Friday, December 30, 2011

12/30 BEST OF

Talkback Fri Dec 30, 2011

Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Todays Program is a Best Of Talkback


Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Thursday, December 29, 2011

12/29 Tim Graham,Darlene Quinn,Alan Caruba

Talkback Thu Dec 29, 2011
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Tim Graham is the MRC’s Media Research Center Director of Media Analysis. He is responsible for supervising media analysts and researching and writing regular Special Reports on the news. Graham is the author of the book Pattern of Deception: The Media's Role in the Clinton Presidency.""Quote of the Year" for the Year's Worst Reporting has been decided!"
( (

Darlene Quinn is an author and journalist from Long Beach, Calif., whose novels about deceit, intrigue and glamour in the retail fashion industry were inspired by her years with Bullocks Wilshire Specialty department stores. Her newest novel is “Webs of Fate” With 7 million Americans receiving unemployment benefits, and many counting the years – instead of months – since their layoff, author Darlene says now is a good time to Create a New You – with a New Job -- for the New Year"

Alan Caruba Founder of The National Anxiety Center he is the Editor of the blog Facts Not Fantasy. Author of "Right Answers: Separating Fact from Fantasy" and "Warning Signs"His articles: 2012's State of the World, and The 2012 Check list for America's Survival"
( ) (


Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

12/28 Rick Oltman, Jim Kouri

Talkback Wed Dec 28, 2011
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Rick Oltman has worked for immigration reform for over twenty years. He has lobbied in Washington, DC and in dozens of state capitals for secure borders and immigration enforcement. . In 1994 Rick was Chairman of the California YES ON 187-SAVE OUR STATE campaign supporting Proposition 187. In 2004 Rick worked with Arizona activists to qualify Proposition 200, Arizona's state initiative that required proof of citizenship when voting or applying for public benefits. He the founder of The Immigration Tea Party. You can read his articles at Examiner.Com "Immigration and the GOP"
( (

Jim Kouri, Former Vice-President, and currently a Board Member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and he's a columnist for ,New Media Alliance and News With . He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country."Discussing his latest, Including:Taxpayer funded children's museum to hold Muslim program also Another crooked lawmaker cleared by Ethics Committee, says watchdog group"( (

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

12/27 Fred Wszolek,Scott Gaylord,Jerry Kammer,Doug Book

Talkback Tue Dec 27, 2011
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Fred Wszolek, active union critic and spokesperson for the Workforce Fairness Institute. (WFI) is an organization committed to educating voters, employers, employees and citizens about issues affecting the workplace."Sens. to Obama - No More Sneaking In Appointees"

Scott Gaylord, associate professor of law at Elon School of Law. He has done appellate work in
both state and federal courts. He served as a law clerk on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in Houston .Gaylord began his teaching career in 1990 as a teaching fellow at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he received the Students’ Undergraduate Teaching Award. He has served as a teaching assistant and research assistant at University of Notre Dame Law School, and as assistant professor at Ave Maria School of Law." License plates: government or private speech? Several states are battling over issuing license plates with "political messages." (

Jerry Kammer, a senior research fellow at CIS, won many awards in his 30 years as a journalist.
In 2006 he received a Pulitzer Prize and the George Polk Award for his work in helping uncover the bribery scandal whose central figure was Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham. His work in Mexico for the Arizona Republic was honored with the 1989 Robert F. Kennedy Award for humanitarian journalism."Discussing his report:Cheap Labor as Cultural Exchange: A Four Part Series" (

Doug Book Columnist for the Blog Coach is Right. His articles appear on Friday and Sundays. Doug is a retired Buick Dealer living in Owensboro, Ky. He grew up in Pittsburgh attended Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio. Vanderbilt Grad School. English Major and Doug’s hobbies include shooting."The Oklahoma City bombing: FBI sting gone wrong or murderous conspiracy for federal acquisition of power" (

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Monday, December 26, 2011

12/26 Best of Talkback

Talkback Mon Dec 26, 2011

Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST


Note my Blog can be found at
Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Friday, December 23, 2011

12/23 Best of Talkback

Talkback Fri Dec 23, 2011

Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Today's Show is a "Best of Talkback"

Note my Blog can be found at
Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Thursday, December 22, 2011

12/22 Kendal Perez,Dan Gainor,Joe Guzzardi, Dr Coach Collins

Talkback Thu Dec 22, 2011
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Kendal Perez is an established consumer-savings expert for Kinoli Inc.. Don’t worry if you have waited until the eleventh hour, their latest report is:
“Holiday Slackers Can Save Too: Last-Minute Shopping Tips"
( (

Dan Gainor Vice President of the Business and Media Institute, veteran editor with more than two decades of experience in print and online media. He served as an editor at several newspapers including the Washington Times. Mr Gainor holds an MBA from the University of Maryland’s Roberth H. Smith School of Business and a Masters from the University of Baltimore. "George Soros, Godfather of the Left Gives $550 Million to Liberal Causes" (

Joe Guzzardi, CAPS (Californians for population stabilization) Senior Writing Fellow. His Op-eds about California social issues have appeared in newspapers throughout California and elsewhere for over 15 years. In 2003 he was candidate for California Governor. For 25 years he taught English as a second language to immigrants from all over the world for the Lodi Ca Unified School Dist. in 2008 he retired and moved to Pittsburgh Pa. Many of his articles appear at VDARE.Com. "Discussing his article: More Leave California Than Arrive; Existing Demographics Ensure Growing Population" ( (

Dr. Kevin “Coach” Collins, From Coach is Right.Com, he is a member of American Mensa and the Sons of the American Revolution, holds a doctoral degree in Public Administration from Nova Southeastern University. He is a Viet Nam era Marine and a retired NYPD Honor Legion street cop, For many years he has been an adjunct professor of Behavioral Science at several colleges in the NYC area. His love of playing and teaching basketball has brought him the name; he is known as, to his friends: “Coach.” His article: "Random thoughts on the Republican presidential
primary process" (

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

12/21 Amy Ridenour,Tricia Erickson,Richard Mack ,Mike Cutler

Talkback Wed Dec 21, 2011
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Amy Ridenour is president and chairman of The National Center for Public Policy Research, she also is a member of the board of directors of Black America’s PAC and she maintains the National Center Blog, where you can read her latest commentaries on numerous issues."National Center for Public Policy Research Reacts to One-Year Delay in Enforcement of De Facto Light Bulb Ban" (

Tricia Erickson political consultant and on-air contributor. She is an expert on the well-masked ult of Mormonism and a former Mormon Bishop’s daughter who left the church in her early 20’s. author of the new book “Can Mitt Romney Serve Two Masters? The Mormon Church Versus The Office Of The Presidency of the United States of America.” Mitt Romney Is Better Suited For Liberal New Hampshire "

Richard Mack, former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, and founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), who’s mission is To educate and equip sheriffs, peace officers and public officials with the necessary information and public support to carry out their duties in accordance with their Oath of Office. Sheriff Mack, successfully challenged the 1993 federal Brady handgun control act in a landmark case that went all the way through the United States Supreme Court. "He is filing a lawsuit in federal court against the Southern Poverty Law Center for slander, libel and defamation." He is the author of: The Magic of Gun Control.
( (

Michael Cutler, Senior Fellow at CAPS Californians for Population Stabilization an advisor to the “911 Families for a Secure America,” and a consultant, retired in 2002 after a distinguished career with the INS of over 30 years, including 26 as a Special Agent. His articles can be found at News With Views.Com , Family Security Matters and more.”Pres declares US as battlefield on war on terror” ( ( (

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

12/20 Horace Cooper,Dr Anne Bradley,Frosty Wooldridge

Talkback Tue Dec 20, 2011
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Horace Cooper, Spokesman for Project 21, a leading voice of black conservatives since 1992
which is sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research Horace is also a senior fellow with the Institute for Liberty."CELL PHONE "BAN" DURING DRIVING BEING PLANNED BY NTSB" (

Dr. Anne Rathbone Bradley is a visiting scholar with the Bernard Center for Women, Politics & Public Policy. The Bernard Center for Women, Politics & Public Policy is a research and educational institution—a think tank— whose mission is to fundamentally change the terms of the nation’s most critical domestic and foreign policy debates and challenge the American public, policymakers, and the media to discuss those issues. Dr. Bradley’s academic work focuses on: the political economy of terrorism with specific emphasis on the industrial organization of
al-Qaeda. She is currently working on a book that analyzes the political economy of al-Qaeda post 9/11."Discussing The Grinch Who Wants to Change the Channel on the Best Holiday Food Ads " (

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents and seven times across the United States in the past 30 years. His published books include America on the Brink. His latest book is How to Live a Life of Adventure. Most of his articles can be found at News With Views.Com ."Discussing his new book, Worldwide adventurer Frosty Wooldridge has written the first of its kind book on how you can switch from dreaming to living your dreams"
( (
*Soft cover: $19.95 at and Barnes and Noble
Direct from the publisher: $16.95 at 1 888 280 7715

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Monday, December 19, 2011

Matt Philbin,Phil Kerpen,Frank Salvato

Talkback Mon Dec 19, 2011
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Matt Philbin Managing Editor of The Business Media Institute ."War on Christmas - Fact or Fiction?"

Phil Kerpen Chairman of the Internet Freedom Coalition and vice president of policy at Americans for Prosperity He is the author of the book “Democracy Denied” Americans for Prosperity and nineteen other conservative groups have sent a strong coalition letter to Congress, asking them not to use US taxpayer dollars to bailout Europe through the IMF.

Frank Salvato is the Executive Director and Director of Terrorism Research for He is a member of the International Analyst Network He also serves as the managing editor for
The New Media Journal.He is the author of: Understanding the Threat of Radical Islam." Discussing his latest: Eating Our Own & Providing Strategy, also History and the Eye of Newt"

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Friday, December 16, 2011

12/16 Alan Gottlieb,Daniel Flynn,Jessica Vaughan,Lloyd Marcus

Talkback Fri Dec 16, 2011
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Alan Gottlieb is the Publisher of Gun Week and The Gottlieb-Tartaro Report. He is the Chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, serves on the Board of Directors of the American Conservative Union, President of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, President of the American Political Action Committee and President of He is co-author of America Fights Back: Armed Self-Defense in a Violent Age. And his latest: Shooting Blanks."The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms has applauded Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh’s introduction of legislation to withhold funding from the United Nations

Daniel J. Flynn, Discussing his latest book Blue Collar Intellectuals (ISI Books),The party of the working man has become the bi-polar party of the super-rich and super-educated at one end and the minority underclass at the other.Daniel is a widely followed blogger (, and a columnist for His previous books include A Conservative History of the American Left and Intellectual Morons.

Jessica Vaughan Director of Policy Studies for the Center for Immigration Studies. She has been with the Center since 1991, and her area of expertise is the administration and implementation of immigration policy, covering topics such as visa programs, immigration benefits and immigration law enforcement. Prior to joining the Center, Mrs. Vaughan was a Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. State Department, where she completed consular and administrative assignments. Mrs. Vaughan has a master’s degree in government from Georgetown University and earned her Bachelor’s degree in international studies at Washington College in Maryland."Report Challenges
Attack on Secure Communities,Allegations of Wrongful Arrests of U.S. Citizens Are False"

Lloyd Marcus Singer/Songwriter of the national American Tea Party Anthem, Vice Chairman of
the Campaign to defeat Obama ( He is a self proclaimed Black Unhyphenated American, Author of Confessions Of A Black Conservative. Lloyd is a featured columnist on American Thinker, Renew America, Canadian Free Press , News With and numerous other Internet websites."His article: The Ultimate Devastating Price of Government Dependency"

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Thursday, December 15, 2011

12/15 Bill Wilson,Dave Durand,Julia Seymour,Selwyn Duke

Talkback Thu Dec 15, 2011
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Bill Wilson, president of Americans for Limited Government (ALG), (ALG) is a non-partisan, nationwide network committed to advancing free-market reforms, private property rights and core American liberties."The Internet piracy bill: A free speech "kill switch"
( (

Dave Durand, author of Say This, Not That: How to Build Trust and Motivate Others with the Right Choice of Words, has coached thousands of people to success over the last 20 years. His revious books include Perpetual Motivation and Win the World without Losing Your Soul.

Julia A. Seymour is an assistant editor/analyst for the Business & Media Institute. Prior to joining BMI in 2006, she was a staff writer for Accuracy in Academia She holds a B.S. in Mass Communications: Print Journalism from Liberty University. Seymour lives in Northern Virginia. " The Top 10 Economic Myths of 2011."

Selwyn Duke is a writer, columnist and public speaker. His articles can be found at numerous web sites including the New, News With and American
"His New American article:College Mate: Obama Was an “Ardent” “Marxist-Leninist”

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

12/14 Glenn Spencer,David Rubin,Wes Vernon

Talkback Wed Dec 14, 2011
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

See Christmas song below

Glenn Spencer Founder of the American Border Patrol group based in Sierra Vista, Arizona.
American Border Patrol is a private, non-governmental, organization with the stated purpose of informing Americans about the border. Besides patrolling the border in his plane they also use small, radio-controlled aircraft and ground sensing equipment to track illegal immigrants, and then relaying that information to the US Border Patrol."An update from the Border"
( (

David Rubin is the former mayor of Shiloh, Israel known to much of the world as the West Bank. He is the founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, author of The Islamic Tsunami:Israel and America in the Age of Obama, which exposes the attempts of the Islamic ideologues
to destroy Judeo-Christian civilization.."Reporting live from Israel, his latest:Palestinians “An

Invented People”: Is Gingrich a Reckless Candidate or a Bold Leader? "
( (

Wes Vernon Washington- based writer and veteran broadcast journalist, Most of articles can be found at Renew ."His article:The Romney as viewed by a Massachusetts


Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12/13 Mary Corbett, Lt Col Mike Silverman,Dave Gibson , Rick Oltman

Talkback Tue Dec 13, 2011
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Good Christmas song

Mary Corbett, the author of National Guard 101: A Handbook for Spouses. Discussing that today is the 375 th Birthday of the National Guard. The National Guard is the oldest component of the
Armed Forces of the United States and one of the nation's longest-enduring institutions. Her first book was , The List: 7 Ways to Tell if He’s Going to Marry You in 30 Days or Less.

Lt. Col. Michael E. Silverman (ret) Author: Awakening Victory: How Iraqi Tribes and American Troops Reclaimed al Anbar and Defeated al Qaeda in Iraq. It is the chronicled account of his experiences as Commander of the 3rd Battalion, 69th Armored Regiment, and the amazing contribution this battalion – the only one to participate in the campaign to reclaim al Anbar Province from start to finish - made to the war in Iraq."His article:Syria isn't Libya: Obama must consider bolder intervention"

Dave Gibson Author: Replacing Americans, the Deadly Consequences of an Open Border with Mexico. He was a Former legislative aide to a state senator. His work has been published in many newspapers and magazines including the Washington Times. He is the Drug Cartel reporter for Examiner.Com where you can read most of his articles. "An update on his latest articles"
( (
Also Rick Oltman Founder of the Immigration Tea Party, writer for Examiner.Com (


Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Monday, December 12, 2011

12/12 Dr Tom Borelli,Bob Beauprez,Jim Kouri

Talkback Mon Dec 12, 2011
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Dr. Tom Borelli,
Director of the Free Enterprise Project at the National Center for Public Policy
Research, a conservative, free-market non-profit think-tank established in 1982."President
Obama's Anti-Coal Agenda Threatens Reliability of our Electricity Supply" (

Bob Beauprez was a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives,
representing the 7th Congressional District of Colorado. Nominee for governor of Colorado in
2006,, Publisher of the monthly E-Magazine called a line of sight ,a public policy and opinion
resource on current political issues. He is the author of A Return to Values: "The Volt Coverup" (

Jim Kouri, Former Vice-President, and currently a Board Member of the National Association of
Chiefs of Police and he's a columnist for ,New Media Alliance and News With . He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security
officers throughout the country."Exclusive: Dems blame Bush for Operation Fast and Furious with
fabrications, plus an update on his latest stories" ( ( (

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Friday, December 9, 2011

12/9 Doug Book,Ilana Mercer,Dave Bego,Jonathan Emord

Talkback Fri Dec 9, 2011
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Doug Book Columnist for the Blog Coach is Right. His articles appear on Friday and Sundays. Doug is a retired Buick Dealer living in Owensboro, Ky. He grew up in Pittsburgh attended Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio. Vanderbilt Grad School. English Major and Doug’s hobbies nclude shooting. "Holder and fast and furious hearings" (

Ilana Mercer libertarian writer and a fellow at the Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies, an independent, nonprofit, economic-policy think tank. Ilana’s latest book is Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa. She also writes for World Net Daily. "Discussing her article: One Nation Under Inflation" ( ( ( )

David A Bego Author of The Devil at my Doorstep, this book stems from his actual firsthand experience while waging war with Andy Stern and the SEIU from late 2006 until present day. He has been fighting back against one of the most powerful unions in existence today, he has lived the experience while under attack from Stern and his union thugs."From his blog: Right to Work: A Basic American Freedom" (

Jonathan W. Emord is an attorney who practices constitutional and administrative law before the federal courts and agencies. He has defeated the FDA in federal court a remarkable seven times, six on First Amendment grounds, and is the author of Amazon bestsellers The Rise of Tyranny, and Global Censorship of Health Information. He is also the American Justice columnist for U.S.A. Today Magazine, and writes for News With Views.Com "His article:TSA: Fat, Dumb, and Slow" (

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Thursday, December 8, 2011

12/8 John LeBoutillier,John Wohlstetter,James Breig,JB Williams

Talkback Thu Dec 8, 2011
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

John LeBoutillier Former U.S. Congressman nationally recognized political commentator. Writer for Newsmax.Com and Boots Blast. In 1980 He was elected to represent New York's 6th District, becoming the youngest member of the 97th Congress. author of Harvard Hates America."From is blog: These Are Romney's Final Six Weeks"
( (

John C Wohlstetter is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute, a trustee of the Hudson Institute, author of The Long War Ahead Of Us And The Short War Upon Us. He is founder of the issues blog Letter From the Capitol."His report: Asian Nukes Headed to America?" (

James Breig Veteran editor and author who has worked for the Catholic press for nearly 40 years also a writer for television, radio and films. He holds a BA in liberal arts and an MA in English literature. He is the author of The Emotional Jesus: How to Feel Good about Feelings."Discussing his latest book Searching for Sgt. Bailey, Behind the Scenes of WW 2 - 70 years after Pearl Harbor, remembering those who simply did their duty."
He contributes regularly to the Knights of Columbus website (

JB Williams Founder of Freedom Force USA and a staunch conservative actively engaged in returning the power to the right people in America. JB is a business man, a husband, a father, and a writer. A no nonsense commentator on American politics, American history, and American philosophy. He is published nationwide and in many countries around the world. His articles can be found at News With Views .com."His article:Is Defense Authorization Act Treasonous?"
( ) ( (

I have some breaking news for you: Barack Obama's teleprompter has run off and joined the Occupy Wall Street movement.
This from my frequent guest Selywn Duke

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

12/7 William Federer,Rees Lloyd,Nancy Salvato,David North

Talkback Wed Dec 7, 2011
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

William J. Federer Is a former U.S. Congressional Candidate , nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America's noble heritage. Author of America's God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations it has sold over a half-million copies, and his AMERICAN MINUTE radio feature, ecalling events of American significance on the date they occurred, is broadcast daily across the country and read by thousand on the Internet.He is also the author of What Every American Needs to Know About the Qur'an - A History of Islam & the United States."Remembering Pearl Harbor and also all the December battles"
( (

Rees Lloyd Longtime civil rights attorney and veterans activist whose work has been honored by, among others, the California Senate and Assembly, and numerous civil rights, workers rights, and veterans’ rights organizations. He has testified as a constitutional expert at hearings before the U.S. House and Senate representing The American Legion. Rees also writes for News With Views and World Net Daily." A day of remembrance, his article: Pearl Harbor Day:
Also S.J Hemker A Survivor Remembers a day that should live in Infamy"
( (

Nancy Salvato is the President and Director of Education and the Constitutional Literacy Program or, She serves as a Senior Editor for The New Media Journal. She received her BA in history from Loyola University and her Early Childhood Education from National-Louis University."Discussing her article: Where Your Rights End and Mine Begin."
( (

David North He joined the Center for Immigration Studies as a fellow in 2008. He is also a former Assistant to the U.S. Secretary of labor and was an immigration policy researcher for several decades."He testified today before the Senate Judiciary committee on the EB-5 immigrant
investor program, also his artice: Employer Proclaims He Profits from H-1B Workers."

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

12/6 Mychal Massie,Doug Book,Alan Caruba,Kimberly Dvorak

Talkback Tue Dec 6, 2011
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Mychal Massie is chairman of the National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives-Project 21

– a conservative black think tank located in Washington, D.C. He was recognized as the 2008

Conservative Man of the Year by the Conservative Party of Suffolk County, N.Y. He is a nationally

recognized political activist, pundit and columnist."The Daily Rant: Herman 'Cain,' but America

Won't" ( (

Doug Book Columnist for the Blog Coach is Right. His articles appear on Friday and Sundays.

Doug is a retired Buick Dealer living in Owensboro, Ky. He grew up in Pittsburgh attended

Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio. Vanderbilt Grad School. English Major and Doug’s hobbies

include shooting. "Obama leaves for 17 day trip, is Holder about to resign?"

Alan Caruba Founder of The National Anxiety Center he is the Editor of the blog Facts Not

Fantasy. Author of "Right Answers: Separating Fact from Fantasy" and "Warning Signs" A look

at the Most Boring Celebrities of 2011 and who Takes Top Spot on 25th Annual List."
( ) (

Kimberly Dvorak National Homeland Security correspondent. For the San Diego County Political

Buzz Examiner. She has covered local, national and international news stories for more than 15

years."An update from her latest reports including :California Governor Brown seeks to raise

taxes for all residents, also New tunnel under the border"


Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Monday, December 5, 2011

12/5 Del Wilber,Phil Hoppman,Joe Guzzardi

Talkback Monday Dec 5, 2011

Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Del Quentin Wilber Award-winning reporter for The Washington Post. He has spent most of his career covering law enforcement and sensitive security issues, and his work has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. He is the author of RAWHIDE DOWN the near Assassination of Ronald Reagan."Is John W. Hinckley Jr., the gunman who in 1981 nearly killed President Reagan and wounded three other men, ready for more freedom from the psychiatric hospital where he has been held for three decades?A series of hearings are going on in the District’s federal court will determine just that."

Phil Hoppman, President of Big D Metalworks, former Chairman of ABC’s Free Enterprise Alliance, and Iowa State economics graduate.He is also a spokesperson for the Halt The Assault Campaign and writes for American Thinker ."His report: a new batch of emails stolen from the servers at the University of East Anglia ,more proof that Scientists have been manipulating data and working to silence critics of their contrived conclusions"
( ( (

Joe Guzzardi, CAPS (Californians for population stabilization) Senior Writing Fellow. His Op-eds about California social issues have appeared in newspapers throughout California and elsewhere for over 15 years. In 2003 he was candidate for California Governor. For 25 years he taught English as a second language to immigrants from all over the world for the Lodi Ca Unified School Dist. in 2008 he retired and moved to Pittsburgh Pa. Many of his articles appear at VDARE.Com. "Discussing his articles, California’s Vicious Unemployment Cycle,also Individual Taxpayer ID Numbers Enable Aliens To Collect Billions and his article on soaring-international-enrollments-at-us-colleges-bypass-american-kids and updtae on the Dream Act" ( (

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Friday, December 2, 2011

12/2 Best of Talkback

Talkback Fri Dec 2, 2011
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Todays show is a Best of Talkback

Note my Email Address is CHUCKWILDERSHOW@AOL.COM

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4

Thursday, December 1, 2011

12/1 Debi Devens,Brett McMahon,Janice Kephart,Robert Ringer

Talkback Thu Dec 1, 2011
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Debi Devens is one of the founding organizers of the Beverly Hills Tea Party. Follow her on twitter at @debidevens, you can read her articles at ( ) discussing/ her article:Gingrich Has Something Candidates Need"

Brett McMahon Vice President of Miller and Long Concrete Construction and a spokesman for Halt The Assault Campaign."From his Townhall posting: The NLRB Showdown"
( )

Janice Kephart, the Center for Immigration Studies National Security Policy Director. Janice now has four mini-documentaries” “Hidden Cameras on the Arizona Border:" (1) Coyotes, Bears, and Trails,(2) Guns and 850 Illegal Aliens(3) A Day in the Life of a Drug Smuggler and her latest: A Day in the Life of an Arizona Rancher: Border Fences, Illegal Aliens, and One Man’s Watchtower,” Her report "Amnesty by Any Means Extended to DOJ Lawyers "

Robert Ringer is a New York Times #1 best-selling author whose landmark works, Restoring the American Dream is a clarion call to liberty-loving citizens to take back our country from those who are trying to fundamentally transform America. He also is publisher of the pro-liberty e-letter, A Voice of Sanity in an Insane World, and his articles appear weekly in WorldNetDaily and numerous newspapers nationwide. In addition, Ringer hosts the highly acclaimed Liberty Education Interview Series. "His article:The OWS-Black Friday Connection"

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PST on CRN CH 4