Tuesday, December 31, 2013

12/31 Best of Talkback

Talkback Tuesday 31 Dec  2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

         "NEW YEARS EVE "
Today's show is a BEST OF TALKBACK"


Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Monday, December 30, 2013

12/30 Joe Guzzardi,Michael Connelly,Sarah Janssen

Talkback Monday 30 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST
Joe Guzzardi  is a Californians for Population Stabilization Senior Writing Fellow and National Media Director. His Op-eds about California social issues have appeared in newspapers throughout California and have been nationally syndicated for 27 years. In 2003 he was candidate for California Governor. For 25 years he taught English as a second language to immigrants from all over the world for the Lodi Ca Unified School Dist. in 2008 he retired and moved to Pittsburgh Pa. His current articles and blogs appear at CAPS on capsweb.org, the Lodi News-Sentinel (www.lodinews.com) and at Cagle (http://cagle.com). Joe's archive of previously posted columns is at VDARE.com "An update on the latest immigration news and what to expect in 2014 and: christie-faces-important-dream-act-decision" (www.vdare.com)
Michael Connelly is a constitutional attorney, U.S. Army veteran and executive director of The United States Justice Foundation (USJF).He is also a freelance writer and the author of four books, Including: The Mortarmen” a book about his father’s unit during WW II . Michael has a weekly radio show on the Internet called “Our Constitution” and has recently published a pocket-sized booklet by the same name that takes every article, section and amendment to the Constitution and details what they actually mean."Discussing why the VA is declaring thousands of veterans incompetent without due process of law and denying them their Second Amendment Right to keep and bear arms" site and Blog at (http://michaelconnelly.jigsy.com/  )  (http://usjf.net)
Sarah Janssen is the senior editor of The World Almanac and Book of Facts, The World Almanac for Kids, and other diverse titles. She is the co-author of Under the Covers and Between the Sheets, a book of facts and trivia about the world’s greatest books. Sarah lives in Brooklyn, NY." A look at The World Almanac® and Book of Facts 2014,America’s Best-selling Reference Book Reveals New Features, Plus Much More"   http://www.worldalmanac.com/index.aspx 

Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Friday, December 27, 2013

12/27 Ray Trosper,Jeff Crister,Selwyn Duke

Talkback Friday 27 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST
Ray Trosper, Former U.S. Marine who served with Charlie Company 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion ,Member of American Legion Post 79  and current Sgt. At Arms Ray is a Patriot Guard Rider  Proud supporter of the Honor and Remember Flag  (Congressional Bill # 546) He provided a meal, show and concert for the Troops and their families at a  Cost: $100,000.00.He Joins the fight against the ACLU to protect our Military Crosses and symbols.."Ray has a proposal for  a 21st Century policy to Honor the Service and Sacrifice of the military."  (http://getmobilehomesupplies.com/)(www.patriotguard.org/)
Jeff Critser  Former U.S. Naval Electronic Warfare and Intelligence Officer, technologist, technology entrepreneur, and author of the new thriller, “Cold Shadows.” available  on Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble at www.barnesandnoble.com!  Follow Jeff and read his latest articles at www.facebook.com/jeffcritsernovels."Discussing NSA VS. PRIVATE SECTOR INTRUSION"
Selwyn Duke  is a writer, columnist and public speaker. His articles can be found at numerous web sites including  The New American.com, News With Views.com  and American Thinker.com." Discussing his most recent articles including:Homosexuals Gets Duck Dy-Nasty  also  Was Colonialism a Positive Force? " (www.selwynduke.com/)    
Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Thursday, December 26, 2013

12/26 Marilyn Barnewall, Wes Vernon

Talkback Thursday 26 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Marilyn  Barnewall  She has written seven non-fiction books about banking, a biography about the richest man in the world, has taught private banking in Singapore and at Colorado University .  She has written two fiction books designed to entertain Americans while educating them about the financial hazards that she believes are much more serious than the average American thinks – When the Swan’s Neck Breaks ,to explain to readers the Federal Reserve, and Flight of the Black Swan ,to explain Wall Street shenanigans,  Former editor of The National Peace Officers Magazine and was an investigative reporter for the Wyoming Eagle in Cheyenne before becoming a banker.  As a journalist, she has written guest editorials for the Denver Post, Rocky Mountain News, Newsweek and other print publications.  On the Internet, she writes for News With Views, World Net Daily, Canada Free Press ."Her article from News With Views: A TALE OF CHRISTMAS PAST AND PRESENT"   (www.newswithviews.com) (www.wnd.com)

Wes Vernon  Washington- based writer and veteran broadcast journalist, Most of articles can be found at Renew America.com "Discussing his latest article :Next crisis: the all-out formal death of the U.S. Constitution--is anyone intellectually arming for that?" (www.Renewamerica.com
replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

12/25 Best of Talkback

Talkback Wednesday 25 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

               And A WILDER NEW YEAR

          Today's Program is a Best of Talkback

Devvy Kidd Author of  Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty; 2 million copies sold.. She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy isn't left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party. She writes for News With Views.Com and her regularly posted new columns are on her site at: www.devvy.com.  You can also sign up for her free email alerts."Discussing her article: THIS IS HOW YOU CREATE JOBS IN AMERICA "  (www.newswithviews.com)
Made in the USA Link  http://www.devvy.com/made_inthe_usa.html

Dr Jane Orient is the executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a voice for patients’ and physicians’ independence since 1943. She is a clinical lecturer in medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. author of Sapira’s Art and Science of Bedside Diagnosis; also YOUR Doctor Is Not In: Healthy Skepticism about National Health Care."ObamaCare Must Be Repealed Before It Destroys The Medical System"  (www.drjaneorient.com )   ( www.aapsonline.org)

Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

12/24 Mychal Massie,Frank Salvato

Talkback Tuesday 24 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST
Mychal Massie  Founder of the blog The Daily Rant,Former chairman of the National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives-Project 21 – a conservative black think tank located in Washington, D.C. He was recognized as the 2008 Conservative Man of the Year by the Conservative Party of Suffolk County, N.Y. He is a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist. " The latest from the Daily Rant including Megyn Kelly’s Phony Boo-Hoo Moment"   (www.mychal-massie.com) (www.wnd.com)
Frank Salvato is the Executive Director and Director of Terrorism Research for BasicsProject.org He is a member of the International Analyst Network He also serves as the managing editor for The New Media Journal.He is the author of: Understanding the Threat of Radical Islam. "Franks latest including his editorial: It’s Not a War on Christmas"  (www.newmediajournal.us.)
Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Monday, December 23, 2013

12/23 Andrea Woroch,Rev Jessie Peterson,Bill Wayne,Mike Cutler

Talkback Monday 23 Dec  2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST
Andrea Woroch  Consumer Advisor at Kinoli, Inc... Andrea has traveled the country as a broadcast and print media source, working with NBC Today Show, Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, Kiplinger Personal Finance, Smart Money, CNNMoney  and many more. When not analyzing consumer behavior, Andrea enjoys skiing, travel, outdoor adventure and shopping for shoes. A New York native, Andrea now splits her time between Colorado and California." Last hour rush for the Holidays"
(www.Andreaworoch.com)  (http://www.kinoliinc.com/)
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson   Founder and president of two dynamic organizations: BOND (Brotherhood Organization Of A New Destiny), a national 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man," and BOND Action, Inc., a 501(c)4 cultural activist organization whose purpose is to educate, motivate and rally Americans to greater involvement in the moral, cultural and political issues that threaten our great country. Jesse is also the Founder and President of the South  Central L.A. Tea Party. "Black Group Defends Duck Dynasty Commander "  www.bondinfo.org    www.bondaction.org.
Bill Wynne and Smoky 'the War Dog', Owner and Trainer of Smoky 'the War Dog', Photography Expert, and Author of “Yorkie Doodle Dandy” "Discussing Smoky who  was deemed “the Greatest Dog in History” and that was a name she earned."
(http://www.smokywardog.com )

Michael Cutler, Senior Fellow at CAPS Californians for Population Stabilization ,, host of the  Radio program- “The Michael Cutler Hour.” Mike has testified as an expert witness at numerous Congressional hearings on issues relating to the enforcement of immigration laws in the wake of the 9-11 attacks.  .His articles can be found at Capsweb.org. News With Views.Com , Family Security Matters and more."   “DHS And Alien Smugglers: Partners In Crime"
(michaelcutler.net) (www.capsweb.org) (www.newswithviews.com)(www.talkborder.com)

replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Friday, December 20, 2013

12/20 Best Of Talkback

Talkback Friday 20 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

  Today a Best Of Talkback

Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Thursday, December 19, 2013

12/19 Bruce Wagman,Dr Katherine Albrecht,

Talkback  Thursday 19 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

           Grassfire  and  A&E  petition for Phil Robertson Duck Dynasty


Bruce Wagman  Attorney for FRER: Front Range Equine Rescue.  Bruce  focuses his practice on animal law litigation, consultation, legislative affairs and education. He has brought and tried multiple state and federal cases involving a wide range of animal law issues. Front Range Equine Rescue has  begun its legal challenges to prevent the slaughter of horses for human consumption .  (www.frontrangeequinerescue.org )

Dr. Katherine Albrecht   Author or Co-Author of six books and videos, including the award-winning bestseller "Spychips: How major corporations and government plan to track your every move with RFID" and "The Spychips Threat .Host of  the daily syndicated radio show "Uncovering the Truth with Katherine Albrecht" She is The Director of CASPIAN Consumer Privacy (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering).Katherine holds a Doctorate in Education (Ed.D.) in Human Development and Psychology from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. "Her report:   OBAMACARE WEBSITE REPORTS NUMBERS ARE UP – USERS BEWARE OF PRIVACY NIGHTMARE"   www.StartPage.com,www.KatherineAlbrecht.com, www.AntiChips.com, www.ChipMeNot.com and www.ChipFreeSchools.com

Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

12/18 Chris Orestis,David Willig,Rees Lloyd

Talkback Wednesday 18 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Chris Orestis  Nationally known senior health-care advocate and expert  he is CEO of Life Care Funding. Chris is A former life insurance industry lobbyist with a background in long-term care issues.  " Discussing Warning Signs that an Aging Parent  Needs Daily Medical Assistance"

David Willig, International Attorney and Global Sports Agent . He is The  Founder of American International Sports Management, LLC and a Certified Agent for the FIBA  .An international and global basketball news outlet established in 1996. Discussing "5 Biggest Scams This Holiday Season"

Rees Lloyd Longtime civil rights attorney and veterans activist whose work has been honored by, among others, the California Senate and Assembly, and numerous civil rights, workers rights, and veterans’ rights organizations. He has testified as a constitutional expert at hearings before the U.S. House and Senate representing The American Legion. Rees also writes for News With Views and World Net Daily. " A look at the report :WSJ exposure of U.S. lobotomizing tens of thousands of WWII soldiers, also update,  American Legion vows to continue fight for Mt. Soledad Cross"
(www.newswithviews.com) (www.wnd.com)
Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

12/17 Robin Hvidston,Carl Higbie,Jim Kouri

Talkback Tuesday 17 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Robin Hvidston   Executive Director of We the People Rising , a grassroots, all-volunteer nationwide network  seeking to influence - via activism - institutions of political corruption: the federal government - as well as state and municipalities  -  and the corporations and employers that  hire and exploit illegal aliens ."Latest update also talking about the killing three years ago of Agent Brian Terry"     (http://wethepeoplerising.com/)


Carl Higbie   The Navy SEAL who  was honorably discharged recently due to the controversy that arose from his new book, Battle on the Home front: A Navy SEAL's Mission to Save the American Dream. They didn't like that Higbie says what no one dares to say in this P.C. world. He is giving notice--and delivering a blueprint for success--to those who want to join him in saving the American Dream. " Carl is RUNNING FOR CONGRESS, Connecticut's fourth district 2014." (http://battleonthehomefront.com/)

Jim Kouri, Former Vice-President, and currently a Board Member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and he's a columnist for Examiner.com ,New Media Alliance and News With Views.com . He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country." His latest including: Al Shabaab launches another deadly terrorist attack in Kenya"  (www.examiner.com) (www.newswithviews.com) (www.familysecuritymatters.org) (www.renewamerica.com)

Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Monday, December 16, 2013

12/16 Ron De Jong,Michael Shaw,Devvy Kidd

Talkback Monday 16 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Ron De Jong  Director of Communication for Grassfire Nation  , Grassfire Nation is a conservative action network Comprised of more than one million grassroots citizens from across the nation. Grassfire   includes petitions, resources and practical ways for you to take a stand on key issues of our day. Their goal is to get you involved in the key debates shaping our nation and our culture.  "It's O.K. To Say "Merry Christmas"

Michael  D. Shaw  Columnist for The Coach is Right and Health News Digest, President/Founder of Roxan, Incorporated, Managing Director/Founder of Scorpius Group LLC and Executive Vice President/Director of Marketing for Interscan Corporation. Mike has a B.A. Degree: Biochemistry / Molecular Biology – UCLA, research at County USC Medical Center ,also Graduate Studies on Full NIH Fellowship: Biochemistry – MIT, Cambridge. Mike writes on politics, pop culture, true crime, history, and film criticism:"Discussing his article from Health News Digest :Obamacare And Wellness…If Only"
(www.coachisright.com) (www.healthnewsdigest.com) (www.scorpiusgroup.com)

Devvy Kidd Author of  Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty; 2 million copies sold.. She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy isn't left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party. She writes for News With Views.Com and her regularly posted new columns are on her site at: www.devvy.com.  You can also sign up for her free email alerts."Discussing her article: THIS IS HOW YOU CREATE JOBS IN AMERICA "  (www.newswithviews.com)
Made in the USA Link  http://www.devvy.com/made_inthe_usa.html
Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Friday, December 13, 2013

12/13 Rees Lloyd, Kyle Olson,Kimberly Dvorak,John Wohlstetter,Dr Jane Orient

Talkback Friday 13 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Rees Lloyd Longtime civil rights attorney and veterans activist whose work has been honored by, among others, the California Senate and Assembly, and numerous civil rights, workers rights, and veterans’ rights organizations. He has testified as a constitutional expert at hearings before the U.S. House and Senate representing The American Legion. Rees also writes for News With Views and World Net Daily." Famous Mount Soledad Cross ordered removed in San Diego"
(www.newswithviews.com) (www.wnd.com)

Kyle Olson  is Founder and CEO of Education Action Group Foundation, a non-partisan non-profit organization with the goal of promoting sensible education reform and exposing those with a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. EAG was formed in June of 2007. He is a contributor to Townhall.com and BigGovernment.com. Kyle is also the editor of PublicSchoolSpending.com. His latest book is Indoctrination: How 'Useful Idiots' Are Using Our Schools to Subvert American Exceptionalism." Discussing Texas School 'Winter' Party Bans Red, Green and Christmas Trees"    (www.kyleolson.org.)   (www.eagnews.org)

Kimberly Dvorak National Homeland Security correspondent. For the San Diego County Political Buzz Examiner. She also writes for Human Events and the Washington Guardian. Correspondent for CW News 6 in San Diego.  She has covered local, national and international news stories for more than 15 years. "Her article: What Kind of Nation Have We Become?"  (http://www.examiner.com/homeland-security-in-national/kimberly-dvorak) ( http://www.sandiego6.com/home/) (http://www.washingtonguardian.com)

John C Wohlstetter  is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute, a trustee of the Hudson Institute, author of The Long War Ahead Of Us And The Short War Upon Us. His latest book Sleepwalking with the Bomb, discusses in layman's terms the nuclear threats facing America and how we can stop them before it’s too late. He is founder of the issues blog  Letter From the Capitol." Struggle for the Ukraine: Why Should the U.S. Care?"  (http://www.letterfromthecapitol.com)

Dr Jane Orient is the executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a voice for patients’ and physicians’ independence since 1943. She is a clinical lecturer in medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. author of Sapira’s Art and Science of Bedside Diagnosis; also YOUR Doctor Is Not In: Healthy Skepticism about National Health Care."ObamaCare Must Be Repealed Before It Destroys The Medical System"  (www.drjaneorient.com )   ( www.aapsonline.org)
Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Thursday, December 12, 2013

12/12 Alan Gottlieb,Doug Book,Marshall Frank

Talkback Thursday 12 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Alan Gottlieb  is the Publisher of Gun Week and The Gottlieb-Tartaro Report. He is the Chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, serves on the Board of Directors of the American Conservative Union, President of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, President of the American Political Action Committee and President of NoInternetTax.org. He is co-author of America Fights Back: Armed Self-Defense in a Violent Age.  And his latest: Shooting Blanks. "SAF Launches ‘Guns Save Lives Day’   (www.saf.org/)


Doug Book Columnist for the Blog Coach is Right. His articles appear under the banner ”By The Book”  Doug is a retired Buick Dealer living in Owensboro, Ky. He grew up in Pittsburgh attended Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio. Vanderbilt Grad School. English Major and Doug’s hobbies include shooting. "Some new disturbing facts about ObamaCare"  (www.coachisright.com


Marshall Frank , is a retired captain from the Metro-Dade Police  department in Miami, Florida, where he spent the majority of his  thirty years investigating murders or commanding those who did. Frank is a regular editorial columnist for Florida Today newspaper. He recently wrote the  suspense novel entitled, “The Upside To Murder.”  Marshall maintains a blog site Frankly Speaking   where he posts stimulating articles about a myriad of  subjects, from politics, crime, social issues, radical Islam and even  motion pictures."A look at his latest including:  MANDELA’S FUNERAL V.THATCHER’S FUNERAL'  The Upside To Murder", available at amazon.com or from web site: ( http://www.marshallfrank.com/book-theupsidetomurder.html )  (http://www.marshallfrank.com/)

replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

12/11 Seton Motley,David Ridenour,Daniel Greenfield,Frank Vernuccio

Talkback Wednesday 11 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Seton Motley President of  Less Government,  Editor in Chief  StopNetRegulation.org  A publication of the Center for Individual Freedom "The Administration is Discovering Private Enterprise is Complicated"    (www lessgovernment.org) (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government)

David Ridenour, vice president of the National Center for Public Policy Research. a conservative, free-market, non-profit think-tank established in 1982 he serves as The National Center’s development director and chief financial officer, responsible for institutional growth." His report : NOAA wrong again , consistently showing it possesses neither foresight nor hindsight in its hurricane predictions"        (www.nationalcenter.org)

Daniel Greenfield. Blogger and columnist born in Israel and currently living in New York City. Contributing editor at Family Security Matters and a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the
Freedom Center .His  columns appear at Family Security Matters , Right Side News and daily at the Canada Free Press, as well as at Act for America and Front Page Magazine. Daniel writes a weekly column titled Western Front at Israel national  News. His latest book focuses on the international challenges America faces in the 21st century. "His article: The Mandela Myth"
(sultanknish.blogspot.com) (www.cjhsla.org)( frontpagemag.com)

Frank Vernuccio Editor-in-Chief of the NY Analysis of Policy & Government, covering both national & international matters also Co-host of the radio program, "The Venuccio/Allison Report"  Common Core: A viable approach or a threat?
(www.usagovpolicy.com) free news letter ( Usgovpolicy@gmail.com

Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

12/10 RickManning, John Lott Jr., Alan Caruba

Talkback Tuesday 10 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Rick Manning  Vice President of public policy and communications for  ALG, Americans For Limited Government ,  also former Labor Department Public Affairs Chief of Staff. Americans for Limited Government is a non-partisan, nationwide network committed to advancing free market reforms, private property rights and core American liberties."His article:Destroying entry level jobs and teen opportunity"      (www.GetLiberty.org)(www.netrightdaily.com)


John R. Lott, Jr.  American Academic, former chief economist at the United States Sentencing Commission, and the author of the expanded third edition of More Guns, Less Crime. His latest book is Dumbing Down the Courts: How Politics Keeps the Smartest Judges off the Bench,"His report: Plastic gun ban will do little to protect Americans"   (johnrlott.blogspot.com/)

Alan Caruba Founder of The National Anxiety Center he is the Editor of the blog Facts Not Fantasy.  Author of "Right Answers: Separating Fact from Fantasy" and "Warning Signs"
" From his blog : Obama Morphs Mandela, also Obama's Moment of Truth---About His Lies "
(http://factsnotfantasy.blogspot.com/ )   (www.caruba.info.)(www.bookviews.com)

replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Monday, December 9, 2013

12/9 Capt Joseph John, Marita Noon

Talkback Monday 9 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Capt. Joseph R. John (USN, ret.): He is the founder and chairman of Combat Veterans For Congress, which has vetted and endorsed certified combat veterans who seek election to Congress. Even though we are at war, It is believed that fewer members serving in Congress today have actually served in defense of the country than at any time in our history. A Naval Academy graduate, John had three tours of duty in Vietnam, was on two operations with SEAL Teams and was formally with the FBI. "A look at the report: Purge surge': Obama fires another commander, Very Small" Part of Much Bigger Devastating Picture"  (combatveteransforcongress.org)


Marita Noon Author of Energy Freedom, she  serves as the executive director for Energy Makes America Great Inc. and the companion educational organization, the Citizens' Alliance for Responsible Energy (CARE).Marita is also a columnist  for Townhall.com and a regular contributor to The Energy Tribune, Conservative Action Alerts, and EPA Abuse.com. Marita's previous books, include the best sellers, Wired That Way and Communication Plus." Discussing her article: Subsidizing green energy is like supporting operator-assisted telephones with party lines "  (www.responsiblenergy.org)  (http://energymakesamericagreat.org/)   (http://finance.townhall.com/columnists/maritanoon/)

Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Friday, December 6, 2013

12/6 Phyllis Schlafly,Richard Miniter,Rees Lloyd, Ray Trosper

Talkback Friday 6 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Phyllis Schlafly is a national leader of the pro-family movement, a nationally syndicated columnist and author of the National best seller A choice not an echo. She is President and Founder of Eagle Forum .You can find her columns at TOWNHALL DAILY she is also the author  of The Flipside of Feminism: What Conservative Women Know -- and Men Can't Say co-authored with Suzanne Venker Her latest book is No Higher Power: Obama's War on Religious Freedom  with co author  George Neumayr."From her on line report:Look Out for Chinese Imports"    (http://www.eagleforum.org/)


Richard Miniter, Chief Executive Officer of American Media Institute, AMI  uncovers new evidence that the media has ignored, turns those scoops into compelling and provably true narratives and delivers those stories through major mainstream newspapers, magazines, radio and television networks to the general public Richard is the Author of MASTERMIND: The Many Faces of the 9/11 Architect, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed , and his latest  Leading from Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him." Discussing news on the Benghazi investigation as well as Obama's nuclear deal with Iran"
(americanmediainstitute.org )(www.Richardminiter.com)


   (TOMORROW IS THE ANIVERSITY )  7 December 1941 Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor was one of the great defining moments in history. A single carefully-planned and well-executed stroke removed the United States Navy's battleship force as a possible threat to the Japanese Empire's southward expansion. America, unprepared and now considerably weakened, was abruptly brought into the Second World War as a full combatant.


Rees Lloyd Longtime civil rights attorney and veterans activist whose work has been honored by, among others, the California Senate and Assembly, and numerous civil rights, workers rights, and veterans’ rights organizations. He has testified as a constitutional expert at hearings before the U.S. House and Senate representing The American Legion. Rees also writes for News With Views and World Net Daily. " Discussing Dec 7 1941 , John Koster, Pearl Harbor book "Operation Snow," and Rees's latest article:Black Racist "Knock-Out" Attacks Must End"
(www.newswithviews.com) (www.wnd.com)


Also:  Ray Trosper, Former U.S. Marine who served with Charlie Company 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion ,Member of American Legion Post 79  and current Sgt. At Arms Ray is a Patriot Guard Rider  Proud supporter of the Honor and Remember Flag  (Congressional Bill # 546) He provided a meal, show and concert for the Troops and their families. at a  Cost: $100,000.00.He Joins the fight against the ACLU to protect our Military Crosses and symbols.."Discussing the Patriot Guard Riders"

replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Thursday, December 5, 2013

12/5 Kevin martin,David Bozell,JB Williams

Talkback Thursday 5 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Kevin Martin   member of the National Advisory Council the Project 21 black leadership network. An environmental contractor in the Washington-Baltimore area and a long-time public policy commentator." Discussing ''KNOCKOUT GAME,'' NAACP REMAINS SILENT; AL SHARPTON LATE SPEAKING OUT..."


David  Bozell is the Executive Director of For America, the online conservative organization with over 3.5 million supporters dedicated to fiscal responsibility."His report:ObamaCare Falls Short Again-Worst Yet to Come"   (www.foramerica.org)


JB Williams Founder of Patriots Union Jim is  a staunch conservative actively engaged in returning the power to the right people in America. JB is a business man, a husband, a father, and a writer. A no nonsense commentator on American politics, American history, and American philosophy. He is published nationwide and in many countries around the world. His articles can be found at News With Views .com." His latest : WHY THE HOUSE MUST IMPEACH OBAMA  also PHONY MATH BEHIND GOP AMNESTY PUSH"  ( www.patriotsunion.org )   ( www.jb-williams.com) (www.newswithviews.com) (www.rightsidenews.com)

replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

12/4 William Federer,David North

Talkback Wednesday 4 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

William J. Federer   Is a former U.S. Congressional Candidate  , nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America's noble heritage. Author of  America's God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations .and his AMERICAN MINUTE radio feature, recalling events of American significance on the date they occurred, is broadcast daily across the country and read by thousands on the Internet. He is also the author of the updated  What Every American Needs to Know About the Qur'an - A History of Islam & the United States .And also Change To Chains, Does history give us a clue as to where all this is all headed? "Discussing his article:'Was America once a Christian Nation?'     (www.Amerisearch.net) (www.AmericanMinute.com)    

David North  He joined the Center for Immigration Studies as a fellow in 2008. He is also a former Assistant to the U.S. Secretary of labor and was an immigration policy researcher for several decades.
A look at his reports: EB-5 Middleman Benda's Death Ruled a Suicide by South Dakota AG, also Marriage Fraud Inside Diversity Visa Fraud, All Tucked into a Useless Program"  

replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

12/3 ,Robert Conroy,Marilyn Barnewall

Talkback Tuesday 3 Dec 2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Robert Conroy Author of the popular alternate-history novels that include “Himmler’s War” and “Rising Sun” and recipient of the prestigious Sidewise Award for alternate histories. He holds a master’s in business from Wayne State University and is an adjunct faculty member at Macomb Community College, where he teaches business and finance. He served two years in the U.S. Army. His newest  novel is “1920 – America’s Great War,” a book that explores what could have been the history of the United States with less intelligence."His report: NSA Spying & the Cold Cruel World"   (www.baen.com)

Marilyn  Barnewall  has taught private banking in Singapore and at Colorado University .  She has written two fiction books designed to entertain Americans while educating them about the financial hazards , When the Swan’s Neck Breaks and Flight of the Black Swan,  Former editor of The National Peace Officers Magazine and was an investigative reporter for the Wyoming Eagle in Cheyenne .As a journalist, she has written guest editorials for the Denver Post, Rocky Mountain News, Newsweek and other print publications.  On the Internet, she writes for News With Views, World Net Daily, Canada Free Press ." (www.newswithviews.com) (www.wnd.com)  "Discussing her article: PAPAL COMMENTARY IS MARXIST" 


replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/

Monday, December 2, 2013

12/2 Dr Ehrenfeld, Jim Kouri

Talkback Monday 2 DEC  2013
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld is the Director of the New York-based American Center for Democracy and the Economic Warfare Institute. She is the author of hundreds of articles, academic publications and the books: "Funding Evil: How Terrorism Is Financed," "Evil Money," and "Narcoterrorism." and "The Muslim Brotherhood, Inc." Dr. Ehrenfeld has testified before Congressional Committees, as well as the Canadian and European Parliaments, and provided evidence to the British Parliament, and consulted government agencies such as the Department of Defense and Homeland Security. "Discussing her article: Obama's Road to Tehran"  (http://www.acdemocracy.org )

Jim Kouri, Former Vice-President, and currently a Board Member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and he's a columnist for Examiner.com ,New Media Alliance and News With Views.com . He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. "Discussing his latest articles including: Obama, Kerry and Iranians silent about captive FBI agent "   (www.examiner.com) (www.newswithviews.com) (www.familysecuritymatters.org)

Replay of shows can be found at http://talkbackwithchuckwilder.blogspot.com/