Tuesday, May 31, 2022

05/31/22 Vernuccio , Salvato

  Talkback   Tue 31 May 2022   Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM   PDT   http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1   

Frank Vernuccio Editor-in-Chief of the NY Analysis of Policy and Government, covering both national and international matters also host of the radio program, "The Vernuccio /Novak  Report" ,and Co-host of the TV news show, The American Political Zone.  (www.usagovpolicy.com) Frank is also on ANU TV  Get your free newsletter ANLPOLGOV@GMAIL.COM "Intelligence Chiefs Outline Major Threats" 

Frank Salvato is the host of the Underground USA podcast, heard everywhere podcasts are heard. His is the author of six monographs examining political and ideological threats facing our country, and he can be heard twice weekly on “The Captain’s America: Third Watch” syndicated nationally on the Salem and Genesis Communications affiliate stations. His web site is (WWW.Undergroundusa.com) 

 Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/  Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)  Midnight-2AM  on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)   Live Feed Ch 1  via phone now available at 631 359 8434   *  So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc  Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc"       The list:  https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/   My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM   facebook.com/TalkbackwithChuckWilder

Monday, May 30, 2022

05/30/22 Best Of Goudsmit , Price

  Talkback   MON 30 May   Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM   PDT   http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1      

                   Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May. It was formerly known as Decoration Day and commemorates all men and women who have died in military service for the United States. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials on Memorial Day and it is traditionally seen as the start of the summer season.

                                             Todays program is a Best of 

Hour 1:  Linda Goudsmit is the author of the philosophy book Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? and its political sequel, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’. Her latest book The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage completes Linda’s trilogy of insightful books. Together they connect the philosophical, political, and psychological dots of globalism's multipronged war on America. Linda’s many current events articles are available on her website lindagoudsmit.com and Pundicity page goudsmit.pundicity.com. Her books, including her illustrated children’s book series, MIMI’S STRATEGY, are all available online at amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com. Discussing her new book, The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage.                          

Hour 2 : Bruce Deitrick Price is a novelist, artist, poet and educational activist. Author of Saving K-12, What happen to our Public School? And how do we fix them” Bruce is Listed in Who's Who in America 2014. He is a Member of PEN and Mensa. He writes about culture, language and education for his site (Improve-Education.org) Price's literary site is Lit4u.com . Read his articles at: Renewamerica.com."Discussing his latest" 

 Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/  Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)  Midnight-2AM  on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)     Live Feed Ch 1  via phone now available at 631 359 8434   *  So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc  Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc"  The list:  https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/   My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM 


Friday, May 27, 2022

05/27/22 Joe Mantegna, Major Gen Graham, Garrett, Duke

     Talkback  Fri 27 May 2022    Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM   PDT   http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1      

Joe Mantegna Tony winng actor and Major General Mark Graham (RET.) Discussing "The National Memorial Concert.  A tribuute to the service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. It will be broadcast Sunday May 29. 5 PM Pacific time 8 PM Eastern Time on PBS Nation wide. (https://www.pbs.org/show/national-memorial-day-concert/)

Judd Garrett After six years as a professional football player, including with the 1993 Super Bowl Champion Dallas Cowboys, he began a 12-year coaching career with the Saints, Dolphins, Rams and Cowboys, and served another 12 years as a personnel executive with the Cowboys.Judd has written two screenplays and is a frequent contributor on the topics of sports and politics to Real Clear Politics. No Wind is his first published novel. Judd is married and the father of six children. Judd's blog: https://www.objectivityistheobjective.com/"His Latest;  Senseless" 

Selwyn Duke Writer for The New American, Selwyn has also contributed to college textbooks published by Gale – Cengage Learning, He has appeared on television and is a frequent guest on radio. His website is www.SelwynDuke.com."Latest "  

 Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/  Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)  Midnight-2AM  on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)   Live Feed Ch 1  via phone now available at 631 359 8434  *  So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc  Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc"      The list:  https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/   My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM   facebook.com/TalkbackwithChuckWilder

Thursday, May 26, 2022

05/26/22 Motley , Rubin , Guzzardi

  Talkback THR 26 May 2022   

 Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM   PDT 

 http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1

Seton Motley President of Less Government. (www. lessgovernment.org) "His latest"  

David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh Israel, is the author of the book, “Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel” Rubin is founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, established after he and his then three-year-old son were wounded in a terror attack. He can be found at www.DavidRubinIsrael.com or at www.ShilohIsraelChildren.org  "His latest including Israel plans to join UN World Health Organization" 

Joe Guzzardi is a nationally syndicated newspaper columnist who writes about immigration and related social issues. Joe joined Progressives for Immigration Reform in 2018 as an analyst after a ten-year career directing media relations for Californians for Population Stabilization, where he also was a Senior Writing Fellow. A native Californian, Joe now lives in Pennsylvania. Contact him at jguzzardi@pfirdc.org. Also joeguzzardi@substack.com  Guzzardi also is a Society for American Baseball Research and Internet Baseball Writers Association member. (SABR.ORG) Stories also at WWW.CAGLE.COM . Contact him at guzzjoe@yahoo.com. Twitter.com  @JoeGuzzardi19 " His latest including: All Ukraine, All the Time!

 Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/  Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)  Midnight-2AM  on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)     Live Feed Ch 1  via phone now available at 631 359 8434   *  So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc  Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc"      The list:  https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/   My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM 


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

05/25/22 Willeford , Dvorak , Federer

 Talkback WED 25 May 2022  Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM PDT  http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1

Stephen Willeford   Member of the SAF and CCRKBA . After helping stop the deadliest mass shooting in the history of Texas in November 2017, Stephen has become known across the country as the “good guy with a gun Stephens official website is www.stephenwilleford.com. You can read more about the Gun Owners of America At:  www.gunowners.org/. His latest.

Kimberly Dvorak Award winning national security and border security investigative reporter for TV, radio, and print media, Kimberly is the Senior Foreign Policy Advisor for The Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy. She’s a TV correspondent for CW6 News in San Diego as well as One America News Network. (www.thekdreport.com) (http://www.SanDiego6.com/home/) (www.OANN.com) Streaming live Now at Facebook . "Her latest"
William J. Federer Is a former U.S. Congressional Candidate , nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America's noble heritage. Author of America's God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations .and his AMERICAN MINUTE radio feature, recalling events of American significance on the date they occurred, is broadcast daily across the country and read by thousands on the Internet. He is also the author of the updated What Every American Needs to Know about the Qur'an - A History of Islam & the United States .And also Change To Chains, Does history give us a clue as to where all this is all headed? The Treacherous World of the 16th Century & How the Pilgrims Escaped It, Miracles in American History. Latest : The History of Socialism. (www.Amerisearch.net) (www.AmericanMinute.com) "So Help Me God , What is the Purpose of an Oath? "

Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/
Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)
Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed Ch 1 via phone now available at 631 359 8434
* So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc"
The list: https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/  My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

05/24/22 Vernuccio , Goudsmit

 Talkback TUE 24 May 2022  Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM PDST  http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1

Frank Vernuccio Editor-in-Chief of the NY Analysis of Policy and Government, covering both national and international matters also host of the radio program, "The Vernuccio /Novak Report" ,and Co-host of the TV news show, The American Political Zone. (www.usagovpolicy.com) Frank is also on ANU TV Get your free newsletter ANLPOLGOV@GMAIL.COM  

Linda Goudsmit is the author of the philosophy book Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? and its political sequel, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’. Her latest release The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage completes Linda’s trilogy of insightful books. Together they connect the philosophical, political, and psychological dots of globalism's multipronged war on America. Linda’s many current events articles are available on her websites lindagoudsmit.com and goudsmit.pundicity.com. Her books, including her illustrated children’s book series, Mimi’s Strategy, are available online at amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.

Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/
Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)
Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed Ch 1 via phone now available at 631 359 8434
* So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc"
The list: https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/
My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM facebook.com/TalkbackwithChuckWilder

Monday, May 23, 2022

05/23/22 Jones , Salvato

 Talkback Mon 23 May 2022  Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM PDST  http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1

Karla Jones is the Senior Director of the ALEC Task Force on federalism and international relations. (www.ALEC.ORG )  "There’s a Better Way to Manage America’s Public Lands"
Frank Salvato is the host of the Underground USA podcast, heard everywhere podcasts are heard. His is the author of six monographs examining political and ideological threats facing our country, and he can be heard twice weekly on “The Captain’s America: Third Watch” syndicated nationally on the Salem and Genesis Communications affiliate stations. His web site is (WWW.Undergroundusa.com) "The Next Elections Actually Need To Be Referendums"
Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/ Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F) Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F) Live Feed Ch 1 via phone now available at 631 359 8434 * So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc" The list: https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/
My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM facebook.com/TalkbackwithChuckWilder

Friday, May 20, 2022

05/20/22 Garrett , Duke

 Talkback FRI 20 May 2022  Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM PDST  http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1

Judd Garrett After six years as a professional football player, including with the 1993 Super Bowl Champion Dallas Cowboys, he began a 12-year coaching career with the Saints, Dolphins, Rams and Cowboys, and served another 12 years as a personnel executive with the Cowboys.Judd has written two screenplays and is a frequent contributor on the topics of sports and politics to Real Clear Politics. No Wind is his first published novel. Judd is married and the father of six children. Judd's blog: https://www.objectivityistheobjective.com/ "FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!"
Selwyn Duke Writer for The New American, Selwyn has also contributed to college textbooks published by Gale – Cengage Learning, He has appeared on television and is a frequent guest on radio. His website is www.SelwynDuke.com."latest

Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/ Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F) Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F) Live Feed Ch 1 via phone now available at 631 359 8434 * So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc" The list: https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/
My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM facebook.com/TalkbackwithChuckWilder

Thursday, May 19, 2022

05/19/22 Few , Motley , Guzzardi

  Talkback THR 19 May 2022    Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM   PDST   http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1    

Sheri Few is the Founder and President of United Parents Involved in Education (USPIE) whose mission is to end the US Department of Education and all federal education mandates. USPIE has established 20 state chapters and is growing rapidly amid the national outcry from parents who want to regain control of their children’s education. Sheri is a nationally recognized leader on education policy and is often quoted in conservative media and has spent much of the last year exposing Critical Race Theory and serving as Executive Producer for a new documentary film titled Truth and Lies in American Education.

 Seton Motley President of Less Government. (www. lessgovernment.org) "His latest" 

Joe Guzzardi is a nationally syndicated newspaper columnist who writes about immigration and related social issues. Joe joined Progressives for Immigration Reform in 2018 as an analyst after a ten-year career directing media relations for Californians for Population Stabilization, where he also was a Senior Writing Fellow. A native Californian, Joe now lives in Pennsylvania. Contact him at jguzzardi@pfirdc.org. Also joeguzzardi@substack.com  Guzzardi also is a Society for American Baseball Research and Internet Baseball Writers Association member. (SABR.ORG) Stories also at WWW.CAGLE.COM . Contact him at guzzjoe@yahoo.com. Twitter.com  @JoeGuzzardi19. "His latest"  

 Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/  Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)  Midnight-2AM  on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)    Live Feed Ch 1  via phone now available at 631 359 8434  *  So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc  Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc"       The list:  https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/  My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM   facebook.com/TalkbackwithChuckWilder

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

05/18/22 Dvorak , Goudsmit

  Talkback WED 18 May 2022     Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM   PDST   http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1    


Kimberly Dvorak   Award winning national security and border security investigative reporter for TV, radio, and print media, Kimberly is the Senior Foreign Policy Advisor for The Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy. She’s a TV correspondent for CW6 News in San Diego as well as One America News Network.   (www.thekdreport.com)   (http://www.SanDiego6.com/home/) (www.OANN.com)  Streaming live Now at Facebook .  "Her Latest" 

Linda Goudsmit is the author of the philosophy book Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? and its political sequel, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’. Her latest release The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage completes Linda’s trilogy of insightful books. Together they connect the philosophical, political, and psychological dots of globalism's multipronged war on America. Linda’s many current events articles are available on her websites lindagoudsmit.com and goudsmit.pundicity.com. Her books, including her illustrated children’s book series, Mimi’s Strategy, are available online at amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com."

 Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/  Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)  Midnight-2AM  on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)    Live Feed Ch 1  via phone now available at 631 359 8434   *  So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc  Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc"       The list:  https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/    My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM   facebook.com/TalkbackwithChuckWilder

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

05/17/22 Vernuccio , Wooldridge

 Talkback Tue 17 May 2022

Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM PDST
http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1
Frank Vernuccio Editor-in-Chief of the NY Analysis of Policy and Government, covering both national and international matters also host of the radio program, "The Vernuccio /Novak Report" ,and Co-host of the TV news show, The American Political Zone. (www.usagovpolicy.com) Frank is also on ANU TV Get your free newsletter ANLPOLGOV@GMAIL.COM 
Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents and 15 times across the United States. His published books include America on the Brink. Also How to Live a Life of Adventure. Also, How to Deal With 21ST Century American Women, Co-creating a successful relationship, “Living Your Spectacular Life." Also: Old Men Bicycling across America: A Journey beyond Old Age. ." And: Zen between Two Bicycle Wheels: Eat, Pedal, Sleep: Baby Boomers Bicycling America’s West Coast. Also Americas over Population Predicament” His latest novel is “Kickstand Chronicles” Most of his articles can be found at News with Views.Com .also Capsweb.org. (www.FrostyWooldridge.com) (www.newswithviews.com) (http://beforeitsnews.com) (amazon.com) Get the book at 1 888 519 5121."Alzheimer’s Disease Rampaging Across America: It Just Hit Our Home"
Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/ Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F) Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F) Live Feed Ch 1 via phone now available at 631 359 8434 * So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc" The list: https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/
My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM facebook.com/TalkbackwithChuckWilder

Monday, May 16, 2022

05/16/22 Edwards , Cutler , Salvato

 Talkback MON 16 May 2022  Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM PDST http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1

 Cam Edwards is the editor at Bearing Arms-dot-com and hosts the popular podcast Cam & Company that focuses on Second Amendment news and information. Cam is originally from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and has worked in radio, television, and online media for over two decades. He currently lives on a small farm with his family near Farmville, Virginia, and is a member of the board of Citizens Committee to Keep and Bear Arms. (SAF.ORG )"Update Ninth U.S. Circuit Court" 

Michael Cutler, retired Senior Special Agent of the former INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) Host of the Radio program- “The Michael Cutler Hour.” Mike has testified as an expert witness at numerous Congressional hearings on issues relating to the enforcement of immigration laws in the wake of the 9-11 attacks. .His articles can be found at (Newsmax.com). (www.michaelcutler.net) (www.frontpagemag.com) (www.TheAmericanconservative.com) (USINC.ORG) "The impact on the whole USA if ending Title 42"

Frank Salvato is the host of the Underground USA podcast, heard everywhere podcasts are heard. His is the author of six monographs examining political and ideological threats facing our country, and he can be heard twice weekly on “The Captain’s America: Third Watch” syndicated nationally on the Salem and Genesis Communications affiliate stations. His web site is (WWW.Undergroundusa.com) "His latest"
Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/ Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F) Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F) Live Feed Ch 1 via phone now available at 631 359 8434 * So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc" The list: https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/
My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM facebook.com/TalkbackwithChuckWilder

Friday, May 13, 2022

05/13/22 Garrett , Duke

  Talkback Fri 13 May 2022   Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM   PDT   http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1      

Judd Garrett is a former NFL player, coach, and executive. He is a frequent contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel, No Wind. Judd’s  Blog is  https://www.objectivityistheobjective.com/ "His article: The Process Matters" 

Selwyn Duke Writer for The New American, Selwyn has also contributed to college textbooks published by Gale – Cengage Learning, He has appeared on television and is a frequent guest on radio. His website is www.SelwynDuke.com."Latest including: The Real Terminator: The Autonomous Drone Swarm That Can Hunt Humans" 

 Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/  Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)  Midnight-2AM  on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)    Live Feed Ch 1  via phone now available at 631 359 8434  *  So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc  Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc"      The list:  https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/  My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM   facebook.com/TalkbackwithChuckWilder

Thursday, May 12, 2022

05/12/22 Rubin , Guzzardi

  Talkback  THR 12 May 2022 

 Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM   PDT 

 http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1     

David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh Israel, is the author of the book, “Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel” Rubin is founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, established after he and his then three-year-old son were wounded in a terror attack. He can be found at www.DavidRubinIsrael.com or at www.ShilohIsraelChildren.org "His latest" 


Joe Guzzardi is a nationally syndicated newspaper columnist who writes about immigration and related social issues. Joe joined Progressives for Immigration Reform in 2018 as an analyst after a ten-year career directing media relations for Californians for Population Stabilization, where he also was a Senior Writing Fellow. A native Californian, Joe now lives in Pennsylvania. Contact him at jguzzardi@pfirdc.org. Also joeguzzardi@substack.com  Guzzardi also is a Society for American Baseball Research and Internet Baseball Writers Association member. (SABR.ORG) Stories also at WWW.CAGLE.COM . Contact him at guzzjoe@yahoo.com. Twitter.com  @JoeGuzzardi19 His  Latest 

 Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

 Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)

 Midnight-2AM  on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)   

 Live Feed Ch 1  via phone now available at 631 359 8434 

 *  So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc  Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc" 

     The list:  https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/



Wednesday, May 11, 2022

05/11/22 Dvorak , Price

  Talkback Wed 11 May 2022   

 Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM   PDT 

 http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1      

Kimberly Dvorak   Award winning national security and border security investigative reporter for TV, radio, and print media, Kimberly is the Senior Foreign Policy Advisor for The Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy. She’s a TV correspondent for CW6 News in San Diego as well as One America News Network.   (www.thekdreport.com)   (http://www.SanDiego6.com/home/) (www.OANN.com)  Streaming live Now at Facebook . "Her Latest" 

Bruce Deitrick Price is the author of six books, including Saving K-12, What happen to our Public School? And how do we fix them. He is an artist, a poet, and an education reformer. He was born in Norfolk, Virginia, earned Honors in English Literature from Princeton, served two years in the Army, and then lived many years in Manhattan. Price explains educational theories and methods on his ed site Improve-Education.org (founded in 2005). He has over 400 education articles and videos on the Internet. More forcefully than most, Price argues that the public schools are mediocre because our Education Establishment wants them that way. Bruce Deitrick Price's literary site is Lit4u.com . Read his articles at: Renewamerica.com . "His article: Why is Elon Musk afraid of AI?"

 Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/  Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)  Midnight-2AM  on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)   Live Feed Ch 1  via phone now available at 631 359 8434  *  So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc  Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc" 

     The list:  https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/



Tuesday, May 10, 2022

05/10/22 Letts , Vernuccio , Arthur

  Talkback Tues 10 May 2022    Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM   PDST   http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1      

Michael Letts is the CEO and Founder of  In-Vest USA, a national grassroots nonprofit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs.  https://www.investusa.org/  " Pro-Abortion Protestors Hit Pastors Outside Supreme Court and Go Free "    

Frank Vernuccio Editor-in-Chief of the NY Analysis of Policy and Government, covering both national and international matters also host of the radio program, "The Vernuccio /Novak  Report" ,and Co-host of the TV news show, The American Political Zone.  (www.usagovpolicy.com) Frank is also on ANU TV  Get your free newsletter ANLPOLGOV@GMAIL.COM  "Biden’s Stealth Disarmament" 

Andrew “Art” Arthur serves as Resident Fellow in Law and Policy for the Center for Immigration Studies, He began his legal career in the Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer at the United States Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review. 1999, he was promoted to the INS’s General Counsel’s Office in Washington DC. In 2001, Mr. Arthur left the INS to become a Counsel on the House Judiciary Committee, serving for eight years as an Immigration Judge. At the beginning of the 114th Congress, he served as Staff Director of the National Security Subcommittee at House Oversight and Government Reform before taking retirement from federal service in September 2016. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia and of the George Washington University School of Law. (CIS.ORG)    

 Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/ Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F) Midnight-2AM  on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)   Live Feed Ch 1  via phone now available at 631 359 8434  *  So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc  Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc" 

     The list:  https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/



Monday, May 9, 2022

05/09/22 Romano , Salvato

  Talkback  Mon 9 May 2022   Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM   PDST   http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1      

 Robert Romano is the Vice President of Public Policy of Americans for Limited Government  (http://dailytorch.com) " Has the Fed already lost the war on inflation? "

 Frank Salvato is the host of the Underground USA podcast, heard everywhere podcasts are heard. His is the author of six monographs examining political and ideological threats facing our country, and he can be heard twice weekly on “The Captain’s America: Third Watch” syndicated nationally on the Salem and Genesis Communications affiliate stations. His web site is (WWW.Undergroundusa.com) "His latest"  

 Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/  Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)  Midnight-2AM  on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)   Live Feed Ch 1  via phone now available at 631 359 8434  *  So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc  Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc"      The list:  https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/  My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM   facebook.com/TalkbackwithChuckWilder

Friday, May 6, 2022

05/06/22 Few , Cutler , Duke

 Talkback FRI 6 May 2022    Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM PDST     http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1

Sheri Few is the Founder and President of United Parents Involved in Education (USPIE) whose mission is to end the US Department of Education and all federal education mandates. USPIE has established 20 state chapters and is growing rapidly amid the national outcry from parents who want to regain control of their children’s education. Sheri is a nationally recognized leader on education policy and is often quoted in conservative media and has spent much of the last year exposing Critical Race Theory and serving as Executive Producer for a new documentary film titled Truth and Lies in American Education. (http://www.uspie.org)"The sexualization of children"
Michael Cutler, retired Senior Special Agent of the former INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) Host of the Radio program- “The Michael Cutler Hour.” Mike has testified as an expert witness at numerous Congressional hearings on issues relating to the enforcement of immigration laws in the wake of the 9-11 attacks. .His articles can be found at (Newsmax.com). (www.michaelcutler.net) (www.frontpagemag.com) (www.TheAmericanconservative.com) (USINC.ORG) "His latest"
Selwyn Duke Writer for The New American, Selwyn has also contributed to college textbooks published by Gale – Cengage Learning, He has appeared on television and is a frequent guest on radio. His website is www.SelwynDuke.com. "His Latest" 
Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/ Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F) Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F) Live Feed Ch 1 via phone now available at 631 359 8434 * So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc" The list: https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/
My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM facebook.com/TalkbackwithChuckWilder

Thursday, May 5, 2022

05/05/22 Letts, Motley , Dr Plowhead, Guzzardi

  Talkback  THR 5 May 2022   Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM   PDST   http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1      

Michael Letts is the CEO and Founder of  In-Vest USA, a national grassroots nonprofit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs.  https://www.investusa.org/ "What happens when a police department isn’t fully staffed? A rise in crime, it seems." 

Seton Motley President of Less Government. (www. lessgovernment.org)  "His latest" 

Dr. Angela Plowhead Angela is, a US House Candidate in Oregon's 6th congressional district, She began her career as a signals intelligence analyst with the U.S. Air Force. She earned an associate’s degree in applied science at the Community College of the Air Force, majoring in Communications Applications Technologies, then went on to earn her Bachelor of Science in Occupational Education from Wayland Baptist University with a major in human services and minors in business and communications applications technologies and an M.A. and Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from George Fox University. She completed an internship at the Vanderbelt/VA consortium and a postdoctoral residency program at the Portland Veterans Administration (VA). She is a Clinical Psychologist with a specialty in Geropsychology.  (www.AngelaforOregon.com)  "The importance of title IX " 

Joe Guzzardi is a nationally syndicated newspaper columnist who writes about immigration and related social issues. Joe joined Progressives for Immigration Reform in 2018 as an analyst after a ten-year career directing media relations for Californians for Population Stabilization, where he also was a Senior Writing Fellow. A native Californian, Joe now lives in Pennsylvania. Contact him at jguzzardi@pfirdc.org. Also joeguzzardi@substack.com  Guzzardi also is a Society for American Baseball Research and Internet Baseball Writers Association member. (SABR.ORG) Stories also at WWW.CAGLE.COM . Contact him at guzzjoe@yahoo.com. Twitter.com  @JoeGuzzardi19  "His latest:  

 Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/  Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)  Midnight-2AM  on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)   Live Feed Ch 1  via phone now available at 631 359 8434   *  So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc  Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc"       The list:  https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/  My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM 


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

05/04/22 Dvorak , Goudsmit

 Talkback Wed 4 May 2022  Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM PDST   http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1

Kimberly Dvorak Award winning national security and border security investigative reporter for TV, radio, and print media, Kimberly is the Senior Foreign Policy Advisor for The Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy. She’s a TV correspondent for CW6 News in San Diego as well as One America News Network. (www.thekdreport.com) (http://www.SanDiego6.com/home/) (www.OANN.com)and you tube. Streaming live Now at Facebook . Her latest report 
Linda Goudsmit is the author of the philosophy book Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? and its political sequel, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’. Her latest release The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage completes Linda’s trilogy of insightful books. Together they connect the philosophical, political, and psychological dots of globalism's multipronged war on America. Linda’s many current events articles are available on her websites lindagoudsmit.com and goudsmit.pundicity.com. Her books, including her illustrated children’s book series, Mimi’s Strategy, are available online at amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com."Power and Powerlessness: Globalism's War on Children"

Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/ Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F) Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F) Live Feed Ch 1 via phone now available at 631 359 8434 * So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc" The list: https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/
My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM facebook.com/TalkbackwithChuckWilder

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

05/03/22 Vernuccio , Zaslawsky

  Talkback TUE 3 May 2022     Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM   PDST   http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1   

Frank Vernuccio Editor-in-Chief of the NY Analysis of Policy and Government, covering both national and international matters also host of the radio program, "The Vernuccio /Novak  Report" ,and Co-host of the TV news show, The American Political Zone.  (www.usagovpolicy.com) Frank is also on ANU TV  Get your free newsletter ANLPOLGOV@GMAIL.COM     ""World War III Looms"    

Cherie Zaslawsky is a writer, freelance editor, and private educator/teacher/writing coach for high school students, as well as a confirmed Constitutionalist who nevertheless lives in California. Her work appears in Renew America, Lew Rockwell, American Thinker, Canada Free Press, WND, The Published Reporter, and more including News with Views.com "Dr. Scott W. Atlas: An American Hero"

 Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/  Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)  Midnight-2AM  on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)   Live Feed Ch 1  via phone now available at 631 359 8434   *  So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc  Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc"       The list:  https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/  My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM   facebook.com/TalkbackwithChuckWilder

Monday, May 2, 2022

05/02/22 Wooldridge , Salvato

  Talkback  MON 2 May 2020   Chuck Wilder 9-11 AM   PDST   http://crntalk.com/ CRN 1      

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents and 15 times across the United States. His published books include America on the Brink. Also How to Live a Life of Adventure. Also, How to Deal With 21ST Century American Women, Co-creating a successful relationship, “Living Your Spectacular Life." Also: Old Men Bicycling across America: A Journey beyond Old Age. ." And: Zen between Two Bicycle Wheels: Eat, Pedal, Sleep: Baby Boomers Bicycling America’s West Coast. also  Americas Over Population Predicament” His new novel is “Kickstand Chronicles”   Most of his articles can be found at News with Views.Com .also Capsweb.org.  (www.FrostyWooldridge.com) (www.newswithviews.com) (http://beforeitsnews.com) (amazon.com)    Get the book at 1 888 519 5121

Frank Salvato is the executive partner at The CompassPoint Group and host of the Underground USA podcast. His analysis has been cited by the US House International Relations Committee and has been published by The American Enterprise Institute, The Washington Times, and are internationally syndicated. Frank is the author of six monographs examining the threats facing our country. He can be heard twice weekly on “The Captain’s America: Third Watch” syndicated nationally on the Salem and Genesis Communications affiliate stations. (www.Undergroundusa.com) "His latest update" 

 Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/  Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)  Midnight-2AM  on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)   Live Feed Ch 1  via phone now available at 631 359 8434  *  So many ways to listen.. "Hey Google play CRN 1..etc  Or "Alexa play CRN 1..etc"       The list:  https://crntalk.com/howtolisten/  My email is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM 
