Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fri Apr 2, 2010

Talkback Fri Apr 2, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder 11 AM - 2 PM PDST

Mark Seavy American Legion representative discussing the Father who had to bury his Marine son, Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, killed in action defending freedom, now has been ordered to pay the attorney fees of Fred Phelps and followers who harassed the family at their son's funeral, by order of the federal 4th Circuit Court of Appeal"

:to help send checks to:

The American Legion Burnpit
Albert Snyder Fund
P.O. Box 1055
Indianapolis, IN 46206

Aurora Winter Author of From Heartbreak to Happiness Mental Health Expert and Heartbreak Counselor "Is The Public Starting To Turn On Sandra Bullock? "

Peter Brimelow Fonder and President of VDARE.Com , Author of Alien Nation. His latest article "Attacks on Tea Parties Meant To Intimidate Dissenters" (

Colleen Raezler Executive for The Culture and Media Institute "This is Holy week and guess what? There is a Religion Blog that hates Religion " (

Thu Apr 1, 2010

Talkback Thu Apr 1, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder 11 AM - 2 PM PDST

Nina Salarno Ashford Attorney and Executive Board Member for Crime Victims United ( she also serves as Executive Director for Californians United for Public Safety" Challenging the release of up to 6,500 inmates before they finish their original sentences. Is it a violation of voter approved Prop 9 ?"

Dave Gibson Writer for the Norfolk Crime Examiner , , Discussing his latest articles and also his just released book Replacing Americans The Deadly Consequences of an open border with Mexico.With Co Author Laura Leighton Editor of the daily news letter Illegal Immigration News.

Kenneth Timmerman "An Ex-Agent Chronicles Being the CIA's Eyes and Ears in Iran" the life of a Double Agent inside the Revolutionary Guards of Iran. (

Frosty Wooldridge Author: America on the Brink . His latest article from News With Views ( "20 Million Americans Unemployed: Economic Case for Immigration Moratorium"

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wed Mar 31, 2010

Talkback Wed Mar 31, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder 11 AM - 2 PM PDST

Martha Goss Founder of the Rebecca Goss Memorial Foundation in memory of San Antonio Heights resident Rebecca Goss , 16 year old who died in an automobile accident. The Foundation helps families with burial expenses, counseling, grief support and other cost, plus they award scholarships to Upland High School Grads who plan to study veterinary medicine as did Rebecca, Today discussing the 3 rd annual Upland Ca. charity"Becca Boo Yaah" car show May 22 to benefit the Foundation. (

Edwin Mora CNS " IT Problems put accuracy of Census at risk" ( The system shows slow performance, could affect cost and success of the Census"

Andrew Klavan Author:The Long Way Home . His latest article in reference to this being Holy Week "Why is God Missing From Pop Culture?"

Joy Tiz Author: Obamanutz, A cult leader takes the White house. Discussing her recent article "Castro endorses Obamacare" (

Amy Payne Americans For Prosperity ( President Obama’s Agenda By Other Means "President Obama has again failed at transparency by circumventing the Democratic process and making 15 recess appointments, including that of extreme liberal, Craig Becker, to the National Labor Relations Board. "

Monday, March 29, 2010

Tues Mar 30, 2010

Talkback Tue Mar 30, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder 11 AM - 2 PM PDST

Dr. Jerome Corsi Senior staff reporter for WND (www.WND.Com) , Editor of Red Alert News Letter , Author of the Best sellers The Obama Nation, The Late great USA, also Showdown With Nuclear Iran, Atomic Iran ,Unfit for Command and his latest Why Israel Cant Wait " Today discussing 'OBAMACARE' COPS: $1 BILLION TO FORCE NEW TAX COMPLIANCE also OBAMA ALLY TARGETS 401(K) DOLLARS"

Al Garza National expert on Immigration Law , Founder and president of The Patriots Coalition, also founder of America Speaks Out.( Former Congressman Tancredo calls for troops on the border after good Samaritan Rancher, Rob Krentz killed after providing help to Illegal Alien "

Bob Beauprez Former Congressman (Colorado) served on the Ways and Means, Transportation, Veterans Affairs and Small Business Committees. He was also Vice-Chairman of the Highways and Infrastructure Subcommittee and a member of the Republican Leadership Whip Team. Publisher of the Monthly E-Magazine A Line of Sigh ( "Water Gate 2 ? White House Bribery Scandal "

Friday, March 26, 2010

Mon Mar 29, 2010

Talkback Mon Mar 29, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder 11 AM - 2 PM PDST

James Fulford Assistant editor of VDARE.COM " Will amnesty be accomplished by executive order rather than by the arduous process of passing a bill. Also from the Fulford File Ann Coulter and Canadian Human Rights" (

Rabbi Nachum Shifren Candidate for California State Senate, District #26(
His latest essay "March to Socialism Bothering You? Ask Any Teacher!"

Mark Morano Founder/ President of Climate Depot. Com " Now it's CowGate: Expert report says UN claims of livestock causing global warming are false: ''It is becoming difficult to keep pace with the speed at which the global warming scam is now unraveling'

Stan Wald and Jerry Misner Discussing "Southern Exposure". The three-hour documentary series is what many believe to be the most thoughtful and in-depth investigation of illegal immigration ever done. Watch the trailer

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fri Mar 26, 2010

Talkback Fri Mar 26, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder 11 AM - 2 PM PDST

Joe Loya Father in Law Border Patrol Agent Ramos . Joe is in El Paso Texas and has been in the insurance business for many years . Do Illegal Aliens really want Health Ins, Car Ins. ? Also a look at the violence across the border "

Selwyn Duke Columnist, World Net Daily, News With, American Conservative and contributor to American thinker.Com " Texas Board of Education Tries to Correct History, just voted to resurrect a more traditional curriculum" (

Pastor David Mc Gee Author: Cross the Bridge to Life: Discover Your Adventure, (" Too many Christians have separated their Spiritual beliefs from their Political beliefs"

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thu Mar 25, 2010

Talkback Thu Mar 25, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder 11 AM - 2 PM PDST

James Fulford assistant editor of VDARE.COM " Will amnesty be accomplished by executive order rather than by the arduous process of passing a bill. Also from the Fulford File Ann Coulter and Canadian Human Rights" (

Rees Lloyd Life Member and Judge Advocate Riverside Ca .American Legion Post 79, Past Commander District 21 , Director of Defense of the Veterans Memorials Project of the American Legion Dept. of California." What Obama Care will mean to the Veterans Care and Care of all Americans"

Pete Sepp Vice President of Policy & Communications of the National Taxpayers Union "why cap-and-trade, just like health care, is a massive redistribution of wealth designed put government in charge of your consumption." (

Drew Zahn News Editor World Net Daily ( His article " Girl Scouts hiding secret sex Agenda? " Teen sex guides given to girls at U.N. meeting promoting different ways and types of sex"

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wed Mar 24, 2010

Talkback Wed Mar 24, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder 11 AM- 2 PM PDST

Melissa Henson Director of Communications and Public Education for The Parents Television Council
( "Study shows that violent video games lead to aggression in kids, also reports of more Pot smoking on television shows that attract younger viewers"

David Fleming, Tracy Rafter and Gary Toebben From the Los Angeles County Business Federation ( representing tens of thousands of businesses across every corner of our County, on business and policy issues that affect the economic vitality and quality of life in our county and its cities.

Bob Rinear Editor of Main Street Market Watch and Financial Intelligence Report."A look at the Census. Some political experts who have studied Obama’s governing style suspect that the 2010 Census may be the most politically charged censuses in U.S. history."

C.J. Williams Member of the United States Sportsmen's Alliance, and the Second Amendment Sisters among others. She writes for Michnews.Com and News With Views.Com . Her Article "U.N. Biospheres: A Scheme to Control People and Their Land"

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tues Mar 23, 2010

Talkback Tue Mar 23, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder 11 AM - 2 PM PDST

Obama Math: 36 Hours = 5 Days

Jim Kouri Vice President of the National Association of Chiefs of Police His Article at
"Obama Care to be Enforced by IRS "Bounty Hunters"

Dr. Don Kurt Mayor of Rancho Cucamonga, He owns the Urgent Care Center and Alta Loma Medical Group in Rancho Cucamonga, California. He is founder of the Children's Free Immunization Clinic, and is Republican Candidate for State Assembly 63 rd district.

Chelene Nightingale running in the 2010 election for Governor of California as a candidate of the American Independent Party Since 2005, Nightingale has been a Constitutional activist organizing rallies and marches in California. She organized the "Free the Texas Three" march for Deputy Gilmer Hernandez and Border Patrol Agents Ramos & Compean in Hollywood. The march was featured on the nationally syndicated show "America's Most Wanted .(

Kevin "Coach" Collins The Collins Report "Thirty dimes as 30 pieces of silver sounds about right to make our point to the lying Judas Stupak" and more from the Collins Report ( ) Here is the address to send your "thirty" pieces of Silver to Bart "Judas" Stupack .
Send 30 Dimes (attach to scott tape ) to :
Congressman Bart Stupak
1229 W. Washington St.
Marquette MI. 49855
"For his sell out on the Health Care Bill"

Friday, March 19, 2010

Mon Mar 22, 2010

Talkback Mon Mar 22, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder 11 AM- 2 PM PDST

How They Voted on The Health Care Bill

Dan Kish Senior Vice President for policy at the Institute for Energy Research ( "Obama surrenders gulf oil to Moscow,The Obama administration is poised to ban offshore oil drilling on the outer continental shelf , Meanwhile, Russia is making a bold strategic leap to begin drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico"

Diann Pomerance author of the new book, Our Rescue Dog Family Album ( Legislators in California want the Golden State to be the first to establish an animal-abuser registry — just as they were the first to create a registry of sex offenders."

Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate.(
He Announces Campaign to Become Libertarian Party National Chairman. Wayne is the Author of THE CONSCIENCE OF A LIBERTARIAN: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts."

David Kupelian Managing Editor of World Net Daily ( ) Author How Evil Works His latest Article "Why Team Obama Thrives on Creating Crises"

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fri Mar 19, 2010

Talkback Fri Mar 19, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder 11 AM - 2 PM PDST

Danny Diaz Director of Communications Workforce Fairness Institute "the new payback for Big Labor? Their latest scheme is called the “High Road Contracting Policy” and would allow the government to use its authority over how taxpayer money is spent to favor unions and their agenda."

Raymond Herrera and Robin Hvidston From "We The People" ( In studio taking your calls and discussing the NO AMNESTY rally this Sunday in Rancho Cucamonga"

Wes Vernon Washington based writer and veteran broadcast journalist "Will America still be America? Socialized Medicine part 11"

Jim Jacobson President of Christian Freedom International and a former policy analyst in the Reagan White House. Christian Persecution in Pakistan! Easter Canceled?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thu Mar 18, 2010

Talkback Thu Mar 18, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder 11 AM- 2 PM PDST

Nathan Fletcher State Assemblyman representing California’s 75th District. He is the first combat veteran of the Global War on Terror to serve in the California State Legislature. "Discussing the failure of our probation system when it comes to sex offenders like Albert Gardner"

Matt Cover CNS News.Com " House Rules Committee Ranking Republican David Dreier of California, says he is joining a Constitutional Challenge to prevent Democrats outrageous procedural measures.

Stacy Horn Author of Unbelievable Investigations into Ghost, Poltergeist,Telepathy, Clairvoyance, and other Phenomena of the Unseen World"

Mike Cutler Center for Immigration Studies, News With and CAPS " Janet Napolitano at long last says No to the Virtual Fence, California Man takes College Exams for Middle Eastern Students"

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wed Mar 17, 2010

Talkback Wed Mar 17, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder 11 AM - 2 PM PDST

WILLIAM J. FEDERER Nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America's noble heritage. Today a look at St. Patrick's Day"

Robert Rosebrock Army Veteran who has been protesting on land use polices by the Veterans Administration at the VA facility in west Los Angeles. "The ACLU filed a free speech lawsuit on his behalf"

Congressman Gary Miller California's 42nd district " Looking at the importance of our National Security ,economy and Health Care. "

Dr. Richard Brake, Director of study from the nonpartisan Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) "the shaping of an American mind ,Why Joe College is an Ignorant Liberal"

Conor Cunneen Chicago-based Irish humorist, speaker,"Which St. Patrick's Day traditions can help people bring about positive personal changes"

Monday, March 15, 2010

Tue Mar 16, 2010

Talkback Tue Mar 16, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder 11 AM - 2 PM PDST

Rick Oltman With CAPS ( Californians for Population Stabilization) "Assemblyman Bill Emerson (R Rancho Cucamonga) AB 2333 on Sanctuary Cities, and also Ricks article "Bio Metric Cards are D.O.A."

John Le Boutillier Boots Blast and Newsmax.Com " A look at the 2012 GOP Presidential Race "

Marilyn M Barnewall Her recent Article from The American Thinker "Reconciliation and the Senate Bill Why are the Republicans not using the strongest point available to prevent the reconciliation process"

Allan Wall VDARE.Com "Memo from Middle America, Evangelicals, The NAE and Immigration"

Here is the total 2,309 pages on Reconciliation 2010

Thanks to my Guest Marilyn M Barnewall

Friday, March 12, 2010

Mon Mar 15, 2010

Talkback Mon Mar 15. 2010 WWW.CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder 11 AM- 2 PM PDST

Art Astor Owner, President and CEO of the Astor Broadcast group Our latest CRN affiliate the Inland Empire’s KSPA AM 1510 and North San Diego’s KFSD AM 1450 . Art is a veteran of over 50 years in Southern California broadcasting.

Joe Schoffstall
CNS News.Com " The Majority of Americans believe their Kid's Textbooks place Political Correctness above Accuracy"

Collen Raezler
Culture and Media Institute " Sex, Violence and Hate: the Top 10 Most Disgusting Attacks on Conservative Women "

Jim Kouri Vice President of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, News With and Examiner.Com " Despite continued controversy over the use of stun guns by police officers, one of the nation's largest law enforcement departments is increasing, also a report on Jihad Jane in New York"

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fri Mar 12, 2011

Talkback Fri Mar 12, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Special Notice starting Monday Talkback will start 1 hour earlier 11 AM PDST

Michael Chapman Editor in Chief of CNS News.Com " Is Obama not telling the truth about Health care Premiums?"

Neil Russell
Hollywood motion picture and television executive and Author of the just released novel City Of War ,Neil is a two time cancer survivor and also wrote Can I Still Kiss You: Answering Your Children's Questions About Cancer"

Frosty Wooldridge News With Views.Com , Author of America On the Brink His Articles "Why The Health Care Plan Can't Work, Wont Work and The Key to Saving America's Education"

Dale Robertson Founder and President of Tea Party.Org "Karl Rove, the architect of George W. Bush's presidency, says the "Tea Party" movement could have lasting influence in the nation's politics if it remains decentralized but could hurt Republicans if it backs third-party candidates who siphon votes from GOP candidates"

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Thu Mar 11, 2010

Talkback Thu Mar 11, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST


Dr. Jerome R. Corsi WND and Red Alert He is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Obama Nation: and the co-author of Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, which was also a #1 New York Times bestseller, his latest book is Why Israel Cant Wait Discussing today his articles" Look how many zeroes are in the deficit now, also NAFTA SUPERHIGHWAY DREAM REVIVED"

Don Teague CBS War Correspondent co author of Saved By Her Enemy ,revisits the captivating story of how his 28 year old Iraqi female translator came under life-threatening attacks and kidnapping attempts while put on a watch list by Al-Qaeda"

Lawrence R. Huntoon M.D., PHD He is editor in chief of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons and a board-certified Neurologist " Obama Care :Putting Tyrants in Control of Health Care .

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wed Mar 10, 2010

Talkback Wed Mar 10, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Bob Unruh News Editor for World Net Daily ( " Three Homeland Security computers lost daily"

James Fulford Assistant Editor for VDARE.Com "Diversity is Strength it's also...The Incredible University of California San Diego Hate Crime Hoax"

Rob Sanchez Job Destruction News Letter " Eight out of 10 Stimulus Jobs go overseas, also discussing that Immigrants can bring in family on an EB-5 visa if they invest $500,000 to $1 million in a US business.

Bill Geerhart Author Little Billy's Letters an Incorrigible Inner Child's Correspondence with the Famous, Infamous, and just plain Bewildered. A truly funny and fascinating book .

Monday, March 8, 2010

Tue Mar 9 ,2010

Talkback Tue Mar 9, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Fred Lucas White House reporter for CNS News( " White House Calls Suggestion of Swapping Health Care Vote for Judgeship ‘Silly’

Jennifer Shryock Certified Dog Behavior Consultant "When Dogs Kill - Dangerous Breeds, Warning Signs & More"

Larry Pratt Executive Director of the Gun Owners of America (GOA)(, John McCain: Anti Gun Wolf in Sheep's Clothes?

Selwyn Duke Writer, speaker ,News with, New Media and others, His New American Article " Children Directing Planes at JFK: Why it is a Big Deal?" also discussing his article " Obama Nominee Liu Believes Constitution Half Living, Half Breathing " (

Friday, March 5, 2010

Mon Mar 8, 2010

Talkback Mon Mar 8, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Phil Kerphen
Vice President for Americans for Prosperity "The Health Care bill’s worst provisions and why Americans should continue to pressure their Congressmen to vote against it?

Andrew Klavan Author of such bestsellers as True Crime and Don't Say a Word.and his latest Long Way Home, Today a look at last nights Oscars.

Dave Gibson Norfolk Examiner "Why is the Press ignoring the fact that the Murder Rate has gone down in Washington D.C. "

Lloyd Marcus Black Unhyphenated American Singer/Songwriter and Tea Party Patriot " He is taking the Racism Charges Against the Tea Parties Personal also talking about his just released book Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America”.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fri Mar 5, 2010

Talkback Fri Mar 5, 2010 WWW.CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Ryan Mauro Founder of and the national security researcher for the Christian Action Network "Two Muslims arrested for Possible plot against Texas base, and also discussing National Elections in Iraq March 7"

Pam Mc Nelly Entertainment reporter for CRN Digital Talk Radio " Her take on the Oscars this Sunday Night"

Alan Caruba Founder of the Anxiety Center " Global Warming, Climate Change, Al Gore and more of his lies"

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thu Mar 4, 2010

Talkback Thu Mar 4, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Nicholas Ballasy CNS News.Com Video Reporter "Pelosi says Public Option Health care plan remains very popular in the public, Gallup polls disagree with her"

Ned Ryun President of American Majority, The Left posing as the Right Wing on Radio shows"The Democratic National Committee's Organizing for America has quietly launched an initiative aimed at making Obama supporters' voices heard on the largely conservative airwaves."

Devvy Kidd
News With Views.Com , Founder and Director of the Project On Winning Economic Reform.
Her latest "Will Vote Fraud Determine Upcoming Primaries- Again?" The Republican and Democratic parties are well greased, well run corrupt enterprises who did nothing to stop the fraud and in fact, opened the door for more:"

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wed Mar 3, 2010

Talkback Wed Mar 3, 2010
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Jason Vanclef President and CEO of Vanclef Financial Group, and author of The Wealth Code: How The Rich Stay Rich In Good Times And Bad. "Could your bank be failing right under your nose? What are the warning signs?"

Terri Crisp Program Development Manager for SPCA International "Discussing Operation Baghdad Pups ,it has served hundreds of U.S. soldiers and safely rescued over 200 dogs and cats for U.S. troops. These animals are helping our soldiers cope with the horrors of war in Iraq and Afghanistan and heal when they return home. This program does not just save military mascots - it also brings comfort, therapy, and peace of mind to our soldiers and marines. "

Frank Salvato Executive Director and Director of Terrorism Research for . He is a member of the International Analyst Network. He also serves as the managing editor for The New Media Journal.His latest article,Some Tough Medicine for getting Back to Good , there is hope, real hope, not the fake, manufactured, media-hyped hope that the American voter was sold in 2008"