Friday, October 30, 2020

10/30/20 Trout, Cutler, Wooldridge

 Talkback FRI 30 Oct 2020 

Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1

 Earl Trout (Uncle Earl) has been working in mass media ever since he became a rock ‘n’ roll radio disk-jockey on his little home-town radio station at age 15 , he quickly became a successful major-market radio personality, followed by managing five major-market radio stations. About three dozen of his television scripts have been produced, he's written on assignment for major magazines, and his novel, Wild Blue, is based on a screenplay he wrote. . Prior to retirement, Earl was Executive Director of the Kansas City Automotive Museum. He's been a guest lecturer at more than a dozen universities and colleges, holds a Church of the Nazarene local minister’s license, and loves road trips, playing golf, cards, and board games with his best friend, Dianne, who also happens to be his wife.  ( (Blog.Earl ( " His take on the election" 

Michael Cutler, retired Senior Special Agent of the former INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) Host of the Radio program- “The Michael Cutler Hour.” Mike has testified as an expert witness at numerous Congressional hearings on issues relating to the enforcement of immigration laws in the wake of the 9-11 attacks. .His articles can be found at Front page Magazine, The Social Contract and ( ( ( (
"The science of Nazis"
Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents and 15 times across the United States. His published books include America on the Brink. Also How to Live a Life of Adventure. Also, How to Deal With 21ST Century American Women, Co-creating a successful relationship. Also the book “Living Your Spectacular Life." His latest Book is: Old Men Bicycling across America: A Journey beyond Old Age. Most of his articles can be found at News with Views.Com .also ( ( ( Get the book at 1 888 519 5121
Discussing his column: "Joe Biden’s Promise: “I will work for Amnesty for all undocumented immigrants”
Replay of shows can be found at
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Thursday, October 29, 2020

10/29/20 Caroline, Rubin, Duke

 Talkback Thr 29 Oct 2020 

Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1
Glen Caroline  Veteran grassroots gun rights organizer Glen Caroline is the Director of External Affairs for the Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. With 29 years of frontline experience in the Second Amendment movement, Caroline spearheads grassroots and training programs for both organizations. Glen comes to the SAF/CCRKBA after serving for years as managing director of the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action Grassroots Programs and Campaign Field Operations division. Glen’s entire professional life has been dedicated to the cause of the Second Amendment and the preservation of Americans’ liberties.  Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA)Second Amendment Foundation · SAF.ORG
     "Gun Owners Should Vote Like Their Rights Depend On It, Because They Do! "
David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh Israel, is the author of the book, “Trump and the Jews”. Rubin is founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, established after he and his then three-year-old son were wounded in a terror attack. He can be found at or  "Rioters in Multiple Violent Attacks on NYC “Jews for Trump” Convoy: Who Did it and Why?"
Selwyn Duke has written for The New American, The Hill, Observer, The American Conservative, WorldNetDaily and American Thinker. He has also contributed to college textbooks published by Gale – Cengage Learning, has appeared on television and is a frequent guest on radio. His website is Latest including: The “Open Letter to the Christians Who Don’t Plan to Vote for Trump”

Replay of shows can be found at
Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)
Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

10/28/20 Massie , Barnewall

 Talkback WED 28 Oct 2020 

Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1

Mychal Massie Founder of the blog The Daily Rant, Founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy center. Mychal is the author of. “I Feel the Presence of The Lord” He is a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist.(" Critical Race Theory Is Based Upon Lies; "
Marilyn Barnewall Before beginning her career as a banker and later as an internationally-known bank consultant, Marilyn was an investigative newspaper reporter at the Wyoming Eagle in Cheyenne. She writes extensively for News With Views. Her personal blog is at Marilyn writes Blogspot.. Com. She has written 14 books including 2 novels and 7 textbooks on banking, and taught banking at the university level. Marilyn is listed in Who’s Who in America, in Finance and Business, in American Women, and in the World. Her latest book is: The Active-Passive Personality Syndrome explores how investment patterns of liberals and conservatives also identify their social and political personality traits. ( ( APPS-ACTIVE-PASSIVE-PERSONALITY-SYNDROME)   "Has Language Been Weaponized?"

Replay of shows can be found at
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Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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3. Click Talkback with Chuck Wilder

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

10/27/20 Vernuccio, Nelson

 Talkback TUE 27 OCT 2020 

Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1
Frank Vernuccio Editor-in-Chief of the NY Analysis of Policy and Government, covering both national and international matters also host of the radio program, "The Vernuccio /Novak Report" ,and Co-host of the TV news show, The American Political Zone. ( Frank is also on ANU TV Get your free newsletter ANLPOLGOV@GMAIL.COM
"His report: Post Election Violence"

Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts,. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the Democratic convention riots. She writes for News with Views. Com.

Replay of shows can be found at
Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)
Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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Monday, October 26, 2020

10/26/20 Dvorak , Ewart

 Talkback Mon 26 Oct 2020 

Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1
Kimbery Dvorak Award winning national security and border security investigative reporter for TV, radio, and print media, Kimberly is the Senior Foreign Policy Advisor for The Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy. She’s a TV correspondent for CW6 News in San Diego as well as One America News Network. ( (
( ( streaming live Now at, Facebook and YouTube. "Her latest :
Ron Ewart, is the President of the National Association of Rural Landowners, (NARLO) a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State and dedicated to restoring, maintaining and defending property rights for landowners .Ron was also awarded the coveted Freedom Foundation at Valley Forge's George Washington Honor Medal for Journalism. He has authored: "The Dimming Light of Freedom", "Returning America to a Constitutional Republic", "Do You Truly Believe in Freedom", and "Stare Deep Into the Cosmos", Many of Ron's writings appear on national venues, websites, blogs, forums and chat rooms, He also writes for News With Views. ( (
( ( "His latest including: Remember, You Got A Taste Of Biden When Obama Won"

Replay of shows can be found at
Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)
Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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Friday, October 23, 2020

10/23/20 ENCORE

  Talkback  FRI 23 OCT  2020    

 Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon  PDST CRN 1      

 "Today's Talkback is an ENCORE 

  Guest to be announced " 

 Replay of shows can be found at

 Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)

 Midnight-2AM  on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)   

 Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256

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 3. Click Talkback with Chuck Wilder

Thursday, October 22, 2020

10/22/20 Bego, Newman


Talkback Thu 22 Oct 2020
Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1

David A Bego Author of The Devil at OUR Doorstep, this book stems from his actual firsthand experience while waging war with Andy Stern and the SEIU from late 2006 until present day. He has been fighting back against one of the most powerful unions in existence today, he has lived the experience while under attack from Stern and his union thugs. (
"His latest including: Presidential Candidates’ Microphones to Be Muted in Parts of Final Debate                            "
Alex Newman, a regular contributor to The New American, Alex is the co-author of the book Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools To Destroy America's Children. He earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Florida. Alex has been working for TNA as a freelance journalist and also owns a consulting firm. His frequent topics include economics, education, finance, banking, business and politics. Alex grew up in Latin America, Europe, and Africa, giving him a unique insight into world events. ( Book at, Freedom Project academy ( Alex is also a Contributor at The Epoch Times.
" Latest including: /huge-red-pill-expo-exposes-federal-reserve-covid-tyranny/

Replay of shows can be found at
Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)
Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

10/21/20 Hammond , Wood , Kouri

 Talkback WED 21 OCT 2020 

Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1
Michael E. Hammond is the Legislative Counsel for Gun Owners of America. Having spent the better part of his career in government service, he has been a legislative counsel to Senators Bob Smith (R-NH), Gordon Humphrey (R-NH), Jesse Helms (R-NC), and Steve Symms (R-ID). He has served as Special Assistant and Legislative Assistant to Senator Harry Byrd (I-VA) and Senator James Buckley (R-NY), respectively. In 1980, Mr. Hammond was a member of the Department of Education Transition Team and the Department of Justice Transition Team. From 1977 to 1989, Michael served as General Counsel to the U.S. Senate Steering Committee. Mr. Hammond received his B.A. magna cum laude from Washington University and his J.D. from the New York University School of Law. (  "Gun Group Applauds Amy Coney Barret Pick for Supreme Court" 

Patrick Wood Is Editor In Chief of Technocracy News . Patrick is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy: The Hard Road To World Order also Technocracy Rising: The Trojan horse of Global Transformation (2015) Patrick is also Executive Director of Citizens for Free Speech (CFFS) an independent non-profit, tax-exempt organization. Citizens for Free Speech (CFFS) was established to promote and enable the practical exercise of Free Speech in communities across America. ( (  "Google And Oracle Will Track The Vaccinated With ‘Incredibly Precise’ Tech"
Jim Kouri Conservative Base’s editor. Founder and CEO of Kouri Associates, Board Member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, columnist, and contributor to this show. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. Jim holds a bachelor of science in Criminal Justice from Southwest University and SCI Technical School in New York City and completed training at the NYC Police Academy, And the FBI Continuing Education Program. ( ( (COPMAGAZINE@AOL.COM)
"His latest including California Dragnet: Scores of Criminal Aliens Captured by ICE Agents" 

Replay of shows can be found at
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Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

10/20/20 Vernuccio , Nelson

 Talkback Tue 20 Oct 2020 

Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1
Frank Vernuccio Editor-in-Chief of the NY Analysis of Policy and Government, covering both national and international matters also host of the radio program, "The Vernuccio /Novak Report" ,and Co-host of the TV news show, The American Political Zone. ( Frank is also on ANU TV Get your free newsletter ANLPOLGOV@GMAIL.COM "SUPREME Over Reaction "
Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts,. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the Democratic convention riots. She writes for News with Views. Com.
Encore: " Censoring HCQ, Zithromax and the Cure For Covid"
Replay of shows can be found at
Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)
Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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Monday, October 19, 2020

10/19/20 Dvorak , Guzzardi


Talkback MON  19 Oct  2020
Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1

Kimbery Dvorak   Award winning national security and border security investigative reporter for TV, radio, and print media, Kimberly is the Senior Foreign Policy Advisor for The Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy. She’s a TV correspondent for CW6 News in San Diego as well as One America News Network. ( ( ( ( streaming live Now at, Facebook and YouTube.    Her Latest:                                    



 Joe Guzzardi is a nationally syndicated newspaper columnist who writes about immigration and related social issues. Joe joined Progressives for Immigration Reform in 2018 as an analyst after a ten-year career directing media relations for Californians for Population Stabilization, where he also was a Senior Writing Fellow. A native Californian, Joe now lives in Pennsylvania. Contact him at Joe Guzzardi also is a Society for American Baseball Research and Internet Baseball Writers Association member. Stories at WWW.CAGLE.COM . Contact him at (PFIRDC.ORG)  All his Latest


Replay of shows can be found at
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Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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Friday, October 16, 2020

10/16/20 Wall , Kouri

 Talkback FRI 16 Oct 2020 

Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1
Allan Wall resided in Mexico for a decade and a half, where he worked as an English teacher in various schools and at various levels. While in Mexico, Allan married Lilia, a Mexican science teacher. They now have two sons David and Raphael .While residing in Mexico, Allan was a member of the Texas Army National Guard, traveling to Texas for monthly drills. Allan spent most of 2005 on a tour of duty in Iraq. Following the Iraq deployment, he returned to Mexico. Several years later Allan and his family moved to the United States where they now reside. Allan writes - Memo from Middle America (Formerly Known As Memo From Mexico), which can be found at / His subject "Does Issue Polling Reveal Voting Patterns? also  why no Immigration questions in debate"
Jim Kouri Conservative Base's editor, Jim, is founder and CEO of Kouri Associates, a homeland security, public safety and political consulting firm. He's formerly Fifth Vice-President, now a Board Member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, a columnist, and a contributor to this Radio Show. He's the author of two books: "Crime Talk: Conversations with America's Top Law Enforcement Officers" and "Assume the Position: Police Science for Journalists and Screenwriters." ( (  "His latest including: Bill Barr’s Probe of Obama-Biden Officials Concludes with NO Criminal Charges"
Replay of shows can be found at
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Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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Thursday, October 15, 2020

10/15/20 Bradley , Rubin , Goudsmit


Talkback THR 15 Oct 2020
Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1
James P. Bradley A decorated Coast Guard, Search & Rescue veteran, who served our country under President Ronald Reagan. James stands for Faith, Family and Freedom including Parental, Individual, and Health Freedoms. He spent 30 years in Health care in various executive roles, modernizing and improving medical systems and helping to implement visionary plans like Tele-medicine, which to this day, makes it easier for patients to reach their physicians remotely and economically. He is running for the 33rd Congressional seat in California against Ted Lieu. Bradley plans to aggressively resolve our Homeless issue that continues to grow and plague district 33 In So Ca. Bradley wants to stop business flight and destruction, and plans to help restore infrastructure and "clean-up" our coastal waters and
'Crimes against Vets"  ( 
David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh Israel, is the author of the book, “Trump and the Jews”. Rubin is founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, established after he and his then three-year-old son were wounded in a terror attack. He can be found at or  "His latest report:

Harris Slams Trump Administration for Withdrawing from Iran Nuclear Deal"


Linda Goudsmit is a devoted wife to husband Rob and they are the parents of four children and the grandparents of four. She and Rob owned and operated a girls clothing store in Michigan for 40 years and retired a few years ago to the beaches of sunny Florida. A graduate of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (B.A. in English literature), Linda has a lifelong commitment to learning and is an avid reader and observer of life. She is the author of Dear America: Who's Driving the Bus? as well as a children's series Mimi's STRATEGY. Her latest is “The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes, Killing America with Kindness” It is with pride and humility that she is sharing her thoughts, observations, and philosophy of behavior. Her website and Pundicity page address is The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes is available at (WWW. Mimi’s Strategy available at: Goudsmit ."Her latest: Why Cancer is Called a Silent Killer"
Replay of shows can be found at
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Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

10/14/20 Ponte, Duke


Talkback WED 14 Oct 2020
Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1
Lowell Ponte World Net Daily columnist and co-author with Craig R. Smith of Money, Morality & The Machine: Smith's Law in an Unethical, Over-Governed Age. Lowell is author of a best-selling book about global climate change, THE COOLING. For 15 years Ponte was the Roving Science, Technology & Health Editor at Reader's Digest Magazine. ( (
                          "Debate: Pence's honey vs. Harris' vinegar" 
Selwyn Duke has written for The New American, The Hill, Observer, The American Conservative, WorldNetDaily and American Thinker. He has also contributed to college textbooks published by Gale – Cengage Learning, has appeared on television and is a frequent guest on radio. His website is"

" A Powerful Testimonial on Big Tech/Anti-Truth Bias"

Replay of shows can be found at
Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)
Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

10/13/20 Motley, Martin, Nelson

 Talkback Tue 13 Oct 2020 

Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1
Seton Motley President of Less Government. (www ( " Government 5G? The Deep State Military-Industrial-Complex
Looks to Expand Its 'Unwarranted Influence'
Ed Martin is a former CNN Talk Show host as a token conservative in a sea of liberal journalism. He’s regularly called upon by a myriad of television and radio networks for his political wit and wisdom.
Fresh out of law school, Ed Martin’s first job was Human Rights Director of the Catholic Archdiocese of Saint Louis, working for Pope John Paul II in 1997 .Ed Martin served as Chairman of the Missouri Republican Party from January 2013 until February 2015.In 2015 Ed was named by conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly as her successor as President of her Eagle Forum organizations. He currently is President of Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum Education and Legal Defense Fund and President of America's Future, Inc.
In 2016, Ed co-authored (with Phyllis Schlafly and Brett M. Decker) the New York Times bestselling book The Conservative Case for Trump. He also founded and manages the Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Super PAC which assisted Trump and others across the nation. . (
"His articles: Trump Kept His Promises"
Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts,. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the Democratic convention riots. She writes for News with Views. Com.
Replay of shows can be found at
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Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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3. Click Talkback with Chuck Wilder

Monday, October 12, 2020

10/12/20 Dvorak , Hohman


Talkback MON 12 Oct 2020
Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1
Kimbery Dvorak Award winning national security and border security investigative reporter for TV, radio, and print media, Kimberly is the Senior Foreign Policy Advisor for The Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy. She’s a TV correspondent for CW6 News in San Diego as well as One America News Network. ( (
( ( streaming live Now at, Facebook and YouTube.  "Her latest report"

Leo Hohmann is an independent freelance journalist, author of the 2017 book “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad.” He is working on a follow-up that will investigate the Interfaith movement, which is ushering false and antichrist ideas into Western churches.
(WWW.LEOHOHMANN.COM) "Discussing his column: 3 biggest lies about COVID-19 have all been exposed: But here’s why globalist power brokers can’t let it die"
Replay of shows can be found at
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Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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Friday, October 9, 2020

10/9/2020 Massie, Kouri

 Talkback Fri 9 Oct 2020 

Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1
Mychal Massie Founder of the blog The Daily Rant, Founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy center. Mychal is the author of. “I Feel the Presence of The Lord” He is a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist.("His column:Black Penn State Law Professor Needs A History Lesson"
Jim Kouri Conservative Base’s editor. Founder and CEO of Kouri Associates, Board Member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, columnist, and contributor to this show. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. Jim holds a bachelor of science in Criminal Justice from Southwest University and SCI Technical School in New York City and completed training at the NYC Police Academy, And the FBI Continuing Education Program. ( ( (COPMAGAZINE@AOL.COM)  "Latest Including: Trump Demands Action Against Obama, Hillary Clinton and Other Conspirators in the ‘Russia Hoax’

Replay of shows can be found at
Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)
Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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Thursday, October 8, 2020

10/8/20 Cutler, Frank

 Talkback Thr 8 Oct 2020 

Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1
Michael Cutler is a retired Senior Special Agent of the former INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) whose career spanned some 30 years. He has testified before well over a dozen congressional hearings in the House and Senate, provided testimony to the 9/11 Commission, and testified before state legislative hearings around the United States. He also testifies at trials where immigration is at issue and participates in public speaking engagements across the U.S. He hosts his Blog Talk Radio show, "The Michael Cutler Hour" on Friday evenings on USA Talk Radio. His personal website is  ( ( ( (    "Discussing the Vice President Debate"
Marshall Frank is a retired captain from the Metro-Dade Police department in Miami, Florida, where he spent the majority of his thirty years investigating murders or commanding those who did. Frank is a regular editorial columnist for Florida Today newspaper. His latest book is " A Boy Who Mattered, also the author of AMERIKASTAN - Conquest From Within" Marshall maintains a blog site Frankly Speaking where he posts stimulating articles about a myriad of subjects, from politics, crime, social issues, radical Islam and even motion pictures.  ( ) ( (  "Cops 2014-2020"  "Biden Vs. Trump"
Replay of shows can be found at
Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)
Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

10/7/20 Esquenazi, Stein, Wooldridge

 Talkback WED 7 Oct 2020 

Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1
Michelle Esquenazi President of the National Association of Bail Agents.
Sen. Kamala Harris promotes a bail fund to"Bail out rioters"/NO ON CA Prop 25 .
(National Association of Bail 
Ron Stein a 30-year engineer, co-author of the new book, “Energy Made Easy,” and Founder and Ambassador for Energy and Infrastructure with PTS Advance, (
"Ramifications of California Governor Newsom’s ban on gas-powered vehicles"
Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents and 15 times across the United States. His published books include America on the Brink. Also How to Live a Life of Adventure. Also, How to Deal With 21ST Century American Women, Co-creating a successful relationship. Also the book “Living Your Spectacular Life." His latest Book is: Old Men Bicycling across America: A Journey beyond Old Age. Most of his articles can be found at News with Views.Com .also ( ( ( Get the book at 1 888 519 5121
(part 10 ) "Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants: Our Resource Dilemma?"

Replay of shows can be found at
Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)
Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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How to access Talkback with Chuck Wilder on CRN digital talk radio:
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3. Click Talkback with Chuck Wilder

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

10/6/ 20 Vernuccio, Nelson

 Talkback TUE 6 Oct 2020 

Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1
Frank Vernuccio Editor-in-Chief of the NY Analysis of Policy and Government, covering both national and international matters also host of the radio program, "The Vernuccio /Novak Report" ,and Co-host of the TV news show, The American Political Zone. ( Frank is also on ANU TV Get your free newsletter ANLPOLGOV@GMAIL.COM
"His latest including: Biden Corruption Revealed"

Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts,. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the Democratic convention riots. She writes for News with Views. Com.

Replay of shows can be found at
Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)
Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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How to access Talkback with Chuck Wilder on CRN digital talk radio:
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3. Click Talkback with Chuck Wilder

Monday, October 5, 2020

10/ 5/ 20 Dvorak, Federer


Talkback MON 5 Oct 2020
Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1
Kimbery Dvorak Award winning national security and border security investigative reporter for TV, radio, and print media, Kimberly is the Senior Foreign Policy Advisor for The Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy. She’s a TV correspondent for CW6 News in San Diego as well as One America News Network. ( (
( ( streaming live Now at, Facebook and YouTube. "Her latest report"

William J. Federer Is a former U.S. Congressional Candidate , nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America's noble heritage. Author of America's God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations .and his AMERICAN MINUTE radio feature, recalling events of American significance on the date they occurred, is broadcast daily across the country and read by thousands on the Internet. He is also the author of the updated What Every American Needs to Know about the Qur'an - A History of Islam & the United States .And also Change To Chains, Does history give us a clue as to where all this is all headed? The Treacherous World of the 16th Century & How the Pilgrims Escaped It, Miracles in American History. Latest : The History of Socialism. ( (  "Squanto - a special instrument sent of God for their good beyond their expectation"-Pilgrim Governor William Bradford

Replay of shows can be found at
Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)
Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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How to access Talkback with Chuck Wilder on CRN digital talk radio:
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3. Click Talkback with Chuck Wilder

Friday, October 2, 2020

10/2 Hvidston, Wood, Kouri

 Talkback Fri 2 Oct 2020 

Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1
Robin Hvidston Executive Director of We the People Rising, a grassroots, all-volunteer nationwide Network . We the People Rising works to stop amnesty legislation and promotes secure borders. National security, plus jobs for Americans and veterans. (
Robin is running for the 41st CA State Assembly seat."Latest updates"
Patrick Wood Is Editor In Chief of Technocracy News . Patrick is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy: The Hard Road To World Order also Technocracy Rising: The Trojan horse of Global Transformation (2015) Patrick is also Executive Director of Citizens for Free Speech (CFFS) an independent non-profit, tax-exempt organization. Citizens for Free Speech (CFFS) was established to promote and enable the practical exercise of Free Speech in communities across America. ( (
His latest"

Jim Kouri Conservative Base's editor, Jim, is founder and CEO of Kouri Associates, a homeland security, public safety and political consulting firm. He's formerly Fifth Vice-President, now a Board Member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, a columnist, and a contributor to this Radio Show. He's the author of two books: "Crime Talk: Conversations with America's Top Law Enforcement Officers" and "Assume the Position: Police Science for Journalists and Screenwriters."
( ("Latest Including:Harris-Biden Deep State Plan for Enslaving Americans Ignored by News Media "

Replay of shows can be found at
Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)
Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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How to access Talkback with Chuck Wilder on CRN digital talk radio:
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click CRN RADIO from dropdown menu ** CRN 1
3. Click Talkback with Chuck Wilder

Thursday, October 1, 2020

10/1/20 Motley, Duke


Talkback Thu 1 Oct 2020 
Chuck Wilder 10 am-Noon PDST CRN 1
Seton Motley President of Less Government. (www
( "His latest"

Selwyn Duke has written for The New American, The Hill, Observer, The American Conservative, WorldNetDaily and American Thinker. He has also contributed to college textbooks published by Gale – Cengage Learning, has appeared on television and is a frequent guest on radio. His website is  "Latest including: Amy Coney Barrett and the Zealots"
Replay of shows can be found at
Catch the daily replay’s:(PDST) Noon-2PM CRN 4 (M-F) 8PM-10PM on CRN 4(M-F)
Midnight-2AM on CRN 1(Tue-Sat)and 6PM-7PM on CRN 5 (M-F)
Live Feed via phone now available at 1 605 477 4256
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How to access Talkback with Chuck Wilder on CRN digital talk radio:
1. Open link
2. Place cursor on LISTEN at top of screen -
click CRN RADIO from dropdown menu ** CRN 1
3. Click Talkback with Chuck Wilder