Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wed July 1, 2009

Talkback Wed 1 July 09 Guest CRNtalk.com
Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PT

Wayne Root 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate. His new book will be released on July 20th entitled, “The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts!” Wayne is Talking about Sotomayor's comments about her "superior" ability as a female Hispanic judge were racist. And that her ruling against white firefighters in Hartford, CT was reverse racism, and showed her true colors

Tony Dolz Proponent for THE CALIFORNIA TAXPAYER PROTECTION ACT OF 2010 " The Taxpayers Revolution A statewide ballot initiative to help resolve state of California budget crisis by ending state benefits to those here unlawfully.

Devvy Kidd News with views.com "CAP & TRADE RAPE PASSED - WHAT MUST BE DONE NEXT

Monday, June 29, 2009

Tue Jun 30, 2009


Talkback Guest Tues 30 June 09 CRNtalk.com
Chuck Wilder Noon-2 PM PT
Matt Cover CNSNews.com "The Congressional Budget Office Ignores the Economic Impact of the Democrats’ Climate Bill"

Ron Cruse author Lies, Bribes & Peril:Talks about North Korea is now warning the world to stay out of part of its eastern waters The clashes between the police and protesters in Iran The arrest, conviction and sentencing of two American journalists in North Korea

Brion Mc Clanahan Author of The Politically Incorrect Guide™ to the Founding Fathers, McClanahan provides undeniable evidence that our Founders understood their job was to protect America first.He says our Founding Fathers would look at President Barack Obama’s first 100 days as president and do the exact opposite to solve the problems of today and ensure America’s continued greatness.

Lou Illar Author of " Believe me our your lying eyes "A History of Casinos' ,Corruption and Charities in America"He says "If you're going to lose your money, it's a lot more entertaining to do it in Las Vegas or Atlantic City than in General Motors stock!"

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Mon Jun 29, 2009

Talkback Guest Mon 29 June 09 CRNtalk.com
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PT

Mike Cutler Center for Immigration Studies, Senior Fellow Writer for CAPS, News With Views and Former Agent with INS Will talk about The summit on immigration, Where Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), chairman of Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Refugees, issued a seven point plan for reforming America’s immigration policies. Unfortunately, the plan is short on details and even shorter on protections of the vital interests of the American people.

John Le Boutillier From "Boots Blast" His latest "The Honey Moon Begins to Wind Down, President Obama after his first One Hundred Days"

Amy Menefee Policy Advisor for Patients United Now On ABC’s infomercial for Obamacare. He said that “a way to save healthcare costs is to abandon the sort of care that ‘evidence shows is not necessarily going to improve’ the patient’s health.”What does this mean?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Fri Jun 26, 2009

Talkback Guest Fri 26 June 09 CRNtalk.com with Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Rick Oltman Media Director for CAPS , Californians for Population Stabilization
San Francisco Dist. Atty. Kamala Harris, now a candidate for California's top law enforcement post. Has been allowing illegal immigrants to stay out of prison by training them for jobs they cannot legally hold.
also an update on E-Verify

Jim Kouri vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and he's a staff writer for the New Media Alliance In addition, he's the new editor for the House Conservatives Fund's weblog also Examiner.com Some of the topics we will be discussing are: Hezbollah supporter in N.J. headed for prison, Mexican Mafia murders 3-week old baby, Atty. General issues FBI Guidelines and Drug Smuggling Ring uses Surboards

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Thu June 25, 2009

Talkback Thurs 25 June 09 CRNtalk.com
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PT

Edwin Mora CNS News.com "Less than 24% of the guns seized last year by Mexican authorities, mostly from drug trafficking organizations, were traced back to the U.S, according to data released in a report by the Government Accountability Office

Jennifer Rubin Washington D.C Editor for Pajamas' Media "EXCLUSIVE" The U.S. Justice Department to Participate in Islamic Society Convention, with ties to Hamas

Frosty Wooldridge Author of America on the Brink The Next Added 100 Million Americans, the effects of mass immigration on our populations future and our social systems.

Debi Devens Organizer for another Tea Party Patriots Event " We the People . Take back our Country" This Tea Party will be in Southern California in the Los Angeles area , La Canada next Friday July 3 at the Jeffers Estate 1823 Foothill Blvd. This is just one of the thousands of Tea Parties planned for the 4 th of July weekend all across America .

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wed June 24, 2009

Talkback Guest Wed 24 June 09 CRNtalk.com with Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

George Allen Former Governor Spokesperson for the Institute For Energy Research " The good news is the Waxman-Markey cap and trade bill is in trouble, Bas News Gas Prices are on the Rise"

Glenn Spencer Founder/ President of the American Patrol.com " His Encounter with Alleged Killer Shawna Ford "

Vincent J Cannato Author AMERICAN PASSAGE: The History of Ellis Island. the first complete history of this important national site, outlining the remarkable saga of America’s landmark port of entry, from immigration post to deportation center to mythical icon.

Jed Babbin Editor of Human Events Magazine "
Obama’s Phony Iran Dilemma Sorry, Mr. President. Ali Khamenei is your enemy and you can’t charm that snake.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Tue Jun 23, 2009

Talkback Tuesday 23 June 09 CRNtalk.com with Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Fred Lucas - " Inspector General Fired by Obama wants Congressional Hearing on His case"

Rebecca Hagelin Author of "30 Ways in 30 Days to save your Family" The truth behind the internet and the Dangers to Teens"

Alan Gottlieb Publisher of Gun Week . He is the Chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, serves on the Board of Directors of the American Conservative Union, President of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, President of the American Political Action Committee and President of NoInternetTax.org" Barack H. Obama and Congress pushing through Bans on Guns and Gun Shows"

Jerome R Corsi WND and Author " Showdown with Nuclear Iran" co/author of "Atomic Iran" and coming soon "Why Israel Can't Wait: The Coming War Between Israel and Iran"

Friday, June 19, 2009

Mon Jun 22, 2009

TALKBACK MONDAY JUNE 22 CRNtalk.com with Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Dr. Kenneth Skelton,Race Relations Expert, an African American himself, is author of Why They Just Can’t Get Over It, and comments on the latest racially motivated crimes, news, and why some people can’t let go of the past.

Mark Boal a journalist that was embedded with one of the War bomb disposal units. He saw them in action first hand and decided to write a script that has now been turned into The Hurt Locker – a dramatic motion picture to be released at the end of this Month

Peter Ferrara General Counsel of ACRU The American Civil Rights Union "The CIA Memos find no approval of Torture" The first independent legal analysis of the Bush Administration’s “torture” memos shows that they carefully followed US law and provided for reasonable interrogation of some of the world’s most dangerous terrorists.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fri Jun 19, 2009

Talkback Friday 19 June 09 CRNtalk.com with Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Brad Dacus President of The Pacific Justice Institute " Critics of Federal Hate Crime Bill Dispute Attorney General Holders Link Between Recent Killings"

Steve Eichler Executive Director of Jim Gilchrist Minuteman Project Discussing Alleged Killer Shawna Ford and her past connections to the Minutemen.

Rob Roselli to discuss this dark side of the modern environmental movement, that according to Rob, has much more to do with Ancient pagan religions than sound science and that its effects on the environment are usually negative.

Frank Miniter Just in time for Fathers Day, He is the Author of " The Ultimate Mans Survival guide , how every Dad can be the Ultimate Man"

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thu June 18, 2009

Talkback Thurs 18 June 09 CRNtalk.com with Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Jim Clymer National Chairman for The Constitution Party "The Constitution Party National Committee has unanimously passed a resolution urging the U.S. Senate to deny the confirmation of President Obama’s pick for the Supreme Court, 2nd Cir. Appeals Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor.

Randy Skoglund Executive Director Of Americans For Technology "The I.R.S. is going to start taxing your Work Cell Phones, Also How Much of your Email is the Government Reading?"

Brigitte Gabriel New York Times best Selling Author of "They Must Be Stopped" and President of ACT , dedicated to educating millions of uninformed citizens about the threat of Radical Islam. Brigitte escape Palestinian Jihadis trying to kill her and her Family ,She is now one of the top leading experts on Global Islamic Terrorism.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wed June 17, 2009

Talkback Wed 17 June 09 CRNtalk.com with Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Byron York National Review On Line Magazine . He broke the story on the White House Firing Americorps Inspector General Gerald Walpin Who Was Investigating Stimulus Money

Janice Kephart Center for Immigration Studies and also with 9-11 Security Solutions. Com " Homeland Security want's to repeal the 2005 Secure Drivers License Law"

Dr. Walid Phares a senior fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies where he focuses on Middle East history and politics, global terrorist movements, democratization and human rights. Dr. Phares also leads the foundation's Future of Terrorism Project, He will be talking about the recent Iran elections.

Chelsa Schilling Reporter for World Net Daily " The Independence Day -Tea Party -Tally Explodes"

Monday, June 15, 2009

Tue Jun 16, 2009

Talkback Tues 16 June 09 CRNtalk.com with Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Rob Sanchez Job Destruction Newsletter / Vdare "the lobbying campaign for more H-1Bs and more offshoring to India is getting underway. An event called the "Synergies Summit" will be held in Washington DC on June 16-17.

Col John D. Folsom (USMC) Head of Wounded Warriors Support" (www.woundedwarriorsfamilysupport.org) helping to mitigate the families’ trauma by allowing them to find peace and solace in family-friendly resorts provided free of charge.

David Hagberg and Yvonne Bornstein . David's new book "Burned" Takes the true story and brings it to dramatic life inspired by businesswoman Yvonne Bornstein who was kidnapped in Russia in 1992 by Islamic Terrorist"

Friday, June 12, 2009

Mon Jun 15, 2009

Talkback Monday June 15
Chuck Wilder 12- 2 PM PT CRNtalk.com

Steve Emerson Family Security Matters He Is An Internationally Recognized Expert on Terrorism" Arkansas Shooters' Connections To Extremist"

Tim Phillips President Of Americans For Prosperity "The Real State Of The Unemployment Situation in the Country"

Don Collins Writer with Vdare.Com " California is dying , and it's the Canary In
Americas' Immigration Coal Mind"

Rees Lloyd Civil Rights Attorney, Former Attorney for the ACLU also Director of Veterans Memorials Project for American Legion Department of California" The ACLU wants to tear down another cross, and speaking about the upcoming 2009 California American Legion Convention, first time ever being dedicated to a single Legionnaire

Mon Jun 15, 2009

Talkback Monday June 15
Chuck Wilder 12- 2 PM PT CRNtalk.com

Steve Emerson Family Security Matters He Is An Internationally Recognized Expert on Terrorism" Arkansas Shooters' Connections To Extremist"

Tim Phillips President Of Americans For Prosperity "The Real State Of The Unemployment Situation in the Country"

Don Collins Writer with Vdare.Com " California is dying , and it's the Canary In
Americas' Immigration Coal Mind"

Rees Lloyd Civil Rights Attorney, Former Attorney for the ACLU also Director of Veterans Memorials Project for American Legion Department of California" The ACLU wants to tear down another cross, and speaking about the upcoming 2009 California American Legion Convention, first time ever being dedicated to a single Legionnaire

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fri Jun 12, , 2009

Talkback 12 June Friday CRNtalk.com with Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Ron De Jong Director of Grassfire.org "Group opposing Presidents Closed Door meeting this Month on Immigration Reform"

Charles Limandri Attorney for Miss California Carrie Prejean "Fired From the Miss USA Pageant" Just cause?? Or Cause the Gays got their way??

General Jerry Curry Author of " From Private to General" His expertise on North Korea "A Lethal Bully With A Nuclear Hammer"

Amy Menefee With Patients United Now "Obama's Campaign Health Care Lies"

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thu June 11, 2009

Talkback 11 June 09 CRNtalk.com with Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST

Dr. Sean Gabb is a VDARE.com columnist, writer, academic, broadcaster and Director of the Libertarian Alliance in England. He is also the author of Cultural Revolution, Culture War: How Conservatives Lost England, and How to Get It Back."European election results deliver sharp rebuke to Left Wing and Socialist Government"

Also I will be covering a soon to be released News story "U.S. Technology Being used Against U.S. Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan"

Robert Liparulo Author of "Deadlock" The Inside Story of a U.S. Privatized Army"

Mario H Lopez President of the Hispanic Leadership Fund " Hispanic Defections Swing Majority Of New York Senate to the G.O.P. "

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wed June 10, 2009

Talkback CRNtalk.com with Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST
Matt Cover CNS NEWS.COM " Obama's Government Owned Health Care"

Roger Simon Hollywood Screen Writer and CEO Of Pajama's Media "
Obama is dead wrong on Islam"

Lt . Col. Christopher Hatley - "Provide For The Common Defence" (the fence)
"The biggest threat to Americas safety and sovereignty is Mexico"

Bob Chapman Founder and editor of The International Forecaster: information on business, finance , economics and social and political issues worldwide.
" The appointed Car Czar is trying to Carjack GM'S Pension Fund"

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tue Jun 9, 2009

CRNtalk.com with Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST
Dave Gibson Writer for The Examiner.Com and The American Chronicles "Sanctuary Cities put Americans in Grave Danger"

Tom De Weese President of the American Policy Center "The Coming Communist -American Auto Industry, Do you remember the Yugo"?

Bill Gheen President of ALIPAC "Americans for Legal Immigration" California Governor say's He is Happy about Illegal Aliens: Cost .6 Billion Dollars a year.. And Taking Farm and Housing Jobs"

Friday, June 5, 2009

Mon Jun 8, 2009

CRNtalk.com with Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST
Brett Mc Mahon Vice President for Business Development of Miller Long Inc. "Government Motors formerly General Motors and the effect on the Employee Free Choice Act"

Tom Fittion President of Judicial Watch "Obama's Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor's Radical Connections to the Puerto Rican Legal Defense Fund(PRLDF)"

Jim Kouri Vice President of the National Association of Police Officers" Acts of Violence in America go under the Radar and Radical Islam A History Lesson for President Obama"

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fri Jun 5, , 2009

CRNtalk.com with Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST
Jon Christian Ryter his Internet website, Jon Christian Ryter's Conservative World, has helped him establish a network of mid-to senior-level Washington insiders who now provide the writer with a steady stream of material to use both in his books and in the investigative reports found on his website." Prosecutors dismiss case against Black Panthers voter intimidation against whites, also Sotomayor and Bush, what you don't know"

Warren Kozak Author of " General Curtis Le May" A look at the life of one of our most influential yet misunderstood generals in history"

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Thu June 4, 2009

CRNtalk.com with Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST (6-4-09)

Phil Kerpen Director of Policy for Americans for Prosperity "Talks about the General Motors Bankruptcy and fears that it could lead to the Europeanization of the U.S. economy"

Melissa Hanson Director of Communications and Public Education for the Parents Television Council " Nudity, Profanity and the over the top stunt involving rapper Eminem on the MTV Movie Awards, Plus the new Award "What the F" all rated TV 14"

Brad O'Leary Author of Shut Up America the end of free speech Talking about the latest Zogby / O'Leary poll on : Environment, Stimulus and Bailout for Minority-Owned Radio Stations"

Mike Cutler From the Center for Immigration Studies , and News With Views.Com "Mexico is under siege, 10 Mayors and other officials detained "

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wed June 3, 2009

CRNtalk.com with Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST
Roy Beck President of Numbers USA
"Senator Schumer (D-NY) falsely claims that Mexican Border is secure

Seaton Motley - The Media Research Center
" Nearly 400,000 calls and faxes go to Pelosi and Reid to demand a vote on The Broadcaster Freedom Act"

Chris Slattery - Founder of EMC
Expectant Mother Care Frontline Pregnancy Centers
"Tiller killed in Church, What's next"?

Richard Spencer Editor of Takimag.Com
" A look at America's Wise
Latina Lady Sotomayor"

Monday, June 1, 2009

Tue Jun 2, 2009

CRNtalk.com with Chuck Wilder Noon - 2 PM PST
James Gilchrist Founder of the Minutemen Project " Drug Cartels use Kids to Breach U.S. Border, also Census Feud over the Counting of Illegal Immigrants"

Leo Thorsness Medal Of Honor Winner and Author of " Surviving Hell: A POW'S Journey" What The "Real" meaning of torture is .