Tuesday, August 31, 2010

9/1 Rick Oltman.Dr Jane Orient,Steven Baldwin,Ryan Mauro

Talkback Wed Sep 1, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Rick Oltman Media Director for CAPS (Californians for Population Stabilization)"Immigration Update"

Jane M Orient Exec. Dir. Assoc. of American Physicians & Surgeons "Why She will not take medicare money" (http://www.aapsonline.org/ )

Steven Baldwin Senior research fellow at the Western Journalism Center ,Author: The Case for Impeachment Why Barack Hussein Obama Should be Impeached to Save America

Ryan Mauro
Founder of World Threats.com Associate Director of the Center for the Defense of Western Interests and is the Christian Action Network's Security Researcher. Discussing The Ground Zero Mosque's Conservative Supporter and other stories of interest. (http://www.worldthreats.com/)

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Monday, August 30, 2010

8/31 Sarah Cunninghan,Michelle Malkin,Dr Benjamin Wiker,Dave Gibson

Talkback Tue Aug 31, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Sarah Cunningham Discussing A Florida pastor controversial plan to burn copies of Koran on the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks. She is the Author of PICKING DANDELIONS: A SEARCH FOR EDEN AMONG LIFE’S WEEDS .She lead a disaster relief team at Ground Zero after 9/11 "

Michelle Malkin Author of the New York Times best seller Culture of Corruption , she says with Blagojevich,Rangel,Waters and Pelosi this is the summer of Corruption" (http://michellemalkin.com/)

Dr Benjamin Wiker " Discussing the 10 Essential Conservative Principles", He is the Author of 10 Books Every Conservative Must Read (http://www.humanevents.com/)

Dave Gibson Author: Replacing Americans, The deadly Consequences of an open border with Mexico Writer for the Norfolk Crime Examiner, Discussing his article" Two Illegal Aliens...17 deportations between them." (http://www.examiner.com/crime-in-norfolk/dave-gibson)

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Friday, August 27, 2010

8/30 Dr Jerry Corsi, Jim Kouri

Talkback Mon Aug 30, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Dr. Jerry Corsi #1 New York Times best selling author and the Senior Managing Director in the Financial Services Group at Gilford Securities as well as a senior staff writer for WorldNetDaily.com His Article "BRAZIL, GEORGE SOROS SEE ENERGY BOOM, also discussing his articles "STATE DEPT. CONFIRMS OBAMA DUAL CITIZEN and BATTLE OVER ILLEGALS BECOMES 'CATCH 22'' (http://www.wnd.com/)

Jim Kouri Vice President of the national Association of Chiefs of Police also writer for Examiner.Com and News With Wiews.Com " A look at his recent stories ,Obama giving illegal aliens amnesty by fiat, also alleged friendly fire incident.and Cyber bullying and sexting: Tips for parents and educators " (http://www.examiner.com/) (http://www.newswithviews.com/)

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

8/27 Chuck Morse,Jay Taylor,Bill Fawcett,Glenn Spencer

Talkback Fri Aug 27, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Chuck Morse Author: The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism" Is Ground Zero mosque modeled after notorious 9/11 mosque?"(http://www.chuckmorse.com/)

Jay Taylor Author: Point of Aim Point of Impact, He was a sniper in the Vietnam War ,His recollection of his Vietnam experience, that attempts to deal with the real issues returning war veterans have faced from Vietnam to the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. (www.pointofaimvietnam.com/) (http://www.authorhouse.com/)

Bill Fawcett Author: How to Lose WW 2 :Bad Mistakes of the Good War "shedding light on the biggest, and dumbest, screw-ups of the Great War – from Allies and Axis alike!"

Glenn Spencer
Founder/President of American Patrol .Com "McCain and the Arizona election, also Deaths rise along the Border. (http://americanpatrol.com/)

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

8/26 David Limbaugh,Terry Jeffery,John LeBoutillier,Don Collins

Talkback Thu Aug 26, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

David Limbaugh Discussing his latest book: Crimes Against Liberty, How Obama is doing things as President that the American public feel are unbecoming a President." (www.davidlimbaugh.com/)

Terry Jeffery Editor in Chief for CNS News.Com ,author of Control Freaks, 7 Ways Liberals Plan to Ruin Your life, His article " “Fix the Constitutional Falsehoods Congress Carved Into the Capitol’s Marble”: (http://www.cnsnews.com/)

John LeBoutillier Boots Blast and Newsmax.Com "Carter-Reagan Redux, also Rocky Road Ahead and Fear a GOP 2012 DUD" (http://leboutillier.blogspot.com/)

Don Collins
freelance writer living in Washington DC, and is Co-Chair of the Federation for American Immigration Reform's (FAIR) National Advisory Board ,His article at the Pittsburgh Tribune. "Discouraging inanities" and also a look at racial profiling " (http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib)" (http://www.vdare.com/)

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

8/25 Rick Manning ,Justin Danhof,Gen.William Boykin,Wayne A. Root

Talkback Wed Aug 25, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Rick Manning ALG Americans for Limited Government (http://www.getliberty.org.)/.) Discussing
the $26 billion states bailout, the ObamacareWatcher.org project,"

Justin Danhof General Counsel for the National Center for Public Policy Research "The EEOC Warns Employers: If you don't want to hire Felons, you need a good reason" (http://nationalcenter.org/)

William G. Boykin Lieutenant General (Retired) Author: Danger Close He is discussing the troops being sent out of Iraq ,terrorism around the world also Iran .

Wayne Allyn Root The 2008 Libertarian Party Vice President Nominee, Author: The Conscience of A Libertarian. Discussing his articles " So Now Obama Cares about the Constitution, with The Mosque at ground Zero" also "Obama is No Fool" (www.rootforamerica.com/)

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

8/24 -Best of , Thomas Scott McKenzie, Dr. Scott W. Poindexter, Lane Wiley

Thomas Scott McKenzie - THE MAN BEHIND THE NOSE: Assassins, Astronauts, Cannibals, and Other Stupendous Tales - He was—literally—the world’s most famous clown. Larry “Bozo” Harmon was the face, laugh, and sole proprietor of Bozo the Clown from 1956 until his death in 2008. Shortly before his death, Harmon, along with Thomas Scott McKenzie, finished writing the biography, THE MAN BEHIND THE NOSE: Assassins, Astronauts, Cannibals, and Other Stupendous Tales which is full of unexpected stories. Larry "Bozo" Harmon was the face, laugh, and sole proprietor of Bozo the Clown from 1956 until his death in 2008. He was responsible for spreading the face and laughter of Bozo around the world. Thomas Scott McKenzie has a master's degree in creative writing from the University of Mississippi. His work has appeared in Tin House, Stuff, Paste, Sync, and Inked, among many other places. McKenzie runs Slushpile.com, an online resource and blog for writers.

Lane Wiley - “Whittled By Time”
Lane has a BA in Drama and Education from San Jose State. Masters in Reading from George Mason, Virginia, Masters in Special Education from William and Mary, Virginia and degrees in Administration from St. Mary's and Stanislaus State, California. Lane has written children's stories as well as several teacher curriculum for social studies and reading. Lane has extensive background in training teachers in behavioral management and special education. Lane has taught all grades from K-6th as regular education teacher, middle school as reading specialist and high school as special education teacher.

Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDSThttp://crntalk.com/chuckwilder


Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Friday, August 20, 2010

8/23 - Best of, Patrick Henry Brady, Jeremiah Andrew Denton Jr.

On Today's "Talkback" with Chuck Wilder

Army Major General Patrick Henry Brady

Patrick Henry Brady (born October 1, 1936) is a retired United States Army major general and helicopter pilot who received the United States military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions in the Vietnam War.

Rear Admiral Jeremiah A. Denton

Jeremiah Andrew Denton Jr. (born July 15, 1924 in Mobile, Alabama) is a retired United States Navy rear admiral, naval aviator and a former Republican U.S. senator, for the state of Alabama. He spent almost eight years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam and later wrote a book about his experiences.

Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

8/20 Connie Hair, Todd Spencer,Rees Lloyd,Melissa Campbell,General Patrick Brady

Talkback Fri Aug 20, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Connie Hair Human Events , Her Article from Connie's Congress "Fannie and Freddie's Nightmare on Main Street Democrats have zero credibility on Fannie and Freddie reform..." (www.humanevents.com)

Todd Spencer President of O.O.I.D.A. The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association "Calling upon the Obama Administration to stand up to Mexico’s bullying tariff tactics and start fighting for the livelihoods of Americans". (www.ooida.com)

Rees Lloyd Civil Rights Attorney, Past Commander of America Legion Dist 21, Atty. Defense of Veterans Memorials project of the American legion Dept. of California. " The 9th Circuit Court says the Stolen Valor Act is unconstitutional , Xavier Alvarez lie about getting the Medal Of Honor, is his freedom of speech, also a story on a Proposed Casino near the Gettysburg Battlefield" Rees writes for (WWW.NEWSWITHVIEWS.COM)

Also with Rees

Melissa Campbell Former USMC, was the whistle blower on Xavier Alvarez

Patrick Henry Brady Retired U.S.Army Major General , winner of the Medal Of Honor, discussing the Stolen Valor Act, and more .Author Dead Men Flying


Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

8/19 Best Of : Admiral Denton,Sophia Ochsner,General Brady

Talkback Thu Aug 19, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Today's Show Is A Best Of Talkback With Guest

Admiral Jeremiah Denton He was a Vietnam POW for nearly eight years. Suffering severe mistreatment, he became the first U.S. military captive to be subjected to four years of solitary confinement. He first came to the public’s attention in 1966. After being tortured and threatened with more torture and even death if he did not “correctly” answer the questions posed, he was televised in front of Communist dignitaries with the purpose of having him admit to American atrocities. Instead, Admiral Denton replied, “Whatever the position of my government is, I believe it, I support it, and I will support it as long as I live.” Years later, Admiral Denton authored, When Hell Was In Session, a reflection on his time as a POW.

Sophia Serina Marsh- Ochsner Born and raised in a Muslim Household in England, After getting a degree in communications she established herself in TV News and entertainment reporting. She is now an advocate for Christian truth and freedom of expression. She is the author of the book Naked and Known"

Patrick Henry Brady Retired United States Army major general and helicopter pilot who received the United States military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions in the Vietnam War.He and his Daughter Meghan Brady Smith wrote the book Dead Men Flying Victory in Vietnam: The Legend of Dust Off, America’s Battlefield Angels"

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

8/18 Fred Lucas, Nathan Burchfield,Rob Sanchez

Talkback Wed Aug 18, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Fred Lucas
CNS News.Com " White House Directive: Erect Signs for Obama " (http://www.cnsnews.com/)

Nathan Burchfield The Culture and Media Institute "Networks Still MIA on Ground Zero Mosque Funding, Radical Ties " (http://www.cultureandmedia.com/)

Rob Sanchez Job Destruction newsletter and writer for VDARE.Com " Taxpayers to fund Job training In Sri Lanka, and more from Rob's files " (http://www.vadre.com/)

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Monday, August 16, 2010

8/17 Bob Unruh,Dr Lee Kuriso,Scott McKenzie,Scott Poindexter

Talkback Tue Aug 17, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Bob Unruh News Editor World Net Daily " State Agency Blows Off Law Denying Money For Illegals"

Dr. Lee Kurisko "Canadian Physician Warns of Obamcare Rationing " (http://www.medibid.com/)

Scott McKenzie Author: The Man Behind The Nose The Incredible Real life and Inspirational Philosophy of the World's most famous Clown. With Co- Author Larry "Bozo" Harmon.
(www.allaboutclowns.com/larry-Bozo-harmon.html )

Dr Scott W Poindexter Discussing his Coast-to-Coast Bike Ride to raise money and awareness to fight the childhood obesity epidemic" (www.fightobesityride.com/)

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Friday, August 13, 2010

8/16 Rabbi Shifren,Brett McMahon,Alan Caruba,Joy Tiz

Talkback Mon Aug 16, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Rabbi Nachum Shifren "Tired of playing the race card?" (rabbi@rabbiforsenate.com.)

Brett McMahon Vice president of Miller and Long Construction and a spokesperson for HaltTheAssault.com "Obama’s policies are harmful to small business."(www.halttheassult.com)

Alan Caruba Founder of the National Anxiety Center Editor of Facts not Fantasy , His latest "The EPA Must Be Stopped " (http://factsnotfantasy.blogspot.com/)

Joy Tiz Author: Obamanutz Disussing Her Latest "seventy percent of America is opposed to construction of a Victory Mosque next to Ground Zero" (www.joytiz.com)

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

8/13 -Robert Wilcox, Ernie LaPointe,

Robert Wilcox - "Plot  to Assasinate Patton"

Robert K. Wilcox is an author, journalist, and screenwriter who has written extensively on military subjects. He is the author of, among other books, Scream of Eagles, Japan's Secret War, Wings of Fury, Black Aces High, and First Blue. He has appeared on the History Channel, Oliver North's War Stories, and many other television and radio shows. He lives in Los Angeles.

Ernie Lapointe - "Great Grandson of "Sitting Bull"
Ernie LaPointe was born in 1948 on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. He grew up in Rapid City, South Dakota with his half-sister Marlene Little Spotted Horse. Their late mother Angelique LaPointe Spotted Horse was a housewife. His late father Claude LaPointe farmed in Pine Ridge and worked in a lumber yard in Rapid City.  Ernie attended the public school system in Rapid City. When he was 10 years old, his mother died of cancer. At age 17 his father died of a heart attack. He lived with his (half) Sister Marlene until he was 18 and old enough to join the military. He was stationed in Korea, Turkey, and Germany, and all over the United States. Mr. LaPointe did one tour in Vietnam in 1970-71. He received an honorable discharge from the Army in 1972.  On his Mother’s side he is the Great Grandson of Sitting Bull and Seen By Her Nation Woman. Mr. LaPointe can point out a long line of chiefs on his Mother’s as well as on his Father’s side. His Grandfather, Spotted Horse was the son of Hunts Enemy and the Grandson of Chief Charging Bear. His Great Grandmother’s (Tokala Win LaPointe) brother was Chief Painted Horse.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

8/12 Tom Schatz,Dr Lee Kurisko,Rob Sanchez

Talkback Thu Aug 12, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Tom Schatz President of The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste " Taxpayer Watchdog Group Releases 2009 Congressional Ratings"(http://www.cagw.org/)

Dr. Lee Kurisko "Canadian Physician Warns of Obamcare Rationing " (http://www.medibid.com/)

Rob Sanchez Job Destruction newsletter and writer for VDARE.Com " Taxpayers to fund Job training In Sri Lanka, and more from Rob's files " (http://www.vadre.com/)

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

8/11 Tom Fitton, Jessica Vaughan,Graham Bowley,Allan Wall

Talkback Wed Aug 11, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Tom Fitton President of Judicial Watch "Judge OK's Government prying into personal information"

Jessica Vaughan Director of Policy for the Center for Immigration Studies " Marriage fraud a growing problem" (http://www.cis.org/)

Graham Bowley Author: No Way Down " A dramatic account of the 2008 climbing tragedy on K2 Mountain

Allan Wall Memo from Middle America, Writer for VDARE.COM " How Mexican Law undercuts -Anchor Baby- interpretations of U.S. 14th Amendment" (http://www.vdare.com/)

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Monday, August 9, 2010

8/10 Edwin Mora,Pat Vaughn,Frank Salvato

Talkback Tue 10, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Edwin Mora Staff Writer CNS News.Com" GAO: Border Security Technology Program ‘Has Not Produced Expected Results’ also his story " National Guard troops wont be use to stop or detain Illegal Aliens "

Pat Vaughn General Counsel for the American Family Association "Discussing Judge Walker ignoring the will of the people on prop 8" also Home Depot Employee wearing patriotic button is fired. Employees wearing pro-homosexual buttons praised.(http://www.afa.net/)

Frank Salvato Executive Director and Director of Terrorism Research for BasicsProject.org He is a member of the International Analyst Network. He also serves as the managing editor for The New Media Journal His article " The Consequences of Park 51: The Cordoba House"

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Friday, August 6, 2010

8/9 Carrie Severino,Kerry Picket,Mike Cutler,Coach kevin Collins

Talkback Mon Aug 9, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Carrie Severino Chief Counsel and Policy Director of the Judicial Crisis Network "The Senate unleashes Kagan on America" (http://judicialnetwork.com)

Kerry Picket Washington Times " ICE Director holding back enforcement of U.S. Immigration laws also a look at Maxine Waters (www.washingtontimes.com)

Mike Cutler Center for Immigration Studies , Fellow Writer for CAPS, and News With Views.com " His report on his visit at ground zero in Arizona" (www.michaelcutler.net)
(www.capsweb.org) (www.newswithviews.com)

Coach Kevin Collins
From The Coach is Right column " A lunch pail story on the anniversary of Nagasaki, also his column "Holder is extorting settlement money to fund ACORN"

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Thursday, August 5, 2010

8/6 Mychal Massie,Jim Kouri

Talkback Fri Aug 6, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Mychal Massie Chairman of Project 21 The National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives.(http://www.project21.org/) A report that the Sherrods and other managers "under-paid, mistreated and fired black laborers, also The Former U.S. Civil Rights chairman says smearing Tea Party as "Racist" is an effective strategy for Democrats.

Dr. Judith Reisman author of the new book, Sexual Sabotage, Discussing a report that a Mass. School Condom Programs has adopted a Pedophile Model to Eroticize Vulnerable, Innocent Children "ANY AGE ANY SEX" (http//www.drjudithreisman.com)

Jim Kouri VP of The National Association of The Chiefs of Police , writer for Examiner.com and News with Views.Com , discussing some of his recent columns" Obama eyes global gun control and martial law, Obama's war on Arizona intensifies,and American sheriff targeted by Mexican cartel with $1 million bounty,and Pasadena sued for records about "Sanctuary City" plus more. (http://www.examiner.com/) (http://www.newswithviews.com/)

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

8/5 Wendy Wright, Bob Unruh,Phyllis Schlafly,Daniel Flynn, Bob Beauprez

Talkback Thu Aug 5, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Wendy Wright President of Concerned Women for America, California U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker handed down his decision on Prop. 8 declaring unconstitutional California’s constitutional provision defining marriage as the union between one man and one woman. (www.cwfa.org)

Bob Unruh News Editor for World Net Daily ,His article "Whoa! New Ground Zero mosque challenge in works, also his article "'Gay brainwashing' of America's youth" (http://www.wnd.com/)

Phyllis Schlafly President and Fonder of Eagle Forum Author: Feminist Fantasies Today discussing her article " More Unaccountable Obama Czars" (http://www.eagleforum.org/)

Daniel J Flynn Author: A Conservative History of the American left , Editor of (http://www.flynnfiles.com/) His Human Events article " Top 10 Examples of NAACP Racism"

Bob Beauprez Former Congressman from Colorado, he served on the Ways and Means,Transportation ,Veterans Affairs and Small Business Committees, Publisher of the E-Magazine A Line Of Sight. Discussing the discovery that the SEC Has Been granted Secret Powers by Congress in the new Financial Reform Bill. (http://www.alineofsight.com/) (http://www.hancockcommittee.org/)

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

8/4 Brian Faughnan,June Griffin, Dave Gibson

Talkback Wed Aug 4, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Brian Faughnan Managing editor of Liberty Central. They have declared that August is ‘Accountability Month’ and have launched a web site to help citizens prepare to hold members of Congress accountable for their actions in Washington when they return home for summer recess."(http://www.libertycentraltraining.org/,)

June Griffin Founder of the Tennessee Minute Women, Member of the Daughters of the American Revolution.We will talk about her story, She says it was "an act of war " The Headlines: Owner of Mexican grocery store , is verbally assaulted by anti-immigration activist June Griffin, who barges into the store and tears down a Mexican flag. "

Dave Gibson
Norfolk Examiner.Com author: Replacing Americans "Discussing his latest articles, The Mosque at ground zero, Virginia Attorney General gives police okay to question immigration status also 13-year-old boy murdered in Chicago…shot 22 times " (http://www.examiner.com/)

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4

Monday, August 2, 2010

8/3 Penny Starr,Tim Connolly,Sally Pipes,Ron Kessler

Talkback Tue Aug 3, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PDST

Penny Starr Senior Staff Writer CNS News.com " Arizona Sheriff: ‘Our Own Government Has Become Our Enemy’ also discussing Virginia's new rules say police can ask immigration status" (http://www.cnsnews.com/)

Tim Connolly
the Senior Editor and Founder of Winning Strategies, a political commentator, business builder, investor and analyst who has hosted his internationally recognized business talk radio show Winning Strategies for the last fourteen years. Today discussing "Will New FinReg Hiring Quotas Further Damage Business Prospects?"(http://www.winningstrategies.net/)

Sally C Pipes President and chief executive officer of the Pacific Research Institute , renowned expert on health care and economic issues. Discussing her just released book The Truth about Obamacare"

Ron Kessler
Author: In the Presidents Secret Service BEHIND THE SCENES WITH AGENTS IN THE LINE OF FIRE AND THE PRESIDENTS THEY PROTECT, updated version revealing new details about the threats against President Obama "(http://www.ronaldkessler.com/)

Talkback is repeated Midnight- 2 AM PDST on CRN CH 4