Thursday, September 30, 2010

10/1 Fred Lucas, Kerry Picket, Erick Erickson,Greg Evensen

Talkback Fri Oct 1, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Fred Lucus CNS News.Com " An investigation into ACORN, also IRS Can't Verify claims Obama is making" (

Kerry Picket Washington Times " Democrat Patrick Leahy proposes a bill that would allow retired Supreme Court Justices to sit on the court, also Alan Grayson subpoenaed over tea party candidate" (

Erick Erickson
Editor of Red State.Com, discussing his just released book Red State Uprising, How to Take Back America , co authored with Lewis K Uhler. "Politicians on Both sides of the aisle had better pay attention, we are at a tipping point" (

Greg Evensen Former Kansas State Trooper , he was awarded the Governor's Award for heroism .Author of the Survival Manual, teaching people how to defend their homes. Today discussing his latest News With Views Article" The Time Has Arrived: Is rebellion at Hand? " ( (

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

9/30 Phil Kerpen, Katie Gage, Dinesh D'Souza, Kevin Collins

Talkback Thu Sep 30, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Phil Kerpen Vice President of Policy for Americans for Prosperity "Congressional Misrepresentation and a Lame Duck Congress" (

Katie Gage Executive Director of the Workforce Fairness Institute ,also a columnist for "The Big Labor Agenda" (

Dinesh D'Souza New York Times Best Selling Author . His Latest Book The Roots of Obama's Rage, "Exploring the Real Obama , a Man shaped by experiences far different from those of most Americans."

Kevin " Coach" Collins From the Coach is Right Column " Discussing some of his most recent postings:
Obama Lied about Health care, How the time zones could effect the elections and When voting remember about Democrats and their Federal Union pals" (

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Monday, September 27, 2010

9/29 John Wohlstetter,Rabbi Nachum Shifren,David North,Connie Hair

Talkback Wed Sep 29, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

John Wohlstetter senior fellow at the Discovery Institute and editor of the blog Letter from the Capitol,
"GOP regulars need to ponder election results and ask if it is not time to reform their own ranks."also
Mideast Peace Process" ( (

Rabbi Nachum Schifren The surfing Rabbi, author:"Kill Your Teacher", documents the total breakdown in Dorsey High School where he taught in an atmosphere of threats, violence, and corruption. Candidate for State Senate ." His meeting this Monday, and discussing the States major problems" "(

David North Spokesperson and writer for CIS Center For Immigration Studies."Looking at some of his most recent articles, Unv. of California get Bonus from feds for selecting Foreign Grad Students, also Private Immigration Bills" (

Connie Hair Connie's Congress at Human Events" Obama Kneecaps Airlines "

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Friday, September 24, 2010

9/28 Bret McMahon,Karen Harned,Jim Kouri

Talkback Tue Sep 28, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Bret Mc Mahon V.P. Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) is a national association representing 25,000 merit shop construction and construction related firms in 79 chapters across the United States."The Bush Tax Cuts" (

Karen Harned Executive Director of NFIB National Federation of Independent Business, a United States organization representing the interests of small businesses ."Discussing Obamacare, and how it Raises Cost for the average American" (

Jim Kouri
Vice President of the National Association for Chiefs of Police, Writer for and News With ."A look at his most recent stories"
( (

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

For those of you who ask , here is GO GREEN

I do not like this Uncle Sam,
I do not like his health care scam.
I do not like these dirty crooks,
or how they lie and cook the books.
I do not like when Congress steals,
I do not like their secret deals.
I do not like this speaker Nan ,
I do not like this 'YES, WE CAN'.
I do not like this spending spree---
I'm smart, I know that nothing's free.
I do not like your smug replies,
when I complain about your lies.
I do not like this kind of hope.
I do not like it. nope, nope, nope!

Go green - recycle Congress in 2010!

9/27 Tom Pauken, Joy Tiz, Dr James Robbins

Talkback Mon Sep 27, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Tom Pauken chairman of the Texas Workforce Commission. veteran of the Nixon and Reagan administrations, and former state chairman of the Texas Republican Party, author of Bringing America Home Today discussing the House Republicans Pledge . (

Joy Tiz Author: Obamanutz , a cult leader takes the white house. Today a look at some of her recent articles including "Don't Let Your Kids Grow Up To Be Goth Kids"(

Dr James S Robbins Senior editorial writer for Foreign Affairs at the Washington Times "Discussing his latest book This Time We Win Revisiting the Tet Offensive. " ( (

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Thursday, September 23, 2010

9/24 Terence Jeffrey,Bob Beauprez,Selwyn Duke

Talkback Fri Sep 24, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Terence P Jeffery Editor in Chief CNS News.Com " House Republicans Pledge to 'Repeal and Replace' Obamacare plus common -sense solutions to protect American jobs" Terry is author of Control Freaks:
7 Ways Liberals Plan to Ruin Your Life "(

Bob Beauprez Former Colorado Congressman He is the publisher of a monthly e-magazine called A Line of Sight (, a public policy and opinion resource on current political issues. Today, "Boo! O'Donnell Joins Hilary in the Witchcraft Dept.? " also Black Panthers Clawed Voters: Tails Caught in Trap"

Selwyn Duke News With Views " Barack Obama- The Man Who Could Be God" and "Law looks the other way while Pro -Lifers are Attack" ( (

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9/23 Kerry Picket,Frosty Wooldridge,Al Garza,David Bego

Talkback Thu Sep 23, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Kerry Picket The Washington Times Her article " Massachusetts Public School Children taught to pray to Allah" VIDEO :

Frosty Wooldridge News With Views” Discussing the article ““US Immigration Reform Is Vital—But World Population Growth Coming Like A Tsunami”( (

Al Garza
Founder/ President of Patriots Coalition , Discussing Arizona's SB 1070 also the defeat of the Dream Act and the new policy on deportations" (

David A. Bego
Author Devil at My Doorstep the war with Andy Stern and the SEIU , from 2006 to present day. His latest "SEIU's Insidious Tentacles!" Like a giant ugly squid, the SEIU is directing the policy of the Obama administration to change this country from a capitalist society to a socialist society"

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

9/22 Tim Kowal,Rich Oltman,Frank Salvato,Doreen Hannes

Talkback Wed Sep 22, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Tim Kowal Attorney in Irvine, Calif., and Vice-President of the Orange County Chapter of the Federalist Society."Discussing when Perry v. Schwarzenegger, the case that will determine Californians’ right to define one of their most sacred institutions, reaches the Supreme Court all eyes will be on Justice Anthony Kennedy."(

Rick Oltman National Media Director for CAPS , Californians for population stabilization ( " An update on Harry Reids Dream Act Bill H.R. 5136" Rick also writes for S.F (

Frank Salvato Executive Director and Director of Terrorism Research for He is a member of the International Analyst Network. He also serves as the managing editor for The New Media Journal." his article The GOP: Locked, Loaded & Aiming for Its Own Foot...Again"

Doreen Hannes has served on the R-CALF USA Animal ID Committee for several years and is the Director of Research for the National Independent Consumer and Farmers Association .She writes for News With ."Her Article MILK IS A TOXIC SUBSTANCE?" the effects that Senate Bill S510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, will have on all of us. (

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Monday, September 20, 2010

9/21 Nicholas Ballasy,Bob Unruh, Mike Cutler, Walid Shoebat

Talkback Tue Sep 21, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Nicholas Ballasy CNS News “ White House Czar says he would use “free market” to De-Develop the United States “ (

Bob Unruh News Editor for World Net Daily "Christianity gets flayed at home of the Liberty Bell, what tour guides are saying about our founding fathers beliefs" (

Mike Cutler Center for Immigration Studies, Fellow writer for CAPS and News with views" General Colin Powell statements about immigration raises Mikes blood pressure."(

Walid Shoebat
author of several best selling books including “Why I Left Jihad,” “Why We Want To Kill You” and “God’s War on Terror.” Today discussing Islam: Deadly Double Standard in America?"


Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Friday, September 17, 2010

9/20 Peter Brimelow,Robert Ringer, Dave Gibson

Talkback Mon Sep 20, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Peter Brimelow Founder/ President of VDARE.Com , His article " Tea Party: A Third Party Within the GOP? Brimlow, America’s leading expert on immigration reform, believes the Republicans should focus on reaching this demographic rather than hostile minorities who will never vote for the GOP anyway.

Robert Ringer Author: Restoring The American Dream exposes the lie that the American dream is about Government helping people fulfill their desires. (

Dave Gibson Author Replacing Americans , the Deadly Consequences of an Open Border With Mexico.
Writer for, discussing some of his latest Articles Including "Unable to control violence in his own Country, Calderon blames the U.S." (

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Thursday, September 16, 2010

9/17 Christopher Neefus,John LeBoutillier,Rob Sanchez,Dr. Richard Amerling

Talkback Fri Sep 17, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Christopher Neefus Correspondent for CNS News. Today is Constitution Day but; Ohio’s Andover Township have denied the use of their public square for a celebration of Constitution Day because of the “political affiliation” of its organizers." (

John Laboutillier Boots Blast and NewsMax.Com "The Coming GOP-Tea Party Train Wreck,This year's elections are going to be a smash success especially for the Tea Party movement, Emphasis on the word "movement" because the Tea Party is not a political party" (

Rob Sanchez Job Destruction Newsletter and writer for CAPS and VDARE.Com " Another look at the movie Machete, also a report on the fastest growing jobs in America" ( (

Dr. Richard Amerling Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Amerling is the author of the Physicians' Declaration of Independence. "He is Warning of Enslavement by Health Insurance." (


Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9/16 Tom Fitton,Bonner Cohen,Dave Daubenmire,Raymond Herrera,Robin Hvidstonj

Talkback Thu Sep 16, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Tom Fitton President of Judicial Watch "A look at some of their recent reports such as : Unpaid Pay Czar, got a six figure salary, also Judicial Watch obtains never before released FBI records on Senator Ted Kennedy" (

Dr. Bonner Cohen The National Center for Public Policy Research's Senior Fellow " Another Obama executive order to Nationalize our Energy Industry without Congressional Approval"

Coach Dave Daubenmire News With Views His article : Afro-Chondria, extreme depression of mind or spirits often centered on imaginary social ailments" (

Raymond Herrera and Robin Hvidston of We The People California's Crusader" Today is Mexican Independence day,what that means for Americans, also the Dream Act,and looking at the battles that are facing We The People."


Show is repeated on CRN 4 At Midnight PDST

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

9/15 Julian Dobbs,Robert Peters,Alan Caruba, Rick Oltman

Talkback Wed Sep 15, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Rev’d Julian Dobbs of the Convocation of Anglicans in North America, The Church and Islam Project ( He is urging Islamic leaders to own up to the true nature of Islam and Shari’a law."(

Robert Peters President/ Attorney of Morality in Media "Classified ads giant Craigs List has blocked its “Adult Services” section. (

Alan Caruba Founder /President of the National Anxiety Center , Editor of Facts not Fantasy
( " His article: Too Much Obama"

Rick Oltman
Director of public Affairs for C.A.P.S. Californians for Population Stabilization "Beyond all the smoke and mirrors what's up with Immigration reform" (

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Monday, September 13, 2010

9/14 Joe Guzzardi,Joseph Klein,Sarah Field,Tom Deweese

Talkback Tue Sep 14, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Joe Guzzardi Writing Fellow for CAPS ( Californians for population stabilization) His article" A Patriot American Reviews Machete" (

Joseph A. Klein Author of Global Deception: The UN’s Stealth Assault on America’s Freedom.

Sarah Field Spokesperson for liberty Central ( " Their list of the Top 50 House and Senate Target Races, races which the organization believes every voter should follow closely"

Tom Deweese Founder/ President of the American Policy Center , Publisher of the Deweese Report. "Discussing S.1619 The Livable Communities Act, it's on a fast track to passage"

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

9/13 David Williams,Matt Cover,Alan Gottlieb, Marilyn Barnewall

Talkback Mon Sep 13, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

David Williams Vice President of Policy at Citizens Against Government Waste "President Obama is asking for an additional $50 billion in spending to pay for roads, railways, and runways. This new proposed stimulus package comes after his massive $862 billion package failed to stimulate the economy and create private sector employment" (

Matt Cover Staff Writer for CNS News.Com " The U.S. Government loans Mexico 1 Billion Dollars to drill, in the Gulf of Mexico" (

Alan Gottlieb Founder and Executive Vice President of SAF The Second Amendment Foundation ( Co-Author of These Dogs Don't Hunt: The Democrats War on Guns. Looking at the current status of lawsuits around the country.

Marilyn M Barnewall News With Views , Her article OBAMA THRILL TURNS TO CHILL, a speech that was supposed to be about America’s new military role in Iraq, but turned out to be mostly about economics and finance " (

Song by Bryan Glover "When your holding a Hammer"

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Thursday, September 9, 2010

9/10 Barry Farber,Rees Lloyd,Jim Kouri,Mike Cutler

Talkback Fri Sep 10, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Dedicated to the men, women and childrenwho lost their lives; those brave people who gave their lives

And the Heroes that responded to the emergency 11 September 2001

Guest today

Barry Farber CRN Talk Show Host N.Y. City , Longest running talk show on Radio today,He was Nominated for the National Radio Hall of Fame. Today Discussing 9/11 (

Rees Lloyd Longtime civil rights attorney ,former Commander post 21 American legion " Discussing 9/11 events going on , also the Selective Service Act. Article from World Net Daily
( . Rees also writes for News With Views.Com

Jim Kouri Vice President of the National Association of Chiefs of Police ,writer for News With Views and .Jim lives in the NY Area." Discussing his articles on the 9/11 Anniversary" (

Mike Cutler Lives in NY Area and is with The Center for Immigration Studies, writer for CAPS (Californians for Population Stabilization) "Discussing 9/11 and also his recent article on immigration.(

9-11 The 2nd Plane

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

9/9 Andrew Klavan, Dr Sal Giorgianni, Robert "Buzz" Paterson

Talkback Thu Sep 9, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Andrew Klavan Contributing editor to City Journal, Discussing his article" Islamophobia : The latest charge to try to stifle legitimate debate. His new thriller The Identity Man, is due out in November.

Dr. Sal Giorgianni, Professor of pharmacology,science advisor to the Men's health Network. He warns that there are many older drugs on the market that have never been approved by the FDA.

Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson Author of the new book: Conduct Unbecoming" How Barack Obama is Destroying the Military and Endangering Our Security, former senior military aide to President Clinton, knows what a lack of appreciation for national defense can lead to—and he warns that Obama is heading down a path far worse."(

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

9/8 Mychal Massie,Brian Fitzpatrick,Wes Vernon,William Murray

Talkback Wed Sep 8, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Mychal Massie Project 21 Chairman He is Demanding that Civil Rights Establishment Figures Defend Unfounded Racist Accusations About Tea Party Movement.

Brian Fitzpatrick
Assistant Professor of Law at Vanderbilt Law School and an expert on state judicial selection methods."65% of likely voters would rather elect their own judges than have them appointed by others" Link (

Wes Vernon Washington Base Writer, Veteran Broadcast Journalist."GOP in 2010-In the Bag?" Don't Believe it! (

William Murray Chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition "What's Really behind the Zero Ground Mosque?" ( (

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

9/7 Darrell Ahrens,Janie Johnson,Jim Edwards Jr, Kevin Collins

Talkback Tue Sep 7, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Darrell Ahrens former U.S. Marine, Air Force fighter pilot, high school teacher, and pastor ,Would a Mosque on Ground Zero Desecrate Sacred Ground?" Explains Why Intolerance Can Be Good for Americans ,He is the Author of
Divine Love/Divine Intolerance

Janie Johnson Author: Don't Take My Lemonade Stand preserving opportunities and freedoms for our children.(

Jim Edwards Jr. Center for Immigration Studies, also writes for Human Events ,some of his reports" ICE's Melting Math and Seeing Is Believing " (

Kevin "Coach" Collins The Coach is Right Column , His latest including"Tougher border controls bringing more illegals sneaking in by sea" (

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Monday, September 6, 2010

9/6 Best Of : Illana Mercer,Jerome Tuccille,Thomas Flemming

Talkback Mon Sep 6, 2010 Labor Day
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Today's show is a "Best Of" Talkback

Illana Mercer ( - Barack Hussein Obama "A History Wonderland & Those Invisible Jobs

Jerome Tuccille Author: Gallo Be Thy Name: The Inside Story of How One Family Rose to Dominate the U.S. Wine Market

Thomas Flemming - Author The Intimate Lives of the Founding Fathers

Have a wonderful Labor Day

Labor Day Quotes

Labor Day is one of the safest Holidays of the year , Congress is not in session.
Chuck Wilder

If all the cars in the United States were placed end to end, it would probably be Labor Day Weekend.Doug Larson

Labor Day is a glorious holiday because your child will be going back to school the next day. It would have been called Independence Day, but that name was already taken.Bill Dodds

Sometimes it's important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it's essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow.Douglas Pagels,

"These Are the Gifts I'd Like to Give to You" The only liberty an inferior man really cherishes is the liberty to quit work, stretch out in the sun, and scratch himself.H.L.Mencken

The man who doesn't relax and hoot a few hoots voluntarily, now and then, is in great danger of hooting hoots and standing on his head for the edification of the pathologist and trained nurse, a little later on.Elbert Hubbard

Man is so made that he can only find relaxation from one kind of labor by taking up another.Anatole France, "The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard"

Talkback is repeated
Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

9/3 Tom Pauken,Armin Brott,Selwyn Duke

Talkback Fri Sep 3, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Tom Pauken Chairman of the Texas Workforce Commission ,Author: Bringing America Home, Today discussing the Alaska Shake up for the GOP, he says it should terrify Republicans "who think they can return to business as usual if they regain the majority"(

Armin Brott Author of The Military Father: A Hands-On Guide for Deployed Dads, The stress of lengthy wartime service is taking a terrible toll on American soldiers, a special Pentagon task force reports. Military suicide and divorce rates have reached shocking levels. (

Selwyn Duke
Writer for News With views.Com, American Thinker, Renew America.US and the New Media Journal. " The Truth About Obama's Muslim Faith" The Envious Feminist and other recent articles . ( )

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

9/2 Roy Beck,David Crowe,Stan Wald,Jerry Misner,Frosty Wooldridge

Talkback Thu Sep 2, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Roy Beck Executive Director of Numbers USA "Anchor Babies:Reject Birthright Citizenship" also The president is Refusing to Deport Illegal Aliens" (

David Crowe Discussing the Vote Your Values Campaign , Getting out the American Christians to vote on Restoring America's values and issues that are important to American Christians"

Stan Wald and Jerry Misner Producer and Director of the New Documentary : Southern Exposure ,Battle for the Border The alarming link between illegal aliens and radical Islamist. Sept 15 release date.

Frosty Wooldridge Author: America on the Brink His Article " 7,000 American high school students drop out every day: 1 every 26 seconds" (

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4