Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tue Jan 5, 2010

Talkback Tue Jan 5, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Penny Starr Senior Staff Writer for CNS News.Com "Secretary of State Clinton Mum On Attempted Airline Bombing, And Iranian Protests, oh and by the way she is on vacation; but the State Department would'nt say where"

Thomas S. Ciraulo, MS, CL is a Certified Lymphologist, Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. He is author of the book Learn the Simple Truth to Achieving Optimum Health"After the Holidays a look at the first steps in rebalancing your body after smothering it with more food than it’s built to handle"

Kevin "Coach" Collins The Collins Report " The IRS says they will do your taxes, so what would happen if we all decided to take them up on that?"

Selwyn Duke News With Views.Com , American Thinker and The New Media Journal " Youths in France torch over 1,000 Cars ignored by the Lamestream Media , was it because who the "YOUTHS" were?"

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mon Jan 4, 2010

Talkback Mon Jan 4, 2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Burke J. Balch, J.D. Director of the Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics, associated with the National Right to Life Committee, specializing in euthanasia-related issues. "Health Care Bill is Euthanasia in Disguise"

Randy Pennington Author of the new book, On My Honor, I Will: The Journey To Integrity Driven Leadership
"President Obama and Janet Napolitano ? Do feel safe about our airline security?"

Dale Robertson Founder and President of TEAPARTY.ORG " What to expect in the year 2010"

Barbara Hollingsworth Columnist with the Washington Examiner " Whistleblowers punished for warning of aviation security lapses"

Fri Jan 1, 2010

Talkback Fri Jan 1,2010 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

HAPPY NEW YEAR Today A "Best" of Talkback

Craig Mc Donald Communications Director for Christian Freedom International " Is the USA subsidizing our Islamic Adversaries?"

Barry Rothman Author: Mary Ann or Ginger "The dilemma in every man's life"

Peter Earnest Author: The Real Spy's Guide to Becoming a Spy

Monday, December 28, 2009

Thu Dec 31, 2009

Talkback Thu Dec 31,2009 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Happy New Years Eve

John Le Boutillier Boots Blast and " John's New Years Predictions"

Phil Kerpen Policy Director for Americans For Prosperity " The True Person of The Year"

John Perazzo Frontpage Magazine and Managing Editor of Discover TheNetworks and the author of The Myths That Divide Us, His latest " The Communists Behind Obama’s Health Care Goals"

Steven Camarota Director of Research for The Center for Immigration Studies " Poll: Pew and Pulpit Disagree on Immigration Zogby Survey Finds Religious Leaders and Members at Odds"

Wed Dec 30,2009

Talkback Wed Dec 30,2009 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Walid Shoebat Former terrorist , who once detonated a bomb in an attempt to destroy a bank in Israel."Commenting on Islamic terrorists attempt to blow up a US commercial airliner in Detroit on Christmas day."

Devvy Kidd News With "Out Laws in Congress, her latest : Why Haven't These State Legislators Been Indicted?"

Tue Dec 29,2009

Talkback Tue Dec 29,2009 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Jim Kouri Vice President of The National Association of Chiefs of Police " Is Secretary Napolitano in over her head as a protector of the American people?"

Dave Gibson Norfolk Crime Examiner " Memphis judge lets self-described Muslim jihadist out on $100 bail "

Frosty Wooldridge Author: America on the brink. Today discussing his latest News With article" MUSLIMS IN THE 21ST CENTURY AMERICA: MUSLIM MAFIA OPERATES WITH IMPUNITY"

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mon Dec 28,2009

Talkback Mon Dec 28, 2009
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Alan Gottlieb Chairman of Citizen Committee For the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, President of SAF The Second Amendment Foundation " Murder is Down-Gun Sales are Up"

Clint Arthur Author of FREE NEW POWER, "As 2010 nears ,do you make Feeble, Hallow, Weak Resolutions?"

Mike Cutler C.I.S Center for Immigration Studies, Fellow writer for CAPS and News With Views.Com " Corruption within the ranks of employees of CBP (Customs and Border Protection)

Fri Dec 25,2009

Talkback Fri Dec 25, 2009

Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Merry Christmas , Today a "Best Of Talkback"

Marilyn M Barnewall News With " Conservatives need to define themselves"

Al Garza Founder and President of the Patriots Coalition" The New Amnesty"

Kevin "Coach" Collins " The BOMI: Barack Obama Misery Index"

Lloyd Marcus Singer/ Songwriter of the "American Tea Party Anthem" Discussing his artice from news With In Defense of Sarah Palin and Conservative Women.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Thu Dec 24, 2009

Talkback Thu Dec 24 , 2009
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM

Steven Pierce A GOOD WORD OF MOUSE: The Online Marketing Strategist, reveals what you need to know about internet civility and online positioning, social media marketing do’s and don’ts, and how you can make or break your business reputation IF you don’t know the rules

John Le Boutillier Boots Blast and Newsmax.Com " The Obama-Pelosi-Reid Left Implodes"

Selwyn Duke News With and the American Conservative Magizine " Pagan Propaganda:The other attack on Christmas also his article : Communism is alive and well and has a voice in Copenhagen and, The Childish Constitution and the Mature Constitution"

Wed Dec 23, 2009

Talkback Wed Dec 23, 2009 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Drew Zahn World Net Daily " Obama's 789 Billion is Buying Votes"

Jeff Poor Culture and Media Institute " This Years Worst Assault's On Christmas"

Rob Sanchez The Job Destruction News Letter, VDARE.COM and Fellow writer for CAPS" The New Amnesty, more
foreign workers, less jobs for Americans"

Monday, December 21, 2009

Tue Dec 22, 2009

Talkback Tue Dec 22, 2009 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon-2PM PST
Fred Lucas Staff Writer for CNS News.Com " Nearly 60% say president Oabam's Decisions Bad For America"

Alan Reinach Director of the Church State Council and President of the North American Religious Liberty Association-West " School sends Boy Home for Drawing Jesus"

Joe Guzzardi VDARE.Com and writer for the Lodi News Sentinel " Napolitano Nixes Chertoff's Enforcement Achievements"

Horst "BO" Hoefinger Author: Bad to the Bone, Memoir of a Rebel Doggie Blogger " Dare you give a pet as a gift?"

REMINDER: This is your last chance to sent  the ACLU a Christmas Card!
Send a Chrsitmas card to: 

125 Broad Street
18 th Floor New York NY 1004

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mon Dec 21, 2009

Talkback Mon Dec 21 , 2009 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon-2 PM PST

Dan Kish Senior Vice President for Policy at the Institue for Energy Research "Copenhagen-Cap-and-Trade and a new Rasmussen Poll shows 68% Favor Offshore Drilling "

Peter Brimelow Founder of VDARE.Com , former Editor of Forbes, The Financial Post and The National Review.Author of the best seller: Alien Nation " His latest The War Against Christmas Heats Up"

Jim Kouri Vice President/Public Information Officer for The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS OF POLICE Writer for Examiner.Com and News With Views "Stephen King 'shining' for US soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan and also Obama and the mob: Combating organized crime takes backseat in White House "

Senator George Runner (R. Antelope valley Ca.) Has called for a straight -forward initiative Vote Safe Now that will require voters to show state or federal photo I.D. before voting at the polls"

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fri Dec 18 , 2009

Talkback Fri Dec 18, 2009 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Joe Plummer entrepreneur and author " While you were distracted , Congress Grabed another 1 Trillion Dollars of our money"

Ian Plimer a leading global warming skeptic and two-time winner of the Eureka Prize (Australia's highest scientific honor), is professor in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at The University of Adelaide, Australia, and author of six books written for the general public, in addition to more than 120 scientific papers."His Copenhagen trip and close encounters with Al Gore"

Katharine De Brecht Political commentator, freelance writer " Her newest book, Help! Mom! Radicals Are Ruining My Country! was just released .Her first book, Help! Mom! There Are Liberals Under My Bed!, climbed to #1 in September 2005. Today discussing her artice " The Year in Rebuke-To Obama Voters. "

Raymond Herrea Founder/President We the People, California Crusader and Robin Hvidston Event Organizer. Raymond may challenge Congressman Baca co author of the New Amnesty Bill in next election. Also discussing Homeland Security's 3 Billion stimulus funds, 650 Million for DHS Headquarters, only 20 Million for ICE"

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thu Dec 17,2009

Talkback Thu Dec 17,2009 CRNTALK.COM

Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Virgil Goode Former Congressman He represented Virginia's fifth Congressional District from 1997 until 2009. "Citing 10% unemployment and recently released census figures indicating that 1/6 of workers are foreign born, Congressman Goode argues that stopping ALL immigration is necessary to protect American jobs."

Patricia Slaughter PHD Career Expert & Executive Search Specialist, author of the book Your Exclusive Destiny."Dear Santa Bring Me A Job"

Clare Lopez senior-level counterterrorism, intelligence, security consultant with 30 years experience in government, the Intelligence Community, and in the private sector. She has worked as a CIA senior officer for over 20 years." The Terrorism Threat In The U.S."

Pete Sepp Vice President of policy and communication for the National Taxpayers Union " 2009 was a banner year for controversy, what to expect in 2010"

Monday, December 14, 2009

Wed Dec 16, 2009

Talkback Wed Dec 16, 2009 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Kyle Olson editor of and vice president of Education Action Group Foundation" A Brooklyn federal judge, appointed by former President Bill Clinton, has ruled that Congress’s efforts to “defund” ACORN amounted to a bill of attainder, and thus were unconstitutional."

Phil Kerpen Director of Policy for Americans for Prosperity " His trip to Copenhagen and what to expect from President Obamas vist there and push for Cap-and-Trade"

Marilyn M Barnewall she received her graduate degree in Banking from the University of Colorado Graduate School of Business in 1978. She has authored seven non-fiction books about banking, two are listed at Oxford and Cambridge University libraries in Great Britain ,her latest book is When the Swans Kneck Breaks, her artices appear at News With and the latest is "Conservatives need to define themselves"

Al Garza Founder and president of the Patriots Coalition, also founder of America Speaks Out, Al is a national expert on issues surrounding immigration law.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Tue Dec 15, 2009

Talkback Tue Dec 15, 2009 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST
Randy Pennington Author: On My Honor, I Will: The Journey To Integrity Driven Leadership. " We the People The Tea Party voters can make the difference"

Gail Perry fundraising consultant and the author of FIRED UP FUNDRAISING says that you can insure your charity donation goes to the right place, and help your local charity if you have some basic knowledge of the world of non-profits.

Frank Salvato the Executive Director and Director of Terrorism Research for He is a member of the International Analyst Network. He also serves as the managing editor for The New Media Journal. His latest report" American Liberty vs. Obama's Social Engineering"

Bill of Rights Anniversary

Today Dec. 15, is the 218th anniversary of the adoption of the Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments to our Constitution, as ratified in 1791.

The Bill of Rights was inspired by three remarkable documents: John Locke's 1689 thesis, Two Treatises of Government, regarding the protection of "property" (in the Latin context, proprius, or one's own "life, liberty and estate"); in part from the Virginia Declaration of Rights authored by George Mason in 1776 as part of that state's Constitution; and, of course, in part from our Declaration of Independence authored by Thomas Jefferson.

Read in context, the Bill of Rights is both an affirmation of innate individual rights and a clear delineation on constraints upon the central government. As oft trampled and abused as the Bill of Rights is, Patriots should remain vigilant in the fight for our rights.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mon Dec 14, 2009

Talkback Mon Dec 14 , 2009

Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Chris Horner Author: Red Hot Lies "Can Obama's Cap-and Trade Survive the Email Scandal?"

W. Granville Brown Author of Choices "What can we learn from Tiger Woods' troubles ?"

Kevin "Coach" Collins " Intoducing the BOMI (Barack Obama's Misery Index) Tracking just how miserable Obama is making us"

Lloyd Marcus Singer/Songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem. Writer for News with "His latest article In Defense of Sarah Palin and Conservative Women"

Fri Dec 11, 2009

Talkback Fri Dec 11, 2009 CRNtalk.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Phil Kerpen Director of policy for Americans for Prosperity, as well as a contributing editor for National Review Online" Has just returned from Copenhagen and will give us his views"

Dan Isett Director of Public Policy for the Parents television Council " Frosty the inappropriate Snowman and a look at the Top Ten Best and Worst Advertisers"

Steven Camarota Director of research with the Center for Immigration Studies " Unemployed American Natives Available for work, a look at the U-6 unemployment rates. "

Keith Davies Director of the Forum for Middle Eastern Understanding (FFMU)" An Islamic Official at Ft Hood is now lecturing Deploying Troops"

Richard Botkin
Author: Ride the Thunder, a Vietnam Story of honor and triumph." Today discussing the War Strategy, Is Obama's rejection of Vietnam Lessons hurting our chances to succeed in Afghanistan?"

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thu Dec 10. 2009

Talkback Thu 10 Dec , 2009
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

James Gilchrist Founder and President of the Minuteman Project "Catholic Cardinal Urges Health Care for Illegal Aliens "

Amanda Mc Call Co Author with Ben Schwartz: Why Is Daddy In A Dress " Questions in life that are just to hard to ask, this book is full of precious baby animal postcards that do the dirty work for you"

P. David Gaubatz Co Author of : Muslim Mafia " Grand jury is seeking CAIR'S Records"

Dave Gibson Norfolk Crime Examiner " Illegal Aliens Hit and Run and a Polanski Update"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Wed Dec 9, 2009

Talkback Wed Dec 09, 2009 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

John Wohlstetter National Security Expert , Author: The Long War Ahead and the Short War Upon Us. He is a Senior fellow at Discovery Institute" Is Iran Planning a Nuclear Pearl Harbor ?"

Fred Lucas Senior staff Writer for CNS " Follow up on The Navy Seal Prosecution for Allegedly Punching Terror Suspect "

Wayne Allyn Root The 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate. His new book is entitled, “The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts.”His latest article " The Obama War Plan: A Recipe for Disaster! "

Frosty Wooldridge Author: America on the brink, Writer for News With Views.Com Part 9 in his series" Muslims in the 21st Century America and discussing the Air Tran flight cancelled after an incident with 11 Muslims, Was This A Dry Run?"

Monday, December 7, 2009

Tue Dec 08, 2009

Talkback Tuesday Dec 08, 2009
Chuck Wilder Noon-2 PM PST

Dan Kish Senior Vice president of Policy for Institute For Energy Research " Green jobs America can't afford"

Randy Skoglund, Executive Director of Americans for Technology Leadership, "Google currently controls 80% of the online search market What does this mean for the world’s largest search engine as they continue to dominate the technology market? What does Google’s dominance mean for your privacy?"

Chuck Baldwin News With Former Presidential Nominee for the Constitution Party " His latest :An open letter to America's Christians" We Christians are, for the most part, unwitting contributors to the demise of freedom and rise of oppression in our land.

Bob Chapman "ACORN Turns Dumpster Diving into Treasure Trove!"Over the past 40 years, Bob has immersed himself in the study of world politics and economics. His articles have run in more than 200 publications. His newsletter, "THE INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER,” has active subscribers all across world.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Mon Dec 07, 2009

Talkback Mon 7 Dec 09
Chuck Wilder Noon-2 PM PST

Glenn Spencer President American " A report on illegal alien movement from the AZ border, and American Patrols new Hi-Def Cameras"

Drew Zahn World Net Daily " Holiday Blues , customer rating on Holiday Greetings Vs. Merry Christmas at stores"

Daniel And Elaine Martinez Live from the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor about today's events on the anniversary of the Bombing of Pearl Harbor and also talking about next years added attraction"

Rob Sanchez Job Destruction Newsletter and Vdare.Com "The Presidents job summit who wasn't there and what they didn't discuss"

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Fri Dec 04, 2009

Talkback Fri 4 Dec 09
Chuck Wilder noon- 2 PM PST

Dr Constance Hilliard Professor of Middle East and African History "The Afganistan Plot Thickens she analyzes President Obama’s speech, his objectives and if sending more troops will help achieve them. "

Tim Carney Author of the new book : Obamanomics " How Barack Obama is Bankrupting You and Enriching His Wall Street Friends, Corporate Lobbyists, and Union Bosses "

Mike Cutler Center for Immigration Studies , Fellow writer for CAPS and News With " Spies at Gitmo also Gatecrashing at the White House and Mexican trucks coming across the border, what's in them?"

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thu Dec 3, 2009

Talkback Thurs 3 Dec 09
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Fred Lucas Staff Writer for CNS " ACORN is in the process of changing its name and is now Dispersing Resources to SEIU, other Liberal Groups"

Rees Lloyd Attorney, Defense of Veterans Memorials Project of the American legion Dept. of California. " A request for your active participation in support of our fight against the ACLU to save the Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial and the Mojave Desert Veterans Memorial The hearing is next Wednesday, Also discussing the American Legions response to President Obamas speech"

Peter Earnest Author: The Real Spy's Guide to becoming a Spy " The Official Handbook for becoming a Spy or working in the Intelligence field"

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wed Dec 02, 2009

On Today's Show

Talkback Wed 2 Dec 09
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Julia Seymour Assistance Editor for The Business Media Institute "Climategate, another story the Main Stream Media doesn't want to report"

Mario H. Lopez, President of the Hispanic Leadership Fund Says' he knows, the real key for Republicans to win elections is to be whom they say they are.

Jim Kouri , Vice President of the National Association of Chiefs of Police " Last nights speech Obama and Afghan, also U.S. Jihadist travel to Somalia for terror training "