested in the subject of children’s books when her oldest child began to read. While perusing the then current literature of the eighties, she noted the contrast between those books and the books she had read as a child. Upon reading more, curiosity then shifted to concern. This spawned a lifetime of research and a resounding cry for parents to look into their children's books. ( her book " Between the Covers: What’s Inside a Children’s Book? "

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