Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fri May 1, 2009


Attorney Brian Rooney - Thomas More Law Center
Jerry Oppenheimer - "Toy Monster"

Wed Apr 29, 2009


Nicholas Ballasy CNS News Video Reporter
Soros Says Cheney's Role in Interrogation Techniques Should Be Examined

Kevin "Coach"Collins - "Blood of our Future"
Since the seventh century, the Islamist movement has aimed to convert the world to Islam or enslave those who resist their religious practice. The Islamists goal is a painful death for anyone who resists them. They want to end the world with a nuclear war that will kill every person on earth and bring about Judgment Day at the same moment. In their demented view, they will be saved and infidels will be condemned to hell. In this plan, every American is a target for death whether they had knowledge it or not. Only two countries (America and her strongest ally, Israel) stand in the way of the Islamist s dreams of ending the free and democratic world. In a top secret joint operation, America s President and Israel s Prime Minister plan to crush the Islamist before they can attack the free world. They develop a first-strike, all-out-war plan to trick the terrorist enemies out of the jihad war they want to fight and into a war that America can t and won t lose. Operation Sucker Punch, the code name for America s action, is the kind of ruthless, swift and hard hitting attack every American who loves his/her country has been anxiously awaiting. It is filled with examples of American courage and ingenuity that have made America the world s leading Super Power. In the pages of BLOOD FOR OUR FUTURE, we finally see an American President who is willing to unleash the full, awesome power of our military might. This is a story of America that will be deeply satisfying to anyone who loves our country and wants to fight to keep it free.

Paul Cicio President "Industrial Energy Consumers of America"
IECA is a 501 (C) (6) nonprofit member-led organization created to promote the interests of manufacturing companies for which the availability, use and cost of energy, power or feedstock play a significant role in their ability to compete in domestic and world markets.IECA was founded on the belief that a robust, diverse and affordable supply of energy is required to sustain economic growth, quality of life for our citizens, and the competitiveness of industry

Dr. James Ehrlick - Boston University School of Medicine
"It is easier to Prevent Disease than to Cure it"

Monday, April 27, 2009

Tue April 28, 2009


Roger Kimball is President and Publisher of Encounter Books.
He is also an art critic for the London Spectator and National Review. He is the author, most recently, of The Rape of the Masters: How Political Correctness Sabotages Art (Encounter Books, 2004). Mr. Kimball is also the author of Art’s Prospect: The Challenge of Tradition in an Age of Celebrity (Ivan R. Dee, 2003), Lives of The Mind: The Use and Abuse of Intelligence from Hegel to Wodehouse (Ivan R. Dee, 2002), Experiments Against Reality: The Fate of Culture in the Postmodern Era (Ivan R. Dee, 2000), The Long March: How the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s Changed America (Encounter Books, 2000), and Tenured Radicals: How Politics Has Corrupted Our Higher Education (HarperCollins, 1990). A new edition of Tenured Radicals, revised and expanded, was published by Ivan R. Dee, in 1998. Mr. Kimball lectures widely, has appeared on numerous television and radio programs, and has contributed to many publications here and in England, including The New Criterion, The Times Literary Supplement, Modern Painters, Literary Review, The Wall Street Journal, The Public Interest, Commentary, The Spectator, The New York Times Book Review, The Sunday Telegraph, The American Spectator, The Weekly Standard, First Things, American Outlook, Crisis, National Review, and The National Interest. On assuming the role of publisher at Encounter Books, Mr. Kimball said: “I look forward to building on the superb foundation created by Peter Collier. By moving to New York, Encounter Books has positioned itself to play an even greater role in the intellectual and cultural life of America. At a moment when many publishers have forsaken serious non-fiction for the ephemeral and merely trendy, Encounter Books will continue to seek out and publish books that engage, illuminate, admonish, and inform.”

William Gheen President ALIPAC "Americans for legal immigration"

Dr Cass Ingram author, leading expert on health and disease "Swine flu and you"

Keith Code from the Foundation for a drug free world.
"50% of American school children have tried drugs, will yours?

Nicholas Ballasy, www.cnsnews.com Reporter

Mon Apr 27, 2009


Nicholas Guarigila - Pajamasmedia Foreign Policy
Nicholas Guariglia is an expert on national security, foreign affairs, and national defense (Mideast geopolitics). He is a foreign policy analyst and columnist for Pajamas Media and Hudson NY, and a contributing editor for Family Security Matters. He is a graduate of the John C. Whitehead School of Diplomacy and International Relations at Seton Hall University, where he is studied U.S. foreign policy.

Rob Sanchez - CAPS writer " Job Destruction Newsletter"
The newsletters are available as a public service at no cost. To be on the mailing list, click on mail icon below and put SUBSCRIBE in the subject window. This mailing list is not shared with anyone else because your privacy is respected. It's not required, but I would like to know your city, state, and zip code so that demographic studies can be done in the future

Lawrence K. Samuels "What's Wrong With Banning Black Cars"
When a proposal to ban black-painted cars was revealed in March of 2009, the blogosphere and talk radio buzzed with cries of "outrageous." The California Legislature, under the auspices of the California Air Resource Board, pushed to reduce auto emissions by controlling the color of vehicles. Because black paint encourages heat absorption, any reflective material painted over dark-hued cars would likely fail to stop reflective heat, violating the 2006 California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32). And since black is the second most popular color for cars, the opposition was intense. In the face of angry voters, the eco-bureaucrats naturally back-pedaled on this unpopular provision.